Vespucci has the assurance to talk of his astrolabe and quadrant and sea chart, and to write disparagingly of the trained pilots of whom he was jealous.
These were the quadrant and astrolabe, as known to all.
Most of the important ruins are in the northwest quadrant of the basin either in the immediate vicinity of Cuzco itself or on the "pampas" north of the city.
As a matter of fact, the cross nowy quadrant is a natural outcome of using for ornamental purposes the step-shaped design, both erect and inverted.
And in the circumference of the circle of the lucidus ignis there appeared the sixteen principal stars, four in each quadrant between the heads.
These vapours may be seen in the right upper quadrant of Plate IX.
The nude female figure in the upper left quadrant is especially striking.
The trees also in this quadrant show the effects of the ashes, two of them being denuded of fruit and foliage.
These effects are shown in the left upperquadrant of Plate IX, where the ashes are seen proceeding from the lucidus ignis, the ‘upper fiery firmament’.
This happier scene is represented in the left lower quadrantof Plate IX.
This scene is portrayed in the right lower quadrant of Plate IX.
And I," says Bill, "am going to buy a quadrant and ship for navigator of a Hingham packet!
He knew every lunar star in both hemispheres, and was a perfect master of his quadrant and sextant.
If there were three instruments and three boats, there must have been one for each, for the quadrant was just as good as a sextant.
The mistake is here again repeated; it would be absurd to suppose that one boat had both quadrant and sextant.
The projected instrument was a quadrant of fourteen cubits radius!
A quadrant of solid brass, one cubit radius, and divided into minutes by Nonian circles.
As this quadrant was fitted only to determine the altitudes of the celestial bodies, Tycho constructed a large sextant for the purpose of measuring their distances.
A quadrant of a solid plate of brass, five cubits in radius, shewing every ten seconds.
In the village of Gegginga, about half a mile to the south of the city, Paul Hainzel had a country house, the garden of which was chosen as the spot where the quadrant was to be fixed.
A geometrical square of iron, with an intercepted quadrant of five cubits, and divided into fifteen seconds.
A quadrant of four cubits radius, shewing ten seconds, with an azimuth circle.
To this pillar the quadrant was fixed in a vertical plane, and steps were prepared to elevate the observer, when stars of a low altitude required his attention.
A quadrant of one and a half cubits radius, and an azimuth circle of three cubits.
These instruments were an iron sextant, 2½ feet in diameter, and a brass azimuthal quadrant 3½ feet in diameter, both of which were divided into single minutes of a degree.
Illustration] To find the volume of a sphere, take the quadrant OPQ, in the square OPRQ.
In fact every branch of science saw a greater chance of success in the Ross quadrant than in any other region.
The first discovery of land south of the Antarctic Circle was made, namely, Peter I Island and Alexander I Land (also an island), in the American Quadrant of Antarctica.
Enderby Land was discovered south of the West Indian Ocean in the African Quadrant of Antarctica.
Jean Charcot organized and led a French expedition to the American Quadrant and there added many details to the existing chart.
Larsen, master of a Hamburg whaler, added important details to the geography of the American Quadrant of Antarctica on the western side of the Weddell Sea.
Just outside the western limit of the Australian Quadrant lies Gaussberg, discovered by a German expedition under Drygalski in 1902.
John Balleny, another of Enderby's whaling captains, discovered the Balleny Islands within the Antarctic Circle, in the Australian Quadrant of Antarctica, and gave a vague description of an appearance of land to the westward.
Evensen, master of another Hamburg whaler, brought back further information of the American Quadrant on the Pacific Ocean side.
Our course, as the map shows, was in every quadrant of the compass except the south-western.
Our course was as usual exceedingly tortuous, turning to every quadrant of the compass; and, during the last fortnight, the water-level had risen four feet.
Finally, we turn to the southeastern quadrant of the moon, represented in Lunar Chart No.
The peculiarity of the northeastern quadrant which immediately strikes the eye is the prevalence of the broad plains called Maria, or "seas.
Returning to the western side of the quadrantrepresented in Lunar Chart No.
Note: The distance of the sun and moon was taken by Mr. Green alone, my Quadrant being out of Order.
Oberiea, the Dolphin's queen, made us a Visit for the first time since the Quadrantwas Stolen.
Instruments such as these are called "Quadrant Electrometers.
Even after the Hadley quadrant came into use, time was noted by a pendulum vibrating seconds, which could not be used on ship-board.
The reflecting quadrant of Hadley was not invented until 1731 and telescopes were not used on the instruments of navigation until somewhat later.
PART I Here beginneth Chapter 3 of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Aeth," wherein is transcribed the Third Quadrant of the Twelve Mansions.
PART 1 Here beginneth Chapter 4 of the Book which is called--"The Tablets of Aeth," wherein is transcribed the Fourth Quadrant of the Twelve Mansions.
PART I Here beginneth Chapter 2 of the Book which is called "The Tablets of Aeth," wherein is transcribed the Second Quadrant of the Twelve Mansions.
He (the Sun or Savior) begins to move, and at midnight is born as the celestial Virgo is rising upon the Eastern quadrant of the skies; hence the Sun-God is born of a Virgin.
That Cantos, a single planet-colony of sixty million inhabitants, could hope to make more than minor gains in that newly settled quadrant was somewhat doubtful.
The former was the first to devise a means of graduating the quadrant by continual bisection without the aid of such a scale of equal parts as was used by Bird.
This method, which employs the common diagonal scale, was used in dividing a quadrant of 3 ft.