For these reasons, the Chesapeake naturally attracted much more active operations; and Virginia, which formed so large a part of its coast-line, was the home of the President.
The Delaware and the Chesapeake--the latter particularly--became the principal scenes of active operations by the British navy.
He must feel I am as desirous of proceeding to active operations as he can be; but I am responsible for the squadron, and no man shall make me lead it into action before I consider it in fit condition.
We hope to hear soon of active operations in Kentucky.
If the winter should allow a continuance of active operations, and the enemy should continue to press us, we might be driven nearly to the wall.
I am therefore induced to address you, in this form, the inquiry whether, to stop the further effusion of blood and the devastation of property, you are willing to make a temporary suspension of active operations; .
Active operations--along the whole northern frontier at least--were certainly suspended until spring; and both armies had gone into winter quarters.
Active operations for a season were suspended, and officers whose private concerns or bad health required a temporary leave of absence, had asked and received permission to revisit Britain.
The country was elated with the two great victories of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville, and the people were clamorous for active operations against an enemy who seemed powerless to stand the pressure of Southern steel.
A stronger argument in favor of active operations lay in the situation, at the moment, of the Southern army.
The road to distinction was now made known to them; they were at once to be engaged in active operations, in conjunction with her majesty's forces.
Arrangements were accordingly made, without loss of time, for proceeding to active operations.
This was rough, hard work, without much chance of reward, but it, was near the field of active operations, and I determined to do the best I could at it till opportunity for something better might arise.
It needed recuperation, reinforcement, and reorganization, and I set about these matters without delay, in anticipation of active operations early in the spring.
Being joined by St. Clair, and by Colonel Long, who was compelled to evacuate Fort Anne, General Schuyler commenced a series of active operations to baffle the advancing enemy.
While Runjoor Singh was crossing the Sutlej and taking up a position at Baran Hara, the British were also engaged in active operations.
No prolonged rest was, however, in store, for although the Battalions of the 56th Division were momentarily not prepared for active operations, they were perfectly capable of holding trenches.
The interchange of results between individuals and between offices should be encouraged and, in time of active operations, should be mandatory.
In the event of active operations, cipher experts will be in demand at once.
Periodically, say once a week or even daily at the beginning of active operations, there should be an interchange between all examining offices of solved messages involving new methods used by the enemy.
The policy adopted during this period was to give the men the maximum of rest and recreation, as it was evident that the Division would shortly be called upon to take further part in active operations.
The Division had not been long in rest in its new area before it transpired that it was again required to take part in active operations.
Colonel Stewart had been chief staff officer to the Division through all those months in which it was learning the art of war, and in which many battalions were for the first time blooded in active operations.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "active operations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.