A large percentage of the churches in Brazil grew out of the fact that a believer moved into a community and began to tell the story of the love of Jesus to his neighbors.
One of the most hopeful signs in connection with the work in Brazil is the fact that a large percentage of the members of the churches endeavor to lead others to Christ in a personal way.
A large percentage of them will conduct public services wherever the opportunity can be found.
In some cases this gave place after a time to the plan of making the workmen regular partners, and giving them a certain percentage of the profits in lieu of wages.
An astonishingly small percentage of those that went into business, as they said, made a success, if we except the large manufacturers, but in spite of that it was a popular way of earning a livelihood.
It is a noteworthy fact that a large percentage of modern murderers have had rather prominent light, steely blue eyes--rarely grey or brown.
I believe a large percentage of idiots and imbecile epileptics owe their pitiable plight to vampires which, in their infancy, they had the misfortune to attract.
This percentage does not include those who had been cured prior to their examination.
The charter usually requires that a certain percentage of shares subscribed be paid in before the corporation is authorized to elect directors.
A stockholder cannot compel the corporation to pay him a percentage of the profits until a dividend has been declared.
The business man should figure what percentage of his cash receipts is profit, and this percentage should be deducted every month, less a little leeway to make the matter easier.
You certainly can add one more fixed charge to your business, and that fixed charge should be a percentage of your cash receipts.
Take your figures for several years back and find what percentage of the total receipts was profit.
Make the percentage a fixed charge and put this money away in a special account as a reserve fund if you do not wish to draw the dividends out of your business.
The Saturday pay day may mean that a percentage of your employes will not show up on Monday morning.
That was a net percentage of seventy-two in favor of meeting you here in Cairo, and the seventy-two per cent has prevailed, as it usually does.
Your arithmetic will show you that Harry's percentage in the Southern army is so small that it reaches the vanishing point.
McKenzie, Inspector of Schools, that this is exactly the percentage of defectives discovered in the schools of a section of the city of Toronto as the result of a psychological survey.
The evidence given before the Committee leads them to the belief that the evil is much more prevalent than is generally supposed--that the cases which come before the Court constitute only a percentage of those which actually occur.
Unfortunately, this percentage has since been increased by recent commitments of cases of the most serious types.
Even where shelf-room and funds are forthcoming, there is slight danger of any large percentage of recent literature being added to the stores of a judicious householder.
This watcher also receives a percentage on the "take" of fish.
By what is termed working "on tribute," that is, agreeing to excavate the mineral lodes for a percentage on the value of the metal they raise, some of them have been known to make as much as six and even ten pounds a month.
The high percentage of albumen contained in it is due to the use of the most highly perfected hygienic product of albumen known to chemistry.
Description: The product of various herbs known for their high percentage of propionic acid; applied in case of catarrh in the form of atomized steam.
It also explains why some budders get such a small percentage of living buds and some planters so few living trees.
Then followed a succession of trials with whip grafting, veneer grafting, bark grafting, and chip budding, all with a varyingly large percentage of failure and a uniformly smallpercentage of success.
The better fit you get in this method of propagating the higher the percentage will run.
Buds put in these branches would give a very small "live," while the same care on nursery seedlings could be counted on giving a high percentage of living buds.
This method has year after year given us the highest percentage of successful unions.
Like the hickories these were grown and grafted in different ways and the percentage of good results was always much larger than the hickories.
Our experiments, year after year, have shown that on the ordinary new shoots, even on active young seedling trees, the percentage of living buds was much less than on the forced shoots of the headed-back trees.
Men still came to see her, a growing percentageof them married.
If it was used for other purposes, it would only be right that the inventor pay the government in return a royalty or percentage of his profits in consideration of the government having developed it for him.
In her original form she was a cigar-shaped craft, with only a small percentage of reserve buoyancy in her surface cruising condition.
As a partial consideration for this he was to receive this mans beautiful home and a certain percentage of the stock.
The institution would, in consideration of its placing all these facilities available to the inventor, receive a certain percentage for its part of the work.
He was to get a certain percentage of the stock for selling it to his friends, the Astors, Goulds, etc.
She had six treatments, and on May 25 she reported that, greatly to the surprise of her teachers, she had passed her preliminary examination with a percentage of 79, which entitled her to come up for the college examination.
In June she passed her examination for entrance to the Normal College with a percentage of 88; entered the College and is at present doing well, though the suggestions have not been repeated since May.
Among other facts he points out that in a district of his knowledge, which supplies a large number of wet nurses to the city, the percentage of men incapable of military service amounts to 30 per cent.
An instance of this is the high percentage of female crime in Scotland.
What is the final result at which we then arrive with respect to the percentage of persons forced by the action of destitution into the army of crime?
Scotch women commit a higher percentage of crimes in proportion to men than the female population of any other country in Europe.
Estimating then the prevalence of murder in the various countries by trials, rather than convictions, it will be found that Germany, with a much larger percentage of convictions than England, has just as few cases of murder for trial.
But when we come to the number convicted it is again found that India presents a lower percentage of convictions for murder than is to be met with among any other people.
To the population of the Reformatory Schools must also be added a large percentage of the Industrial School population.
A much largerpercentage of fines is paid in summer than in winter, the result being that the increase of drunkenness in summer does not disproportionally increase the size of the prison population.
For the high percentage of infanticide in England see the evidence given before the House of Lords last July (1890) by Judges Day and Wills.
Again we have a Mongolian race living in the far North of Europe, and we find that they show a larger percentage of homicidal crime than the Teutonic inhabitants who live in the same latitudes.
It may be said in extenuation of this condition of things, that Victoria contains a larger grown-up population, and therefore a larger percentage of persons in a position to commit crime than is to be found in older countries.
The high percentage of disease and degeneracy among the English criminal population may be seen in other ways.
The cost of shipping causes ore containing a small percentage of iron to be classed as "not available.
Of time lost by sickness, directly and through other diseases caused by alcoholism, drugs and other bad habits, the percentage is very great, according to all hospital records.
In extracting gold from the cheaper ores the percentage of loss is large; but as only a small part of the gold is gained in this way the total loss is relatively small.
A very largepercentage of this is of yellow or southern hard pine, of which several billion feet a year are used.
I do not know the percentage of those who depart never to return, but it must be considerable; the land is full of chronic grass-widows.
While making it I was accosted by an underjawed man (there is an unusually largepercentage of underjawed people in the neighbourhood of S.
Even when most positive, they admitted a percentage of doubt.
After the Revolution, under the influence of the new political theories and of French skepticism the percentage of students professing to be active Christians fell very low.
Much of the apparent "silliness" of the French class which our more virile undergraduates object to would be obviated if a larger percentage of them could at once enter upon the more advanced phases of the subject.
But evidently any such hard and fast rule is bound to be unfair, especially since a large percentage of our students is compelled to earn a living immediately upon graduation.
A college teacher whose message is delivered on the mental level of grammar school children should, of course, score a pretty high percentage of success in giving a passing mark to sophomores, juniors, and seniors in American colleges.
Our colleges and high schools, besides the military academies of the country, are even now educating a fair percentage of young men to be officers of such an organization of enrolled regiments as that here suggested.
The law-breakers constitute a very smallpercentage of the people.