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Example sentences for "sectional area"

  • As the cross-sectional area of the plunger D is only 1/30th of that of the ram, the plunger must descend thirty inches to raise the ram one inch.

  • If the column of water had a cross-sectional area of a mile or a thousand miles, the pressure at a depth of one foot would always be .

  • The strength of a shaft to resist torsion is the cube of its diameter in inches, multiplied by the strength of the material of which the shaft is composed, per square inch of cross-sectional area, giving the strength in statical foot-pounds.

  • A machine that operates on wood of small cross-sectional area in proportion to its length, such as picture frame moulding.

  • The machine consists of a base containing the main cylinder, with a sectional area of 2,000 sq.

  • The cross-sectional area of the conduit is 434 sq.

  • The total cross-sectional area of the tubes is 137 sq.

  • The shearing strength per square inch is found by dividing the { P } maximum load by the cross-sectional area.

  • Within the same species the cross-sectional area of the sapwood is roughly proportional to the size of the crown of the tree.

  • The inferiority of aluminum as an electrical conductor in terms of sectional area is more than offset by its superiority over copper in terms of weight.

  • From the standpoint of cross-sectional area aluminum is inferior to copper as an electrical conductor.

  • Some other silicon-bronze wire of greater tensile strength per square inch would require a sectional area of 2.

  • As the thickness of the samples to be tested will vary, it is advisable to cut the strips of such a width that the cross-sectional area of all test pieces is the same--say, 40 sq.

  • Hence the reduction of sectional area on stretching bears a simple relationship to the amount of stretching.

  • If, however, we take into consideration the diminution in sectional area of the test piece during stretching, it will be seen that crepe and sheet rubber have compensating properties.

  • Contractile force per unit of sectional area gives perhaps the clearest idea of what is meant.

  • It is usually expressed by the result found by dividing the load by the number of superficial square inches contained in the cross-sectional area of the body.

  • Then again, a strut must bed well down all over its cross-sectional area as illustrated above; otherwise the stress of compression will not be evenly disposed about the centre of strength, and that may produce a bending stress.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sectional area" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being brought; certain things; cloth gilt; cutting machine; ding dong; diuerse places; divers colours; even for; glass jars; handsomely bound; inch deep; judging from; large majorities; more direct; much uneasiness; naval station; religious peace; section thirty; sectional area; simmer until; sixty dollars; this voyage