Behind the god spread a sheet of solid gold, carved with the attributes of his deity, and in front of him appeared a grotesquely carved altar, on which rested a red object.
They had now walked some distance past the gate on the other side of the river, and a wide sheet of water rolled between them and their enemies.
We have from some of the houses, when the tide is in, a beautiful view of the river, which, united with the sea, forms a fine sheet of water before our doors of large extent.
He brought with him a certain communication--a single small sheet or strip of parchment paper containing about twelve or fifteen typewritten lines.
Alongside the table he opened out the paper and glanced at a caption running half-way across the top of the front page; then, fretfully he crumpled up the printed sheet in his hand and let it fall upon the floor.
For two precious hours a day he was translated back to the day and date that the rumpledsheet in his hands carried on its first page.
Her feet splashed into a thin sheet of water which washed about on the carpet.
Then rescuing a water-soaked sheet from the floor she tied the table to a hand-rail.
A crumpled sheet of paper fluttered away; that was maddening.
To cover a book neatly--take a sheetof nice paper of more than sufficient size, and lay the book open upon it.
Turn it down at the top; and turn down the upper-sheet above it, so as to conceal the blankets entirely.
Some of these yellow envelopes are large enough to contain a folio sheet when folded.
The surest and safest way is to put the address on the letter also; or if the sheet is full, to find a corner for the direction, either at the beginning or end.
He stared at thesheet for a few moments as if he thought it was bewitched.
A sheet of paper flew out from her nervous hands and fluttered to the floor at Field's feet.
He was telling me of one about Madrid, {274} which (as you are now there) I must quote by way of filling up this Second Sheet of Letter.
It is rather shameful to take another Sheet because of almost filling the first with myself.
Another reason for this other half Sheet is--that--Yes!
Now my sheet is filled on the strength of my own Glass of Porter--all at a heat.
McTaggart looked again at the notes he had made on the sheet of paper.
Audibly he cursed Pierrot as he looked at a sheet of paper under his hand, on which for an hour or more he had been making notes out of worn and dusty company ledgers.
She then walks up and down the side of this table collecting one copy of each sheet and so forming a complete book.
I went through the works and saw 10 extra young girls sticking on pockets for stamps on to an appeal sheet of .
The sheet of paper is then hung, as it were, on to a clothes line to dry.
The sheet of paper to be coloured is placed in front of the woman who wets it over with the required colour by means of a long thin brush like a whitewash brush, which she dips into a bowl.
The process is now complete, and the sheet of paper is taken up and hung on a line to dry.
The whole wagessheet for one week in July and one week in November for each of these fifteen years.
In the latter case, the woman merely feeds the machine, taking care to lay the sheet in exactly the right place.
The girls stand and perform the same movement repeatedly, each time giving to the sheet the precise swing required to send it accurately into the grips.
A tool for making creases or beads, as insheet iron, or for rounding small tubes.
A sheet printed in colors by any process, as a chromolithograph.
A tablet for ornament, or for receiving an inscription, formed like a sheet of paper with the edges rolled up; hence, any tablet of ornamental form.
A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which information is exhibited, esp.
A table stove or small furnace, usually a cylindrical box of sheet iron, with a grate at the bottom, and an open top.
After leaving Watertown we came out on what is known as rolling prairie--for miles in every direction a green, wavy sheet of land.
Sheet packing is often times made in a press, like corrugated matting.
When rapidly heated upon platinum foil it suddenly decomposes in a most violent manner, with production of a large sheet of bright yellow flame.
The bottom plate of this press is grooved its whole length, so that when the upper platen is let down the plain sheet of rubber is forced into the grooves and the corrugations are formed.
The old fashioned way of making jar rings was first to take a large mandrel and wrap it around with a sheet of compounded rubber until the thickness of the ring was secured.
Here, too, is kept the large store of thin sheet copper out of which the letters are stamped.
The white sheet lightning was still pulsing in the sky and rising, as it seemed, out of the sea, but I hardly saw it.
There is a similar cylinder on the receiver, on whose surface is clamped the paper upon which the drawing is to be reproduced; over this is superposed carbon paper, which is covered in turn by a sheet of thin paper.
Those who have never seen the look of surprise and deep sorrow that a cat wears when she finds herself glued to a whole sheet of fly-paper, cannot fully appreciate the way Dr.
I cannot speak too highly of any sheet of water on which I can ride all day with no compunction of digestion.
The vertical height of the fall is set down at 2,550 feet, though it is not composed of one perpendicular sheet of water.
The performer took a sheet of thin white paper, and tearing it so as to obtain two small square bits, each an inch and a half in size, he rapidly twisted them so as to rudely represent butterflies, and tossed them into the air.
The largest lake in Japan is that of Biwa, a very fine sheet of water, nearly fifty miles long, but rather narrow, probably not exceeding an average width of more than ten miles.
Nero sat in a simple white tunic upon a couch, while a black slave, of stature rivalling that of Beric, kneeled in front of him holding out a great sheet of parchment with designs of some of the decorations of his new palace.
Short as the time had been since Beric first saw the flash of light the fire had already spread, and a broad sheet of flame was shooting up into the air.
The Commander ran his eye over the defaulter-sheet and, entering the Captain's cabin, disappeared from view.
He left the mess and returned with a soiled sheet of paper in his hand; it was creased by much folding and discoloured with age.
The Captain glanced again at the charge-sheet and thence to the third culprit before him.
Selby sat by the bed in the darkening room holding the soiled sheet of paper in his hand, piecing together bit by bit the fragments of this remarkable narrative, until he had a fairly connected story in his head.
At length he found what he wanted, a soiled sheet of paper that had been folded and refolded many times.
He wastes few words, but from the breast-pocket of an obviously ready-made jacket he will produce a creased and soiled sheet of parchment.
Taking the sheet from Dennis's hand the sergeant looked keenly at it, and in a moment it was seen that he was as startled and alarmed as had been the young Irish soldier.
Why, it's just a quarter of a sheet of ordinary notepaper.
When she came to dust the passage in which these rooms opened her eye was at once caught by a sheet of white paper pinned to each of the three doors.
But, as the sailors scampered to the bulwarks with cutlass and with dirk, a sheet of flame burst from the port-holes of the drifting Nonsuch.
No answer came from the dark hull of the Good Richard, but, as she swung nearer upon the rolling waves, suddenly a flash, a roar, and a sheet of flame belched from her side.
A sheet of flame sprang from the ten guns of La Royale and a splitting of boards and crackling of splinters showed that the iron missiles had punctured the stout sides of the Esperance.
As the two battling sea-monsters drifted slowly along, a pall of sulphurous smoke hung over their black hulls, like a sheet of escaping steam.
A sheet of flame burst from her sides; muskets and pistols spoke; cannon spat grape and cannister; the Englishmen were frightfully cut up.
Mrs. Berry and the wives of the officers who were with her, were busily occupied in preparing bandages and wrappings for the use of the army; every sheet and article of linen in the house having been torn up for that purpose.
She was alarmed to find herself alone, and she shivered a little in the dripping winding-sheet of the mist.
Only the bottom of the sheet is burnt where there wasn't anything written.