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Example sentences for "butt"

Lexicographically close words:
butiful; butler; butlers; buton; buts; butte; butted; butter; buttercup; buttercups
  1. I had not the rifle butt or stick to back me up, but the men understood.

  2. The officer dismounted and pursued, caught up the man, whanged him on the head with the butt end, and was evidently intending to shoot.

  3. Lord Hastings entered jauntily, not the slightest nervousness in his manner, though his right hand in the pocket of his great coat rested upon the butt of his revolver.

  4. Jack watched the big Russian closely, noting that Blowinski's hand rested upon his belt, where was exposed the butt of a revolver.

  5. Jack, braced for still another blow, staggered forward as the man drew back, and evidently believing that the lad was about to attack him, the Russian quickly drew a revolver, reversed the butt and struck Jack over the head.

  6. If the man's as ill as that, I have no desire to butt in for an interview," he said.

  7. Trimmer stood up, quenched the light on the stub of his cigar, and chewed up the butt with evident enjoyment.

  8. He had been a butt all his life; bullied at school, at Addiscombe, and in his corps worst of all.

  9. Near her were the butt of a gun shivered, and her father senselessly drunk.

  10. When, all in a moment, I felt in my stomach a most awful blow, a butt which would have sent me into the Holderloch had I not kept hold of that blessed root of holly.

  11. He took the butt of his lance and thumped and banged lustily upon it.

  12. It was fought entirely on the Home Rule issue, which had been revived by Isaac Butt when, in 1870, he formed his Home Government Association.

  13. Isaac Butt once asked me to lead the Home Rule party; because, he said, my brother Waterford was widely respected and popular, and was thoroughly acquainted with the Irish question, of which I also had a sufficient knowledge.

  14. On his arrows he left the natural curve of the feather at the nock, and while the rear binding started an inch or more from the butt of the arrow, the feather drooped over the nock.

  15. Place the butt of the rib in the jaws of the clip and shave it down to the thickness of a thirty-second of an inch.

  16. A sand-bank makes a good butt to catch them.

  17. After being shot with an arrow, if the bear charged, they rested the butt of the spear on the ground, lowered the point and let the bear impale himself on it.

  18. This point on the jaw below the eye is fixed and never varies; no matter how close or how far the shot, the butt of the arrow is always drawn to the jaw, not to the eye, nor to the ear.

  19. Then we found the feathered butt which he had drawn out with his teeth.

  20. There is the butt end of a spear, and I dare say the chief has noticed some holes of a different shape made by the ends of bows.

  21. He had no time to repeat his blow fairly; but as he eluded the gigantic, clutching fingers he got in a light glancing stroke with the butt which laid open his adversary's cheek and closed one furious little eye.

  22. The butt of the handle was formed by a jagged knot, where it had been broken from the parent stem.

  23. Then Grôm rolled the burning spear-butt on the earth till it, too, was quite extinguished.

  24. Grôm looked behind him, and saw the last of the women and children, shepherded vehemently by A-ya with the butt of her spear, vanishing down the steep toward the beach.

  25. The water-butt with the dead body had miscarried, and it was essential to recover it.

  26. He came nosing about the place, and then wanted to know where the water-butt was, and the bed-clothes.

  27. I always said a water-butt was what you wanted for this business.

  28. John proceeded to get tea; while Morris, foraging about the house, was presently delighted by discovering the lid of the water-butt upon the kitchen shelf.

  29. However, it was plain enough that old Fullbil had made me the butt of the evening.

  30. With his help the young generation perceived the rottenness of the Administration, and the meanness, stupidity, dishonesty, and worthlessness of the landed proprietors, whom he made the special butt of his ridicule.

  31. Zealous officials who had lately regarded the acquisition of Stars and Orders as among the chief ends of man, were fain to conceal those hard-won trophies, lest some cynical "Liberal" might notice them and make them the butt of his satire.

  32. Indignant and deeply shocked herself, she still could not bear to see him the butt of others' ridicule and contempt.

  33. We were angels compared with this paltry creature, and she was the standing butt of public censure, until it was found that an imaginary picture of her could be made the handle for insulting her betters.

  34. I'm sure you could not have held the butt close against your shoulder when you fired," Thad ventured, as his opinion.

  35. And yet old age had started in to demolish the monarch of the woods, beginning at the butt instead of the top.

  36. Fact is, I don't believe the butt of my gun was more'n half way to my shoulder when I let go.

  37. These civic authorities were often made the butt of a good deal of banter.

  38. This woman was the butt of the prisoners.

  39. On seeing him approach, with his head down, toward Rudolph and Rigolette, one would have said it was a goat or a negro butt preparing for combat.

  40. If you’ll stop just where you are, I’ll butt my way somewhere.

  41. You butt me here, and you butt me there, and you’ve got no self-control.

  42. Butt the roof with your head; that will give us more room.

  43. Bud watched Yellin' Kid closely, the lad's hand on the butt of his .

  44. It was the face of the man who had struck him with the butt of a lance on that march in Mexico, when he was the prisoner of Cos.

  45. Ned shivered a little and put his hand on the butt of his loaded pistol.

  46. Once when he staggered a horseman prodded him with the butt of his lance.

  47. However, the swagger and noise with which he accompanied the execution of his duties, and his habit of being continually on the defensive, made him the butt of Whig ridicule.

  48. I asked; and I showed him the butt of my revolver in the pocket of my coat.

  49. Slowly his hand opened, and the butt of the weapon dropped back into his pocket.

  50. And the butt of the joke was the mate, himself.

  51. The more sorry because I felt that the Jocose Swede had come near having me as the butt of his little joke, instead of Cockney.

  52. She wanted me to put the letter in my stocking for safety, but suffering as I do from vericlose veins, I asked Miss Butt to kindly permit of it being put in my handbag.

  53. But then, as my friend Miss Butt says, life's very mysterious.

  54. Miss Butt was unwilling to put it in the pillar-box for fear your aunt should look at it.

  55. That was how Miss Butt came to send me in place of the pillar-box.

  56. These dressmakers were usually interviewed in the dining-room; but Hopkins informed Jasmine that Miss Butt had emphatically declined to be shown upstairs and had expressed a wish to interview her in the servants' hall.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "butt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abut; adjoin; advance; afterglow; aim; ankle; articulate; articulation; assault; bacon; balance; barrel; bear; bearing; behind; bit; bolt; boost; border; bottom; boundary; bowl; buck; buckle; bull; bum; bump; bunt; butt; buttocks; button; byword; can; cask; cervix; chaff; cheek; chip; chump; chunk; clasp; clinch; clip; clipping; closure; collop; communicate; connect; connection; coupling; cram; croup; crowd; crumb; crupper; cut; cutting; debris; derision; destination; detritus; dig; dollop; dovetail; drive; dupe; elbow; embrace; end; extreme; extremity; fag; filings; fish; fool; force; forward; fossil; fragment; game; goad; goal; goat; gun; ham; hasp; head; hinder; hinge; hip; hitch; hook; hunk; hurtle; husk; hustle; impel; interface; jam; jest; join; joining; joint; joke; jolt; jostle; juncture; knee; knuckle; lard; latch; laughingstock; leavings; leftover; limit; line; link; lock; lump; march; mark; miter; mock; mockery; modicum; moiety; monkey; morsel; mortise; move; mug; nail; neck; neighbor; nudge; object; objective; paring; particle; pedal; peg; piece; pig; pill; pin; pipe; pivot; point; poke; pole; pork; posterior; press; pressure; prey; prod; propel; propelling; propulsion; punch; pursuit; push; quarry; rabbet; rag; ram; rasher; rattle; rear; refuse; relics; remains; remnant; residue; rest; rivet; roach; roll; row; rubbish; ruin; rump; run; sawdust; scarf; scoop; scouring; scrap; screw; seam; seat; sew; shadow; shake; shard; shaving; shiver; shoulder; shove; shoving; shred; shunt; simple; skewer; slice; sliver; smoke; snack; snap; snatch; snip; splinter; sport; staple; stern; stick; stitch; stock; straw; stress; stub; stubble; stump; sucker; survival; suture; sweep; sweepings; tack; tail; tamp; target; tatter; thrust; tip; toggle; touch; toy; trace; treadle; troll; trotter; trundle; union; verge; vestige; victim; waste; weakling; wedge; weld; wrist; zipper

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    butt joint; butter and; butter melted; butter over; butter rolled; butter rubbed; butter sauce; butter size; butter them; buttered baking; buttered bread; buttered dish; buttered gridiron; buttered mould; buttered paper; buttered pudding; buttered tins; buttered toast; buttonhole stitch