The electrode connected with the zinc plate of the battery is the negative electrode or cathode, while that connected with the carbon plate is the positive electrode or anode.
Retort carbon and coke are used to make electric light carbons and battery plates, while lampblack is used for indelible inks, printer's ink, and black varnishes.
The French built Fort Imperiale on Monte Sergio and the battery on Lacroma.
The French erected a battery upon it, which was abandoned some thirty years ago.
The brain is a storage-battery made up of millions of minute cells.
Now, I am not sure but that my new storage-battery is the thing.
The corporal stood with the battery in his hand, watching through his field glasses the doings of the enemy.
Well, say, then, you take this batteryand spring it!
A machine gun battery in a strong point just ahead held out, and a trench mortar on our left supported us, and our few lads did the rest.
Every night our supports were heavily shelled; every road leading to the lines had a battery trained on it and every little while it was swept by shrapnel.
Half of our Stokes gun battery was in reserve, and the other half in the firing-line.
The evening before the big attack our artillery carried out counter-battery work, destroying as many as possible of the enemy's guns.
The whole silk-battery works at one and the same time, firing a regular volley of ribbons and sheets, which a wide movement of the legs spreads fan-wise and flings over the entangled prisoner.
An action at common law for "criminal conversation" [adultery] with the plaintiff's spouse or for assault and battery could result in an order for separation.
In 1568 were the first industrial companies: Mines Royal, and Mineral and Battery Works.
The sloop shook to the jarring report of the starboard battery a moment later, and hardly had it ceased when she came about on the other tack.
The long, thunderous bellow of the battery jarred out over the sea.
On the 18th the French destroyed a batterywhich the English had established near the river, and drove them out of a house opposite the south-east bastion.
Fort, I placed a battery of 3 guns, and worked hard at clearing out and enlarging the Ditch, but there was no time to make it of any use as a defence.
As the ships of war were what we had most to fear from, we constructed on the river bank a battery of 6 guns, four of which covered the approach to the Fort.
From the foot of the battery a bank twenty-two feet high stretching to the Fort, was begun, so as to protect the curtain on this side from the fire of the ships, but it was not finished.
One says it was stormed on the 21st, but if so the French would have been more on their guard, and would surely have strengthened the second battery in front of the Fort.
An hour later the three vessels raised their anchors, set sail, and went off after giving a parting salute to the land, which was immediately answered by the batteryat the point.
A batteryof six guns, built on an advanced point, defended the entrance of the roads.
In order to be able to overlook the field, each battery now has an observation ladder or column, of which the parts can be telescoped into short space and carried between two wheels.
Of course, we all remember how the battery was completed and put on the market.
Among the complex and numerous problems that presented themselves in the evolution of the battery was the one concerning the internal conductivity of the positive unit.
He also added a minor improvement here and there, and now we have a finer battery than we ever expected.
He explained that requirement by saying that he was going to bomb a battery of big guns.
He estimated that the battery toward which he was travelling was a mile farther.
From the Statue they walked about the Island and then took the small boat back to Battery Park.
The rebels 've got a new battery planted on the mountain," said Shorty, turning to study the smoke that drifted away, in order to get its location.
The brigade's battery was rushed up to a hill in the rear, and opened a fire on the rebel guns.
Q, which had snaked the battery out of the mudhole in a hurry, was coming on a dead run in order to be on time for the charge.
On the afternoon of the 9th of December, when our column was within fourteen miles of Savannah, our passage was disputed by a rebel battery planted at the crossing of two roads.
Finally, a locomotive was run up to the base of the mountain, when behold, a masked battery opened on it in all its fury, the engine immediately reversing its steam and running back.
When the brigade got into position, Battery I, replied with spirit to the fire of the enemy, which, by this time, had got the right range on us.
The boys could tell when this batterywould shoot, and dodge accordingly.
The enemy had a battery planted on the Lookout, at the Point of Rocks, whence he shelled us continually.
In the move of the grand army on the 7th, our division reached Tunnel Hill at noon, where the enemy made a slight resistance, and while it was getting into position, a battery played upon it from an eminence near the village.
This batterywas captured, however, having mistaken the roads and running into other of our forces.
In 1802, the Battery was the court-end of the town, and it was a good deal frequented by the better classes, particularly at the hour at which I was now about to cross it.
The larboard battery was manned, and orders had been given to see the guns on that side levelled and ready for firing.
But an American can tell an American, man or woman, as soon as he lays eyes on either; and there were few besides native girls on the Battery at the time of which I am writing.
Two days later, we took a battery close to it; and on the 28th, the formidable Erhlung became ours after a tremendous fight.
But I understood that, with the exception of silencing a new battery which the Russians had built commanding the bay, the bombardment was not attended with any very important results.
Shortly before putting to sea with the ships of war, Howe had sent a number of transports and a ship cut down as a floating battery up the Hudson, which had induced Washington to despatch troops to the Highlands.
Guns, ammunition and stores, all were carried up the hill in the night; the cannon were hauled up from tree to tree, and before morning the ground was levelled for the battery on which they were to be mounted.
From the foot of the height an intrenchment extended to the river, ending with a battery at the water edge, commanding a floating bridge.
As yet no troops were to be seen; but as one of the columns approached the redoubt on the north side, a tremendous discharge of grape-shot and musketry burst forth from the embrasures in front, and a half-masked battery on the left.
Forthwith the Hessians were seen at work throwing up a battery within half a mile of the outworks.
The battery which commanded the defile mounted two pieces of cannon.
The American frigate Delaware, stationed in the river between the upper forts and Philadelphia, had run aground before a British battery and been captured.
A battery had been thrown up near the extremity of the peninsula, to check an American battery at Horen's Hook opposite, and to command the mouth of Harlem River.
He was also captain of a gun in the naval battery established at Baton Rouge, and commanded by Lieut.
Just at that moment the fiery rocket battery near the one sausage balloon, which remained to the Germans after the anti-balloon offensive of July 4th, opened fire on us, and I had to dodge to avoid the rockets.
Then we turned left-handed, intending to make a big circuit towards the south so as to avoid passing too close to the battery which flanks the fort.
I don't think the position of this battery was known to our people, but I may be wrong, as I temporarily lost my bearings while dodging those infernal rockets.
When the battle had started the counter-battery work became our main task.
Only about half a dozen times during those three months did I have the luck to catch a German battery firing.
We then saw a sentry on one of the two battery positions which flanked the fort, and another on the top of the mound.