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Example sentences for "quadrangle"

Lexicographically close words:
quacks; quacumque; quad; quadam; quadraginta; quadrangles; quadrangular; quadrant; quadrantal; quadrants
  1. Trigger went over to the window and looked down at the exercise quadrangle forty floors below.

  2. The school's organized activities were not much affected by the hour, but the big exercise quadrangle was almost deserted for once.

  3. So she asked two old beggars to accompany her, and taking with her offerings of flowers and sweetmeats, started as if to go to a little temple which was built within the quadrangle where the prisoners were kept.

  4. As soon as she got within the quadrangle she unfastened the prison door, and told the two young men (Rama Rajah and Luxman) to change clothes with the two old beggars, which they instantly did.

  5. One afternoon, a tremendous tropical rain-storm showed us how necessary it was to have the covered walk round the quadrangle raised considerably above this open square in the middle, which a few minutes of such rain converted into a pond.

  6. The farm quadrangle had absorbed the party.

  7. They turned to the right up a stony pitch, through a dilapidated gate, and so into the quadrangle of the farm.

  8. They were standing, he presently perceived, upon the steep down beyond the house, on the slope of which the farm was built; which on the southern side of the farm quadrangle came right up to the house wall.

  9. The fourth side of the quadrangle was the public road.

  10. Grace at once started up, ran down the stairs and out into the quadrangle as her father crossed it towards the door.

  11. The next minute Frank was crossing the quadrangle on his way back, feeling relieved of much of his burden; but before he reached the quarters occupied by the royal pages, Andrew Forbes stood before him.

  12. He turned so hot at this that he rose quickly, and walked along all four sides of the quadrangle to cool himself before going to the door once more and giving a sharp ring.

  13. They walked round the quadrangle arm in arm; they sat side by side in any class where liberty to choose places was allowed.

  14. They were inspected first by the house mistresses, and delivered immediately after breakfast to the girls, who generally flew out into the quadrangle or the grounds to devour them.

  15. There were capital pictures of the school, the cricket eleven, the hockey team, the quadrangle in the snow, the gardening assistants, and the tennis champions.

  16. In summer, the quadrangle is bright with geraniums, and through a passage opposite the entrance is a glimpse of a simple kitchen garden.

  17. Then to the sound of drums, and with waving flags, marched the quadrangle of unrivalled Swedish infantry, resembling, according to the expression of Suba Gazi, moving castles.

  18. From each quadrangle of infantry rose an admirably regular quadrangle of spears; between them waved banners of various colors, but mostly blue with white crosses, and blue with golden lions.

  19. The quadrangle was broken in a twinkle, and hewing began.

  20. It is true that the squadrons stood as if for battle, and Zamoyski's infantry had formed a terrible quadrangle round about; but what was to be the end of it all?

  21. Another door gave on an inner gallery, and through its floor a staircase came up from the quadrangle close to the threshold.

  22. If either of you makes one more crack about the Solar Guard or Space Cadets, or anything at all, I'll take you out on the quadrangle and pound some common courtesy into your heads!

  23. As the slidewalk carried the three cadets between the buildings that surrounded the grassy quadrangle of the Academy, Tom looked up at the Tower of Galileo dominating the entire area.

  24. So we walked over the grass of the meadows under a flood of moonlight, and soon came to the house, which was low and built round a quadrangle big enough to get plenty of sunshine in it.

  25. The ground floor of the building round the quadrangle was occupied by a wide arcade or cloister, whose fanciful but strong architecture I could not enough admire.

  26. Years ago in the great quadrangle of Christ Church, opposite to Mr. Dodgson, lived the little daughters of Dean Liddell, the great Greek scholar and Dean of Christ Church.

  27. They modelled themselves on the dress and bearing of the pages, who were always ruffling it about the quadrangle in court dress and sword, or booted and spurred for a day's hunting at the King's chase of Stupinigi.

  28. The abate at once disappeared in the crowd, and a moment later the litter had debouched on the grassy quadrangle before the outer gates of the monastery.

  29. I see but one side of the quadrangle is left, though it be easy to trace where the other three have stood.

  30. They take up position on the floor of the quadrangle in front of the crowd, and face the still vacant daïs.

  31. I notice that among the women assembled in the quadrangle the Armenian national dress is not often seen.

  32. The remainder of the quadrangle is taken up by rows of low buildings, containing chambers in which the older scholars pursue their studies.

  33. It requires no small fortitude--they would call it diseased curiosity--to pace from side to side and ascertain that this quadrangle measures 87 paces by 58.

  34. In the evening the whole quadrangle was illuminated with strings of coloured glasses containing candles.

  35. I had always understood that our quadrangle at Trinity was the largest in the world; although I believe some American university was building one a few inches bigger not so very long ago.

  36. And from the quadrangle came the sound of a slowly-moving Russian anthem, and the measured step of a detachment of Russian soldiers.

  37. The part of the house which separated the second quadrangle from the next consisted solely of a roof supported by pillars, making an open verandah, through which from the second enclosure you saw into the third.

  38. We were met by an elderly man, the priest, who put the place at our disposal and established us in the rooms situated in the second quadrangle to the east and west.

  39. This quadrangle was very interesting; large, quiet, and solidly built: an outer court to the holy of holies, which was the church itself.

  40. Then he skipped through the quadrangle back to his den.

  41. South of the cloister is the Bishop's palace, with a quadrangle ornamented with some fine Romanesque arcading and moulding.

  42. Large dark eyes--larger and darker for the sunk cheeks--gazed upwards at the sky that canopied the quadrangle with such divine peace, vainly seeking a clue to the mysteries of existence.

  43. In one corner of the quadrangle was a hexagon glorieta enclosing the fountain that in days gone by supplied monks and bishops with water.

  44. As we crossed the quadrangle the little lay brother who had first received us caught sight of and skipped towards us.

  45. We passed out to the great quadrangle and soon found ourselves in a very different scene.

  46. The quadrangle was filled with the usual confusion of loose horses, quarrelsome dogs, and screaming children.

  47. The Indians swarmed across the quadrangle without meeting any one.

  48. At eight o'clock that evening Robert found himself crossing the quadrangle with Langham on the way to one of the larger lecture rooms, which was to be the scene of the address.

  49. Outside, the irregular quadrangle with its dripping trees stretched before him; the steps of the new Hall, now the shower was over, were crowded with gowned figures.

  50. As the little moving crowd of men dispersed over the main quadrangle to their respective staircases, Langham and Robert stood together a moment in the windy darkness, lit by the occasional glimmering of a cloudy moon.

  51. Quadrangle opens out of quadrangle, shut in by rows of unpretentious buildings, whose monotony is broken by Gothic chapels or Tudor dining-halls surmounted by carved cupolas.

  52. She heard her lover's footstep in the quadrangle without, in the stillness of the summer morning, and shivered at the sound.

  53. I'll stop in the quadrangle and smoke a cheroot before I go to my room.

  54. The great clock in the quadrangle had struck the half-hour after three; the atmosphere of the August afternoon was sultry and oppressive.

  55. The window was open, and Captain Arundel looked wistfully at the broad flagged quadrangle beautified by the light of the full summer moon.

  56. Captain Arundel took his servant's arm and walked out into the quadrangle, and from the quadrangle to the low-lying woody swamp, where the stunted trees looked grim and weird-like in their leafless ugliness.

  57. The young man went away; and Paul Marchmont heard him whistle a popular melody as he walked along the cloistered way and out of the quadrangle by a low archway commonly used by the tradespeople who came to the Towers.

  58. Paul stood still in the quadrangle for a few moments, and listened.

  59. The door leading into the quadrangle was open; and Olivia swept across the broad threshold, haughty and self-possessed, very stately-looking in her long black garments.

  60. She stood and waited until the clock in the quadrangle struck the first quarter after three: the moon was fading out, and the colder light of early morning glimmered in the eastern sky.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "quadrangle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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