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Example sentences for "interlude"

Lexicographically close words:
interlocutory; interlocutress; interloper; interlopers; interloping; interludes; intermarriage; intermarriages; intermarried; intermarry
  1. My sense of loneliness is increased during this interlude by the better social success of the botanist.

  2. But this is the place for a brief interlude of pessimism.

  3. Here a little prehistoric interlude noted by the writer, or by an author whom he quotes, gives a valuable clue not often attended to.

  4. Then, the "Comedy of Errors" was acted as an after-supper interlude at Gray's Inn.

  5. When he first wrote for the stage, plays needed to have in them all that the taste of the day demanded in the way of comic interlude and music.

  6. From this time until the introduction of Buddhism in the sixth century, an interlude known as the Mound Tomb era, the arts of Japan blossomed, producing some of the finest sculpture in the ancient world.

  7. I was wrong; believe me that I did not mean that it was a mere interlude to me.

  8. It is no interlude to me,--it is tragical.

  9. The interlude was all too short, the signal came and she sprang up and poised herself mechanically.

  10. The steeds of the general company went at whatever pace they chose and in what direction they saw fit, and occasionally two or three got wedged together in some narrow place and there was an interlude of kicking and squealing.

  11. When the music stopped there was another interlude of supper.

  12. There was an interlude of tenderness in the music.

  13. If we regret that the author lingered too long in his imitation of the Pifferari of the Roman campagna, on the other hand, we are delighted by the symphonic interlude Les Bergers à la Crèche.

  14. It is surprising that this interlude does not appear in the repertoire of all concerts.

  15. In the Interludes the realism of the Moralities became still more pronounced, so that the typical Interlude is nothing more than a coarse farce, with no pretense at religious or ethical meaning.

  16. The name Interlude denotes literally 'a play between,' but the meaning intended (between whom or what) is uncertain.

  17. But just as in the case of the Mystery and the Morality, the Interlude developed out of the Morality, and the two cannot always be distinguished, some single plays being distinctly described by the authors as 'Moral Interludes.

  18. Reproaches made an interlude to caresses, which the noble lover by no means admired.

  19. By way of interlude to this pleasing occupation, they stripped him of the very few things that in his change of dress he had retained.

  20. If you do not happen to be hungry, this is only a delightful interlude in the incessant rush of modern life, but if perchance Nature has endowed you with a moderate appetite, that one hour seems incurably long.

  21. This, I suppose, is merely a nocturnal interlude to break the monotony of life in a country which boasts no burglars.

  22. Thus to the four chief actors in the politico-religious drama, soon to be enacted as an interlude to an eighty years' war, were assigned parts at first sight inconsistent with their private convictions.

  23. V The week's interlude over, Mary's days reverted to their monotonous tenor.

  24. During this interlude the Byrds were silent, Stefan hugely entertained, Mary beginning to feel a slight antagonism toward this super-casual dressmaker.

  25. It was seen that she had changed her dress--this done during the interlude of supper--and was now in the costume of a Carib queen, short skirt and low boddice.

  26. No doubt the little interlude would have led to some speech about it, between the chief actors in the more serious encounter it recalled, but for something at that moment seen by them, turning their thoughts into a new channel.

  27. There was a short interlude between the two women.

  28. In another interlude a few minutes later Louie had invented a fictitious name.

  29. At that moment William appeared with the fish, Charliewood having rung for him at the psychological moment, knowing that the little interlude would give his guest time to collect his thoughts.

  30. It was a little pleasant and very human interlude in the middle of these high matters, and at that moment the great man felt that he was nearer to Marjorie than he had been before at any other moment of the afternoon.

  31. It came in as a sort of brief interlude and solo between more extensive performances.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interlude" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abeyance; act; bit; break; breath; breather; bridge; burden; cadence; caesura; chaser; chorus; coda; curtain; delay; development; divertissement; division; drop; exodus; exposition; figure; finale; halt; hesitation; holiday; interim; interlude; intermezzo; intermission; intermit; intermittence; interruption; interval; intervene; introduction; lapse; lull; measure; movement; nap; number; ornament; part; passage; pause; period; phrase; plateau; prologue; recess; refrain; relief; remission; resolution; respite; response; rest; routine; scene; section; shtick; sketch; skit; spell; stanza; statement; stay; strain; surcease; suspension; truce; turn; vacation; variation; verse