And now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father hath chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
Now Lade is a small island lying opposite the city of the Milesians.
Gin'rally we lade a life iv quite an' iligant luxury.
Posieotofski, lade th' gintlemen out into th' coortyard an' give thim their rights as Rooshyan citizens.
And in this yere was a bataill upon the see betwen Englisshmen and Flemynges, where there were taken of Flemynges xxv schippes lade with salt of the bay.
But there is no money returned into England for these herrings, which cost the Yarmouthians ready gold, before that they had them of the Hollanders and Frenchmen to lade these ships: and therefore I may boldly say, Not one!
And this last year now the Hollanders themselves have also gotten that trade, for there did lade twelve sail of Holland ships with red herrings at Yarmouth for Civita Vecchia, Leghorn, Genoa, and Marseilles and Toulon.
That there doth every year commonly lade at Yarmouth four or five London ships for the Straits [of Gibraltar], which is sometimes true.
The ships which are being despatched this year are sailing without a register; for, as yet, the inhabitants have not registered a shred of cloth with which to lade them, as they do not know the condition of their property in Nueva Espana.
They do the same in regard to us, and, knowing that only two ships sail annually to Nueva Espana, they generally have in the Parian the quantity necessary to lade those ships.
Then fifteen barks, all gaily good, Met them upon a day, Which they did lade with as much spoil As they you'd bear away.
Of all the god that y haffe ladeto grene wod, He hayt take het fro me, All bot this feyr palffrey, That he hayt sende to the.
For if you bring thither veluet, taffeta, spice, or any such commoditie that you your selfe desire to lade your selfe home with, you must not sell yours deare, least hereafter you purchase theirs not so cheape as you would.
For so, besides lesse danger and more safetie, our ships might there vnlade and lade againe, and returne the selfe same summer to the ports of England or of Norway.
And when they lade their ships with Russe commodities or vnlade them, it shalbe lawfull for them to hire any of our subiects to helpe them for the present time, and for them to carry their goods to and fro with their owne vessels to S.
The 3 day early in the morning they departed all from the 4 Babbas towards the said goods, and the same day did lade all the goods they could find vpon the said sleds, and with all conuenient speed returned backe towards Astracan.
Also it shalbe lawfull for the said merchants when they shal arriue at their port to lade and vnlade their merchandises as in times past they haue done at their pleasure.
Oftentimes they lade one in Goa, the rest goe to Cochin which is from Goa an hundred leagues southward.
And vpon receipt of the sayde bonde to giue them out their cockets or other warrants to lade out and receiue in the same their goods by vertue hereof without any disturbance.
It is but litle, but well stored with marchandise; for here they lade many great shippes with diuerse commodities for the streits of Mecca, for Ormus, and other places, and these be shippes of the Moores and of Christains.
And they come for the most part in September, and remaine there fortie or fiftie dayes; and then goe to Cochin, where they lade their Pepper for Portugall.
The chiefe hauen in the Islande is Sunda Calapa, there you have much Pepper, better then that of India, or of Malabar, and there you may yearely lade 4.
A gold ring that Olaf Tryggvison took from the Temple of Lade (p.
The inhabitants of New Spain and Campechy lade their best merchandize in ships of great bulk: the vessels from Campechy sail in the winter to Caraccas, Trinity isles, and that of Margarita, and return back again in the summer.
There was then in the river a good ship, come from Carthagena to lade with maize, and now almost ready to depart.
Aye, and he stoppit opposite the lade to get another look, and if Cosh didna empty a cupful of water on his legs by mistake!
But if you sell for mony, you pay no more custome but the ten aforesaid, and one and a halfe in the hundred, which is for the custome of the goods you lade for the sayd mony, for more custome you pay not.
That the ground so serue, that it ioyne to the sea on the one part, so as shippes and boats may come to lade and vnlade.
Her one and only object in life seemed to be to lade her own mansion with ugly and expensive upholstery.
I'd dress you and pet you, and lade you with gifts.
The present harbour is situated on the east side of the town; and on the north--a mile and a half from the sea entrance--vessels of two hundred tons burden can still lade and unlade close to the quay.
The Lade rock forms its eastern extremity; and to the westward it is bounded by a similar promontory, near to which are the caves represented in the engraving.
Now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I [will chastise you] with scorpions.
Now whereas my father did lade you with a heavy yoke, I will add to your yoke: my father chastised you with whips, but I will chastise you with scorpions.
On the morrow, accordingly, Solomon bade the Jinns lade a hundred thousand camels and the same number of mules with corn, and lead them to the sea-shore.
Gallinato did this, and also sent a vessel to Otón to lade as much as possible of the supplies.
They make these as is most suitable for each person, and lade them on the vessels that are to make the voyage.
Thence he would lade pepper in Patane, then see if he could defeat the Chinese ships at the strait of Sincapura [i.
All the trading must be completed by the end of the month of May, or thereabout, in order that the Sangleys may return and the Spaniards have the goods ready to lade upon the vessels that go to Nueva España by the end of June.
They do not send as much as they might lade in the vessel; and if this condition of affairs continues to increase, there is no other means of support than this trade, nor does the country produce those means.
Those fearful words of curse Which late thou nigh hadst turned to blasphemy, Daring to lade them with thy personal spite Against a neighbor man, whom we must love, Until we know hereafter, which God fend!
Pray ye for him; and lade Onesimus In seeking Syrus deep with love from me.
As the citizens of Manila had no means to lade merchandise, not only the patache but the almiranta came without registers--as also did the capitana, which had to go back to port.
And although the governor made all possible efforts to constrain the citizens to lade the two ships, he could not succeed in this, which now causes them to feel their loss still more keenly.