Bearing this in mind, and seeing that sectionalism has since arisen upon this same subject, is that warning a weapon in your hands against us, or in our hands against you?
Could Washington himself speak, would he cast the blame of that sectionalism upon us, who sustain his policy, or upon you, who repudiate it?
Has the feeling of sectionalism become stronger than love of country?
They are now determined to overthrow the narrow Bourbon sectionalismof the Democratic party.
My sympathy was with Mahone, as I felt that, whatever his view of the debt question in Virginia was, he was right on the reconstruction of the south and in opposition to the bitter sectionalism of the Democratic party in that state.
Fifth, loyalty to the Republic--for there is sectionalismin loyalty as in estrangement.
Yet after some debate he took off his coat again and announced cryptically, "After all, the one unpardonable idiocy is sectionalism of code--damn it!
One, he had lost through his own folly and her inability to free herself from the sectionalism of an inherited code.
If sectionalism be the reverse of all this, we confess that we prefer sectionalism.
Its purpose was to bind the Pacific Slope to the East in a period when sectionalism was a menace to national unity.
The sectionalism which had made a political unit of the South before the war was weakened.
The United States, by 1890, had begun to feel the influence of the agencies of communication in breaking down sectionalism and letting in the light of comparative experience.
In a world where all of the producers were organized along lines corresponding with their occupations, sectionalism would have much less chance to play a rĂ´le in the lives of the people.
One of the principal disadvantages of the present organization of society is the sectionalism arising out of the political divisions established by national boundary lines.
Even the New Englander, who was shut out from the frontier by the Middle region, tarrying in New York or Pennsylvania on his westward march, lost the acuteness of his sectionalism on the way.
Here it was that sectionalism first gave way under the pressure of unification.
But its area, its population, and its material resources would give force to its assertion that if there is a sectionalism in the country, the sectionalism is Eastern.
That extreme and tragic form of sectionalism indeed has almost engrossed the attention of historians, and it is, no doubt, the most striking and painful example of the phenomenon in our history.
Ambler who, in his Sectionalism in Virginia, has set forth in detail the differing political interests of the sections of Virginia, this author reduces it to a mere exploit on the basis that the end justified the means.
His election was indeed a triumph over the extreme sentiment of the South, and was declared by those who opposed it to involve a compromise of the exclusive sectionalism which was the basis of the new government.
Has patriotism ceased to be a virtue, and is narrow sectionalism no longer to be counted a crime?
The new larger districts were calculated to do away with some of the evils of sectionalismwhich had previously been unavoidable.
When sectionalism had brought a kindred people to blows over the institution of African slavery there were Puritans who fought on the Southern side and Cavaliers who fought on the Northern side.
Rampant sectionalism was at first kept a little in the background.
Could Washington himself speak, would he cast the blame of that sectionalismupon us, who sustain his policy, or upon you who repudiate it?
This is so because of a partisansectionalism which has nothing to do with those problems.
But the manifestations of this sectionalismproved abortive; the broad patriotism of leaders like Washington prevailed.
Schaper, Sectionalismand Representation in South Carolina (American Historical Association, Report, 1900, I.
Sectionalism had been fundamental in American history before the period which we have reached.
Nullification and an embittered sectionalism was the hateful legacy bequeathed to the republic by the tariff controversy.
The sectionalismof slavery was at last met by the sectionalism of freedom.
As the discord grew, sectionalism threw darkening and portentous shadows over the face of the Union.
The party which declares that there ought not to be any sectionalism as against slavery, has now been sundered geographically, and on this very question!
This agitation renewed the intensity and sectionalism of the then almost forgotten struggle over the admission of Missouri nearly a quarter of a century before, and which was concluded by the Missouri compromise.