This sudden motion of the great winged man–made bird so terrified the ponies of the rebels, for a detachment of the revolutionists they were, that the little creatures became uncontrollable and dashed off in every direction.
On the plain he could see the detachment of revolutionaries galloping about trying in vain to reform their disorganized ranks.
His offer was that we should fly with Denikin's army for a few weeks and help to organize the Flying Corps, after which we could proceed by aeroplane to some Allied detachment in Siberia.
The Saturnalia was due to begin in three days' time, when the first Austro-Hungarian detachment landed to restore order, in response to the Ukrainian Provisional Government's invitation.
Without being influenced by its unsavouriness, I felt not the least desire for the greasy liquid, the small loaf of bread being quite enough food for the day in my then state of unreal detachment from bodily needs and sensations.
A detachment of cannibals that he came across he also enlisted, drilled, and trained, and turned into first-rate soldiers.
In February, 1873, the Mayro, with a detachment of the Commission on board, was dispatched from Iquitos, with orders to await at the mouth of the Pachitea river the coming of the Tambo.
The Charleston navaldetachment was ordered to co-operate with the Army as a body of infantry, and was assigned to duty with General Hoke's division, of which it formed the extreme right, resting on Cape Fear river.
In the autumn of 1724 this distrust had augmented to a conviction that the Abnaquis had resolved on the extermination of the white race, and a detachment of soldiers ascended the Kennebeck.
One day a detachment of two hundred Banacs visited the camp of the Flat Heads, and after smoking with them returned to their encampment.
If the band of the latter meets a detachment of Flat Heads, of equal or superior numbers, they forthwith appear disposed for peace, unfurl a standard, and present a pipe, in token of friendship.
Tomorrow, at sunrise, a detachment of a thousand white soldiers will leave Valdivia to conduct the prisoner Bustamente to Santiago.
A strong detachment had, in the meantime, cleared the ford, and fell upon them with the utmost fury.
He had a personal detachment enabling him, even in moments of emotional high-pressure, to get a fairly clear view of his feelings, and he was sincerely surprised by the disturbance which the sight of the Sabrina had produced in him.
It was from her that he inherited his detachment from the sumptuary side of life: the stoic's carelessness of material things, combined with the Epicurean's pleasure in them.
With his steely calm, with his imperturbable detachment from weak humanity, he ought to have been a General of the Order of Jesuits.
One detachment of thirty-five cavalry and a few mounted infantry was commanded by Captain William J.
In twelve minutes a seconddetachment of soldiers was on the run, from the fort for the battle; wagons and ambulances and more men followed; and soon only one hundred and nineteen men remained.
An American detachment was surprised and captured.
Colonel Carrington left a detachment here at the Powder River, to build a better Fort Reno.
Altogether the detachment numbered seventy-nine officers and men, and two scouts named Wheatley and Fisher.
Presently a courier from the seconddetachment galloped headlong in.
He had learned that the column across from him was equal to his own force, and that another detachment of it was hurrying on its trail.
For I should state that an insurrection, headed by Don Francisco Sanchez, had broken out in the upper portion of California some time towards the last of December, which had been put down by a detachment of marines and volunteers.
The battalion of each presidio is made up of eighty or more horse soldiers, called cuera; besides these, it has a number of auxiliary troops and a detachment of artillery.
The solidarity of the nobility, its very detachment from the popular interest, was its main source of strength.
Dooming himself to a sordid seclusion, the king solaced his gloomy leisure with pursuits that had perhaps become habitual during his early detachment from affairs.
A British detachment from Detroit, advanced near fifty miles south of that place, and fortified themselves on the Miami of the lakes.
A detachment of a hundred commenced a false attack on the south-east angle, with a view to draw the whole attention of the garrison to that point.
I glance at this question rather to express a detachment than a view.
In contemporary life the existing ties are so various and so imperative that the detachment necessary as a preliminary condition to such new groupings is rarely found.
There sets out to-morrow morning, by the Southampton wagon, such a cargo of trees for you, that a detachment of Kentishmen would be furnished against an invasion if they were to unroll the bundle.
Passing Colonel Oldham's tent, Slough stopped and informed that officer of the detachment and its mission.
Posey was one of the detachment which pushed forward in the December snow to St. Clair's slaughter-ground and erected there the most advanced of the chain of forts between the Ohio and Maumee.
Detachment was that he was a Traitor, he beged that he might be suffered to go some distance into a plain that was in full view to try to make some discovery whether or not he was right.
He then directed Muzio to lead on a detachment of twenty men, with a swift rush, upon the enemy, promising to follow quickly.
Close by, a detachment of National Guards from Chollett had visited the chateau of Maulevrier.
Just as the army was starting one of the boys returned, and said that a party of twelve cavalry, and a detachment of infantry, had just entered the chateau of Crilloire.
Coustard saw that it must be recaptured, as the town was now open to the enemy; and ordered a detachment of cuirassiers, commanded by Colonel Weissen, to carry the bridge.
A detachment of Republicans hurried to attack them; but the Loir, an affluent of the Loire, was narrow, and the musketry fire of the main body drove them away, until two or three hundred men had crossed.
Mr. Bartlett immediately sent a detachment up to the place to disperse the men.
Then the guns would have to be abandoned, sometimes for hours, until a detachment of infantry had been brought up and transformed into beasts of burden by being yoked to them, when the sluggish march of the artillery would be recommenced.
At the dawn of day they resumed their march, and in about two hours St. Just's eyes were gladdened by the sight of a detachment of French infantry mounted on camels en route for Suez.
Tochtepec, a considerable town on the river of Papaloapan, in which Salcedo and a detachment of 80 Spaniards were entirely cut off.
Crossing this by means of double canoes, they proceeded through several villages to Iquinapa, where my detachment rejoined the army.
Spaniards to Nauhtlan, a city on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, thirty-six miles north of Villa Rica, which was governed by Quauhpopoca for Montezuma, and by whom the Mexican detachment was commanded by which Escalente was defeated.
He sent therefore a strong detachment of fifteen horse and two hundred infantry under Sandoval and De Lugo, with orders to drive the Mexicans from that part of the country, and to open a clear communication with Villa Rica.
Soon after his return, Cortes sent Sandoval with a detachmentto the assistance of the country around Quauhnahuac, or Cuernabaca.
On my return, Rangel called me aside, and informed me that his council had determined on a retreat, and desired me to persuade the rest of the detachment to come into that opinion.
We marched from Cholula in our usual compact order, prepared for whatsoever might befal, sending out patroles of our cavalry by threes in front, supported by a detachment of light infantry as an advanced guard.
After having marched for five days through the country in various directions, the detachmentreturned to the river Chila, and Cortes again summoned the the country to submission.
For this purpose he sent a detachment of two hundred veterans, among whom were twenty horsemen, and twelve armed with crossbows, under the command of Sandoval, who had likewise along with him a strong detachment of Tlascalans.
Moreover, the other three rejoined the detachment after dark.
You know I remained behind amongst the trees with three others to keep the enemy back while the detachment was running away!
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "detachment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.