In short, the generation factor which is fundamental in the Hawaiian scheme and only modified by dichotomy in the usual type of bifurcate merging schemes is here overridden by some other factor.
The fact that even remote father’s cousins are grouped with the father is what the clan or gentile hypothesis explains over and above the dichotomy of relatives.
Hence division by dichotomy comes strictly within the province of formal logic.
By dichotomy is meant a division into two classes by a pair of contradictory terms, e.
That the Scriptures favor dichotomy will appear by considering: (a) The record of man's creation (Gen.
This "unless--or unless" may suggest caution in using dichotomy as a short cut to the classification of realities.
Therefore, discovery of an early dichotomy from the common ancestral stock of the tribe would come as no surprise.
The ordinary mind permits this dichotomy of nature, but in the Zen mind, man and flower become one, merged into a seamless fabric of life.