Shortly after the 2nd Battalion of the Black Watch again distinguished itself by repulsing a charge of French dragoons.
Another battalion also was raised, armed, equipped, and ready to start to the front, when peace was declared.
For more than two years he carried the case of the Black Battalion in his big and tireless brain, in his big and gentle heart, as a mother carries under her bosom her unborn babe.
This is what Senator Foraker has done for the Black Battalion and for the principles of law and liberty which underlie their case.
The punishment which that order inflicted on a whole battalion of American soldiers, without trial of any kind seemed unmerited and cruel in the highest degree, and a wanton abuse of executive power.
For he preferred to suffer affliction with the Black Battalionand to suffer defeat for the Senatorship rather than enjoy power and office as the price of his desertion of the cause of those helpless men.
For it is now and it must forever remain the history of the Black Battalion and of Senator Foraker.
Sir William Parker landed with a battalion of seamen and marines under Captain Bourchier, while the troops, headed by Sir Hugh Gough, drove the enemy before them.
A battalionof French arrived to support the troops fighting at Messines just as I was leaving.
If he had waited any longer, I don't think I could have got the battalion up in time to save the South Wales Borderers, and fill up the gap.
With devoted gallantry the reserve company of this battalion made repeated charges with the bayonet, which checked the enemy's advance and enabled the battalion to hold the position.
The keenest of soldiers from his early youth, he was Adjutant of his battalion of the Scots Guards.
Indian Battalion of Rifles (the 57th, attached to the 1st Cavalry Division) were driven from their trenches.
This was splendidly disputed by the Royal Fusiliers under McMahon, their devoted and gallant leader, who was killed; while the battalion was almost annihilated.
In the evening de Lisle's (1st) Cavalry Division was sent to reinforce Haig, to whom were also dispatched the Hertfordshire Territorial battalion and two yeomanry regiments from St. Omer.
The Oxfordshire Yeomanry and an Indian battalion were the last reserves sent up to him.
I saw the battalion personally a few days later, and said a few words to the men on parade.
A wire from Lord Kitchener on the 22nd offered me another Territorial Battalion to replace the London Scottish on the lines of communication, if I wished to use the latter at the front.
There he saw terrible service, for all the men of his battalion except three were killed or wounded during the seige of Fort Matilda.
Henry sent word to General De Watteville at La Fourche, and had Captains Levesque and Debartzch advance immediately with the flank companies of the 5th Battalion of embodied militia and about 200 men of the Beauharnois' division.
Fevers reduced his battalion to 200 men, but touched not him.
A large number of our men had asked me to see if I could not get authority to re-enlist a battalionfrom the regiment.
It was very profitable pastime for me to go over the tactics under his instruction, he illustrating each battalion movement by the use of matches on the coverlets of our cots.
The volley they had delivered at us was a battalion volley, and it would have effectively disposed of our advance had it been well delivered.
Our battalion volley had exactly reached its mark and had done fearful execution.
Colonel Oakford out with the regiment on battalion drill.
After that she very quietly accompanied me to battalion headquarters.
David Fallon with the Military Cross as sent out from my Battalion Headquarters, forwarded to Field Marshal Haig at Grand Headquarters, approved by the great British leader, and thence forwarded for posting in all British commands.
This period of sunshine vanished quickly enough and November 14th found our battalion back on the front line at the Butte.
The reserve battalion of the “Oxfords and Bucks” with other battalions left Southampton on the troop-ship, Alexandria, our military destination being Rouen.
The nervous tension was so great that the average stay of a battalion was only eight days.
At this point the river was only defended by one battalion of Territorials, and the Germans were able to cross on the 26th, after which they began to advance towards the valley of the Aire, in the direction of Verdun.
On the 8th, two regiments of infantry and a battalion of Chasseurs made a fresh bayonet charge.
All three brigades were in the line, with one battalion in front trenches, the 71st Infantry Brigade (Brig.
Later, when the remains of the battalion which he had been supporting had been forced to retire, he stuck to his guns, continued to give clear orders, and by continuous firing did his best to cover the retirement.
In the meantime the Reserve Battalionof the 18th Infantry Brigade (14th D.
It was carried out by the 1st Battalion North Staffordshire Regiment and 12th Field Company, and Sir H.
A case in point is the cat encircled by the motto Sans Peur, which the men of the 5th battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders wear on their caps.
It must also be mentioned that each battalion in certain regiments boasts of a distinct device of its own.
I would be broken-hearted if I had to leave my battalion while they were still in France.
Then my knowledge of dressmaking has been taxed to the limit, for I was called upon to make a stylish gown for the lady in the battalion show; the lady being a tall and extremely lanky man.
Since this show, the battalion orchestra has become an institution.
My regular "mess" aside from breakfast is atBattalion Headquarters, presided over by Major S.
In the afternoon was a thrilling baseball game between our Battalion and the 1st Battalion of the 312th Infantry.
As the atmosphere of a battalion radiates from its commanding officer, I give Major S.
By the way, if any members of the Battalion come to see you, I know you will give them a real welcome.
The Battalion assembled in a beautiful little field on the outskirts of the town, the four companies drawn up facing each other.
Corporal Martin, making his way toward me, and then with a sweeping bow and with a grand manner he invited me to "mess" with the men of the best platoon of the best company of the best battalion of the best etc.
How I hated to say goodbye to him, this kind friend whose attitude of respect, of comradeship, has typified that of the whole battalion toward me!
Then to the relief of all, the little Battalion Band struck up a quickstep and the Companies marched off cheerily.
We made more delicious candy than the battalion could eat, and sent it round to the officers.
Don't think I am forgetting for a moment my friends in my dear battalion who stood above the average, but they did stand above the average.
I left the battalionto march off to their lunch, while I went down to the Y.
As he peered through the tangled foliage his view was obscured, and he descried what seemed to him to be a battalion of troops marching near the house.
In a last attempt to save the day, he rallied his warriors and, with the aid of a battalion of Rangers, threw himself with renewed energy into the struggle.
After the outbreak of war with France early in 1793, Lowe saw active service successively in Corsica, Elba, Portugal and Minorca, where he was entrusted with the command of a battalion of Corsican exiles, called The Corsican Rangers.
He determined, therefore, to return to the Kremlin, which a battalion of his guard had unfortunately preserved.
A battalion of chasseurs of the old guard, formed in a square like a fortress, was planted close to the high road, and acted as a support to the left wing of our young soldiers.
The battalion of heavy vehicles, drawn by oxen, carried four thousand eight hundred quintals.
Each battalion of light cars, called comtoises, consisted of six hundred, and might carry six thousand quintals of flour.
Of the whole division, a single battalion only escaped: it had been left the last in Borizof.
He was apprised of his danger, cast his eyes for an instant upon it, and uttered merely these words, "Very well, let a battalion of my chasseurs take possession of it!
At last the rear of the battalion came along, while the van of the next battalion, with the band playing, came out of Friedrichstrasse again, and the throng of people pressed on with a rush through the small space in wild confusion.
The battalion goes forward three paces to get the dead and wounded out of the ranks.
Each battalion is a team of four players--each a company.
In general, the company, when acting alone, is employed according to the principles applicable to the battalion acting alone; the captain employs platoons as the major employs companies, making due allowance for the difference in strength.
The battalion is the largest unit that executes a movement at the command of execution of its commander.
A company or battalion may occupy a single section.
Officers, battalionnoncommissioned staff officers, platoon leaders, guides, and musicians are equipped with whistles.
Majors and commanders of units larger than a battalion repeat such commands of their superiors as are to be executed by their units, facing their units for that purpose.
A battalion acting as advance guard would have two companies in reserve and two in support.
The battalion is the attack unit or the defense unit, whether operating alone or as part of a regiment.
He was expected to reach his destination about the 20th, and there unite with the Seventh Cavalry and the battalion of infantry, which in the mean time were on the march from Dodge.
I therefore directed the sabrebattalion of the regiment, followed by that portion of it armed with revolving rifles, to dash forward in column, cut off these videttes before they could cross the stream, and then gather them in.
On the 10th of September the new mine was sprung, and this time with such effect that a breach was made through which a whole Turkish battalion was able to force its way.
As it happened, the army of the king reached the northern gate of the city just as the bishop's battalion had left the southern gate, the one party marching in as the other marched out.
Shortly after the landing, 1235 Piper Sinclair gathered together some stragglers and successfully covered the retirement of his battalion at a critical period.
On account of heavy losses at Messines the pipers of this battalion during the early part of the war were employed in the ranks.
Other Irish regiments having pipe bands are the 2nd Battalion of the Dublin Fusiliers and the 3rd Battalion of the 18th Royal Irish.
The battalion was subsequently merged into the 4th Black Watch.
When they got near the German line the battalion encountered uncut wire which, being unusually heavy, took some time to cut.
You believed, Lady Dawn, that you had ceased to count in your husband's affections; yet wherever his battalion went, you were present with us.
Mine was known to us by no title; he was a Captain in the same battalion as myself.
Not less inconsistent with the original pretext was the despatch of a battalion to Newry and Dundalk.
The incident started rioting, which continued for several days, and a battalion of troops had to be called in to restore order.
The next day the battalion took over their part of the trenches.
The draft was paraded in front of Battalion Headquarters, and the men were assigned to companies.
The ammunition had arrived and with it a battalion of Scotch to reinforce them.
The whole Battalion is laughin' and pokin' fun at 'D' Company, bad luck to you!
Every battalion of Spanish infantry will be wanted on the coast, and that will give the insurgents a free hand.
Appleby smiled as he flung himself down, and realized that a battalion of cazadores might march past without seeing one of them.
Ninth Infantry (Ransom) and a battalion of the Twelfth under Lieut.
A detachment of the Independencia battalionunder Penunuri occupied Coyoacan when the Americans approached, and retired with some loss.
Smith's battalion consisted of two companies from the Second Artillery, one from the Fifth Infantry and one from the Eighth Infantry (Sen.
The Hidalgo battalion fought on the Tacubaya road.
The Fifteenth, but only one battalion (commanded by Capt.
July 16 a proposed battalion of Mississippi riflemen was accepted as infantry.
Farias, understanding that the Independencia battalion could not be trusted, ordered it to Vera Cruz, imagining that it would not refuse to march against the enemy.