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Example sentences for "section three"

  • The two brothers bought each forty acres at first in section three; later Johans bought out Ole and eighty acres more adjacent to the acquired forty.

  • Lunde lived at first with Kostvedt; thereupon he bought land in section three.

  • Luraas settled on section three, about two miles east of the present city of Stoughton, and three miles south of where his companion, Knut Roe, located in the Town of Pleasant Spring.

  • The porter had made up all the berths there also, except one; but some one still was sleeping behind the curtains of Section Three, for a man's hand hung over the aisle.

  • And Dorne directed the porter to put Avery's luggage in Section One, his own in Section Three.

  • He looked about and assured himself that the car, except for himself and the man lying behind the curtains of Section Three, was empty.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "section three" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    answered gravely; cards were; cathedral church; cephalic index; combining form; exert themselves; ferric oxide; foreign service; great master; inch broad; make report; mental life; next door; our fathers; pleasant place; salmon fishing; section five; section thirty; section three; section twenty; sectional area; several towns; short tunic; then work; this treaty; wide circuit