I received the volume soon after my establishment at Mont Louis, and found the articles to be written with much art and address, and worthy of the pen whence it proceeded.
The volume of Anglia containing the ballad was not published till 1903, some five years after Professor Child's death; and I believe he would have included it in his collection had he known of it.
Warned by these wise words, we may, perhaps, select the following ballads from the present volume as 'historical, or at least founded on actual occurrences.
I A comparison of the first two ballads in this volume will show the latitude with which it is possible for an historical incident to be treated by tradition.
Many such legends, though the number is lessening daily, are still preserved, and an amusing volume might be made of these unappropriated wanderers that possess neither a local habitation nor a name.
A more detailed account of this transaction will be found in the first volume of our present series, in the tradition relating to "The Pile of Fouldrey.
The stepping-stones are alluded to in our first volume as the place where King Henry VI was taken, after escaping from Waddington Hall.
She tapped first upon the door, which she slowly opened, and beheld the good man with the sacred volume spread out before him.
A review in The Times, even unfavourable, is supposed by publishers to ensure a second edition, but The Times does not stoop to single volume novels.
The first morning he went a shooting, and returning about noon, enquired of Sandford, who was sitting in the room, if he had taken up a volume of plays left upon the table.
We left Lady Elmwood in the last volume at the summit of human happiness; a loving and beloved bride.
It was in fact a Sunday-school prize that now lay on the night-stand, in what the sober volume presented to a pious little girl must have thought strange company.
She went to take a specimen from the bookcase, a white parchment volume with gold tooling, a crimson fleur-de-lys painted on the front cover.
A similar volume had been stuffed into each of Gerald's overcoat pockets.
Accompanying Fulton to the sidewalk, he climbed into the automobile and, in a few minutes, was in the library asking for the first volume of the last edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
Footnote 18: The evolution of Ypres from a feudal tower on an island until it became a great fortress can be traced in a very interesting volume of maps and plans published by M.
A school and a penitentiary drew their water-supply from the same power-flume, carrying a superb volume of purest water from a mountain stream.
Practically every one with whom you converse, every popular volume of curiosities which you pick up, is ready to relate one or more instances of such an event.
But for one thing he is to be thanked, namely the inclusion in his volumeof a short sketch of Romney’s professional career by John Flaxman, R.
Then Nelly came out and sang a melody that all were familiar with, being assisted by the audience in the chorus, until Mrs. Green was obliged to cover her ears with her hands, lest the great volume of music should give her a headache.
Their 'illuyim (prodigies) might furnish ample material for more than one volume of les enfants célèbres.
But there is a limit beyond which muscle, whether that of the arm or cheek, can no further go, without too great an expenditure of force in proportion to the volume of noise attainable.
Poems for Pale People A Volumeof Verse By Edwin C.
Now I am going one step further and will positively state that the writer of this volume is the greatest poetical genius who has not yet died in infancy.
That masterpiece of nonsense "Alice In Wonderland" and its companion volume "Through The Looking Class" are absurd books, but their very absurdity is what appeals to us most.
Each volume contains an artistic coloured frontispiece and a decorative title-page.
The binding is specially neat and tasteful, and there is a choice of three distinct styles of cloth and leather bindings, at from 2/- each volume net.
It was quite natural that this volume should be in that primitive household; for, at that time, Pope was more widely read, admired, and quoted than any other writer either of poetry or prose.
Look at history," he exclaimed, "look at the great volume of human nature.
At the end of each volume will be found a careful explanation of references, giving the full title of the work cited, together with the name of the author or editor, and a designation of the edition used.
It is likely that he carried to his Blue Ridge dwelling an occasional Fairfax volume carefully selected for its usefulness in developing his own as well as his children's minds.
His father must have kept, for the time being, the Blackstone purchased in 1772, although the volume later turned up in Marshall's possession.
In this way the time wore on till Tina heard the sound of voices along the passage, and became conscious that the volume of Tillotson had slipped on the floor.
It is from this final short list that the stories reprinted in this volume have been selected.
It is accordingly my privilege this year to associate the present volumewith the name of Benjamin Rosenblatt, who has contributed in "Zelig" a noble addition to American literature.
It is my wish annually to dedicate whatever there may be of faith and hope in each volume to the writer of short stories whose work during the year has brought to me the most definite message of idealism.
It is my faith and hope that this annual volume of mine may do something toward disengaging the honest good from the meretricious mass of writing with which it is mingled.
I went to a shelf of the library in which we were talking and took down a volume in which I found a picture of St. Michael in full armor.
He sold the books for a price per volume about equal to our fifty cents, so that few scholars were too poor to buy.
This belief proved true in the end, as may be learned in the next volume of this series, to be entitled "Ruth Fielding Down in Dixie; Or, Great Days in the Land of Cotton.
In one we use a known volume of recent broth culture of an organism grown under specified conditions.
It is believed that the volume of water pressing down upon any given area beneath it weakens the vitality of certain microbes.
Each volume of the series will treat some department of science with reference to the most recent advances, and will be contributed by an author of acknowledged authority.
Adding a small quantity of antiseptic to a large volume of fluid or solid is as useless as pouring a small quantity of antiseptic down a sewer with the idea that such treatment will disinfect the sewage.
After a month's growth the culture is sterilised, filtered, concentrated, and mixed with an equal volume of a .
The Book of Common Prayer is the volume in which the various services were gathered together for common use.
This increased in volume to a din as Mr. Jephson swiftly tore the paper wrappings from one of the packages that he had lifted out.
That first volume detailed how the two young men served aboard the "Sunbeam," the motor yacht of a Boston broker, and how the boys aided the Government officers in solving the mystery of Smugglers' Island.