The good and the evil which flow from this great idea of self-development she fully realized.
I have lived a life, if only in the music I have heard, and one development seemed to follow another therein, as if bound together by destiny, and all things were done for me.
It describes thedevelopment of poetry in a mind; and with this several other developments are connected.
She had soon enough examples of the historic development of rude intellect under the first rays of culture.
Without a period of infancy, when the young is unable to do for itself, no greatdevelopment is possible.
That the canal exhibited plainly the effects of seasonal development was as unmistakable as the steps themselves were open to ambiguity.
It was also surmisable that the westernmost line was the one from which the development proceeded.
Three stages in the development were to him distinguishable: the single aspect, a short confused aspect, and the clearly dual one.
Furthermore, the developmenttook place at an approximately uniform rate.
A red star marks this maximum and shows that the time of greatest development for the three zones was respectively:-- 41 days after the summer solstice for the North Polar.
Its north and south character commends it for any investigation of canal development, since it runs in the general direction that development takes.
The kind of ending depends entirely upon the nature and the scheme of development of the story.
These are the cases in which the foetus is represented in a formless mass of tissue, or there is absence of development of important parts such as the nervous system or there is more or less extensive duplication of the body.
All malformations arise during the first six weeks of pregnancy known as the embryonic period, in which the development of the form of the child is taking place, and during which time there is little consciousness of pregnancy.
The very slight wounds produced by the exploded cap in the toy pistol give suitable conditions for the development of the bacillus which produces tetanus or lockjaw.
The development cycle within this takes a period of twelve days, which time must elapse after the mosquito has bitten before it can transmit the disease.
Injuries of tissue which are produced by the X-ray not infrequently result in tumor formation and years may elapse between the receipt of the injury and the development of the tumor.
While these sources have not been absent in the development of our civilization, the great source of energy has come from the rapid, and usually wasteful and reckless, utilization of the stored energy of the earth.
If each dialogue were confined to the development of a single idea, this would appear on the face of the dialogue, nor could any controversy be raised as to whether the Phaedrus treated of love or rhetoric.
The love of mankind may be the source of a greaterdevelopment of literature than nationality has ever been.
He had been awed enough by that development to hang back with the coffee-pot till at last the white man was induced to call him in.
He scented some new developmentat once, and ran down to meet the trotting, bear-like figure.
There was in the Press a curious reticence with regard to the development of the political situation.
For a moment the development of the situation remained uncertain.
He has discovered in the early development of the frond of ferns certain cells, which he denominates antheridia, or sperm cells; these contain in their cavity a number of subordinate cells, each containing a spermatazoon.
Blondeau propounds the view that every kind of fermentation is caused by the development of fungi.
I here may repeat that among all the poisons known, constituted as they are of various combinations of elementary matter, they are without exception destitute of the power of development or increase.
I have also discovered that the development of the cells is delayed or accelerated by the nature of the ingredient used in flavouring {115} the syrups, with other peculiarities which need not here be mentioned.
The history and symptoms of some epidemic diseases, such as cholera and influenza, are not inconsistent with the hypothesis that they are caused by the sudden development of animalcules from ova in the blood.
But if we suppose a living, and multiplying matter as the cause of disease, many local causes may conspire to arrest the development of the germs, or perhaps, even utterly destroy them.
This again is the development of the whole eloquent analysis of love, as it attacks the uninitiated and unphilosophic nature, in the Phaedrus.
On the one hand, he determined their development by the influence of his ideal characters.
This is the development of the argument in the Phaedrus, where Socrates, improvising an improvement on the speech of Lysias, compares lovers to wolves and boys to lambs.
Little, therefore, can be gained by tracing its historical development further, although it is not without interest to note the mode of feeling and the opinion of some later poets and rhetoricians.
In the tenth section of this Essay I shall return to the problem, and advance my own conjecture as to the part played by the Dorians in the development of paiderastia into a custom.
The superiority of male beauty does not consist in these attractions, but in the symmetrical development of all the qualities of the human frame, the complete organisation of the body as the supreme instrument of vital energy.
Is it not a more worthy conception, that they are the results of those general laws which were so coördinated at the first introduction of life upon the earth as to result necessarily in the utmost possible development of varied forms.
This development being necessary is constant; from everlasting to everlasting.
In the tenth edition, just published, he announces his change of opinion on this subject and his conversion to the doctrine of development by law.
Thus, it has been the fate of all theories of the development of living things to lapse into oblivion.
In fact, the whole development of the form of the Egyptian tomb depended on the development of technical skill.
In fact, the investigations of the last ten years appear to show that this Semitic strain it was which gave the Egyptian race its creative power and made possible the development of the Egyptian civilization.
Such was the period in which the next great development of the Egyptian idea of immortality is to be noted-- a period of priestly activity in the beginning and of priestly domination in the end.
In the late predynastic and the early dynastic periods, when the great development began, this primitive race had become modified by an infiltration of broad-headed people from the north.
Your physical being and cellular development is retarded or improved by the food you eat.
We are entering upon a new consciousness for the human race, a higher plane of mentality, and a greater development of the spiritual life.
Origin And Development Of The Pious Legends, Or Lives Of Saints, During The Middle Ages.
No; King Chulalonkorn and his ministers, many of whom are highly accomplished men, are sincerely anxious for the speedy development of the great resources over which they have command.
This condition was one factor in the development of the last revolution against Spain.
There is another educational institution in Manila which is susceptible of great development and of producing vast advantages for the country, namely, the naval school.
St. Thomas Aquinas], presenting in its name of royal and pontifical university of Santo Tomás the ideals which have prompted its foundation and directed its development for a period of almost three centuries.
The reproductive organs only appear at the epoch when plants attain the full development of all their parts, or arrive at an adult state.
We had to pass through several stages of development before the present system of election by convention was reached.
The growth of the nation and the consequent development of the governmental system would snap asunder a constitution which could not adapt itself to the new conditions of an advancing society.
Such facts should make those who rest their fanciful theories of the origin and development of life on the imperfection of the geological record, filling up the supposed lapses to suit themselves, more cautious as to their results.
It is the theory of some writers, that to the African is reserved, in the later and palmier days of the earth, the full and harmonious development of the religious element in man.
Already had his mind begun to turn to Egypt in search of a type of art which should represent a larger and more vigorous development of nature than the cold elegance of Greek lines.
That absolute monarchy in Germany developed later and is lasting longer is to be explained by reference to the distorted course of development of the German middle class.
The disproportion between the philosophical and the political development in Germany is no abnormality.
Lastly, in "our time" the property question means the abolition of the antagonisms which are produced by the great industry, the development of the world market and of free competition.
Political economists occasionally have an intimation of these contradictions, the development of which forms the principal content of their mutual wrangling.
In reality, however, the colossal development and transformation of commercial society in England began with the consolidation of the English monarchy.
Bauer requires Jews to break with the essence of the Christian religion, a requirement which, as he says himself, does not arise from the development of Jewish essentials.
Guizot has just as little enlightenment to furnish with regard to the connection of the religious movement with the development of middle-class society.
The solution to the riddle of this course of development is to be found in the history of commerce and industry.
Consequently, the entire development of man depends upon education and external circumstances.
Have we any other guarantee that we can make it, in the long run, rational, than a many-sided development of man's capacities?
Moreover, the process of innerdevelopment results in differentiation of function.
If our aim is the attainment of pleasure, the preservation of life, the harmonious development of our faculties, or any other, we may term useful whatever makes for the realization of that end.
One is tempted to affirm, without stopping to reflect, that the development of the arts and sciences, the increase of wealth and of knowledge, must in the nature of things increase human happiness.
Our interest in these it is impossible to overlook, and their cultivation and developmentmay become a ruling passion.
It is only by a process of development that the Actual Social Will has come to be what it is; and the Rational Social Will looks to a further development under the guidance of reason.
We have seen that the forms under which they appear are not independent of the degree and kind of the development of the society we may happen to be contemplating.
They accepted as their standard a type of human nature which tends, on the whole, to realize itself more and more in the course of development of human communities.
There could be no history of the development of the moral ideas.
With wealth comes the opportunity for the development of the arts which embellish life, but that opportunity may not be embraced.
Furthermore, not only do individuals set their affections upon different objects, but the same person at different stages of his development desires widely different things.
A recent work of value is "Heredity and Environment in the Development of Men," by Professor Edwin Grant Conklin, 1918.
Could there be a development of knowledge in the absence of curiosity?
How decidedly Mr. Gallatin remonstrated against the development given to this policy, may be seen in the letter of which a portion has been quoted.
As has been already seen, the public land system was organized under the previous Administrations, but it took shape and found its great development in Mr. Gallatin's hands.
But I think, were I in your situation, I should not continue in the present state of the Cabinet, and I should tell Mr. Madison that it was impossible to serve with Mr. Smith after a development of the late transaction.
I have been at the Gentians again, and worked out the development of the flower in G.
Observations on theDevelopment of Some Parts of the Skeleton of Fishes" "Quarterly Journal Micr.
The great and manifest evil of that system, however, is the steady pressure which it exerts in the development of every description of sham teaching.
On the Anatomy and Development of Pyrosoma" "Transactions of the Linnean Society" 23.
Now it would be impossible to imagine a better opportunity for insisting on evolution than his lectures on comparative anatomy, when animals are set side by side in respect of the gradual development of functions.
On certain Zoological Arguments commonly adduced in favour of the Hypothesis of the Progressive Development of Animal Life in Time.
The theme was already suggested, but of its wild and terrible development who could have had any foreknowledge?
He considered the individuality fostered by Protestantism as most favorable to the development of originality in art.
We have, however, at present to remain in patience and watch in secret the development of events--a development which I feel confident will bring with it some almost unheard-of revelations.
But the blameless and priggish boy, and the equally faultless and uninteresting man, whom he originated, have become in the process of development a myth.
So in its further development is the Washington of the humorist a myth.
Washington himself saw the meaning of it all plainly enough, for it was but the development of his theory of carrying on the war.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "development" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.