Presumably this was near Parhala, which stands, where the Suhan river quits the hills, at the eastern entrance of a wild and rocky gorge a mile in length.
It will have been up this gorge that Babur approached Parhala in 925 AH.
It may be described as having gorge walls with a valley floor.
Passing miles of alpine rock and meadow, it roars through the rugged Tuolumne Canyon, and when well across the Park it sweeps through the majestic gorge known as the Hetch-Hetchy Valley.
In a gorge it hears the ouzel from the rocks pour forth his melody--joyous notes of happy, liquid song.
A number of mountain streams and rivers in the Yosemite deliberately make their way to the brink of a vastgorge that has its brow in the sky, and there, in full self-control, they plunge over.
Here is perhaps the deepest gorge in this round world, and here the highest peak within the bounds of the States of the Union--a peak that commands vast and varied scenes.
Possibly ice dammed the narrow gorge of Outlet Creek, through which the waters of the lake formerly flowed to the Snake River.
When we emerged from Keyhole and looked down into the Glacier Gorge beyond, it was hard to breathe because of the wonder of it all.
The moon was shining down into the great gorge a thousand feet below and it was filled with a silvery glow.
To enable the public to see this titanic gorge in the most comfortable manner and from the best points of view, it is necessary to have more public roads and trails.
Toward the gorge between them the valley of the Old Crow aimed its course, and straight up that diminishing cañon she rode all day.
It was evening before she came to the headwaters of the Old Crow, and rode out into the gorge between the two mountains.
The wind that blew up the gorge came in gusts, not any steady current, but fitful rushes of air, and on one of these brief blasts it seemed to Mary that she caught the sound of a voice blown to whistling murmur.
The riflemen on the slope worried us no little, and two companies of the 9th regiment were sent up the gorge to gain ground above and dislodge them, which was accomplished.
With a rush and shout the gorge was passed and we were in the battery.
From him I learned that the plateau occupied by the battery had been used for a charcoal kiln, and the path we were following, made by the burners in hauling wood, came upon the gorge opposite the battery.
The northern shoulder of this gorge projected farther into the plain than the southern, and on an elevated plateau of the shoulder were placed six guns, sweeping every inch of the plain to the south.
We were now passing through a dark gorge full of thick brush-wood.
The gorge extended to such a length that I began to be anxious about it, and to fear lest we had entered into a cul-de-sac.
The next morning at daybreak we entered a narrow gorge in which it was impossible for us to walk abreast.
By ten o'clock in the morning we had crossed some rising ground, and were passing through a narrow gorge carpeted with ferns.
That portion of thegorge which might be called the gateway is at the eastern extremity.
It is true that for a distance of four miles the gorge is watered by a brook called after the hickory nut, but I take it that this name is a borrowed one.
My first expedition on arriving here was to a gorge in the Blue Ridge called the Hickory Nut Gap.
The scenery about them is as wild as it was a hundred years ago--not even a pathway has yet been made to guide the tourist into the stupendous gorge where they reign supreme.
Several hundred yards up this the gorge widened into a valley, wherein were a number of trees and a small stream of water.
Their horses were secreted in a gorge about three miles distant, and as soon as they could be reached they would mount them and speed away for Fort Havens.
In this part of the city, where the gorge widens, a large reservoir has been constructed which gets its supply of water from the mountain streams, and affords the necessary article in the dry season.
Very early on its course another glacier-fed torrent adds its waters to the Rhone, which foams and rages through a gorge of typical Alpine grandeur.
No sooner does it enter France than it is obliged to fight its way through a constricted channel between the Credo and the Vuache, and gorge succeeds gorge for the greatest part of the distance between Geneva and Lyons.
The butchery is followed by a gluttonous feast, in which the half-famished families gorge the tenderer parts in the darkness, and noisily carouse in the carnage until overcome by slumber.
Half a mile farther on the mountains closed in until the gorge between them was dark and sunless.
All bitterness is not quinine, but certainly bitter things were Thor's remedies, and as he made his way up the gorge his nose hung close to the ground, and he sniffed in the low copses and thick bush-tangles he passed.
By the time he arrived at the end of the gorge Thor's stomach was a fairly well-stocked drug emporium.
To the westward there was a sloping ascent up out of the gorge to the summit, and Thor climbed this.
The others in presence of abundant food gorge themselves, and abandon the rest at the risk of suffering to-morrow.
Some unite to intrude in a badly-guarded hive, and gorge themselves with the honey to which they have no right.
I asked him to please delay his attack until I could communicate to General Longstreet that he can turn the enemy,--pointing to a gorge in the mountain, where we would be sheltered from his view and attack by his cavalry.
When Caldwell's division was pushed away, Ayres's flank and the gorge at Little Round Top were only covered by a sharp line of picket men behind the boulders.
We gained the Wheat-Field, and were so close upon the gorge that our artillery could no longer venture their fire into it.
It was in the midst of this bold and beautiful scenery, in this narrow gorge where the Indians had doubtless often contested ages ago, that the seasoned soldiers of our civilized armies now battled for right of way.
As events of the battle of the 2d passed, it seems fair to claim that with Pickett's brigades present at the moment of Wofford's advance for the gorge at Little Round Top, we could have had it before Crawford was there.
The gorge was closed under heavy rifle fire from the ramparts of the main fortress, and the parapet reversed so as to face the place.
After an hour's rest and a good meal they entered it, finding a precipitous-sided gorge of stupendous size and beauty.
His dog-train swayed with shrieking runners among the massed ice-pillars and emerged from the gorge into a wider valley where the hills rose naturally bright in the sunshine with the welcome blue sky resting upon their peaks.
His gorge rose at the sharp scent of vinegar, at the duller odour of burnt rags with which the air was laden; they were the rough disinfectants of the time, used before the panic-stricken survivors fled the place.
It was a small thing, but her gorge rose against it.
At first one can easily step across the fissure, but further up it becomes wider, till the hard vertical walls of sandstone are separated by a gorge several feet wide, and of great depth.
The gorge traced up the mountain becomes a frightful abyss, more than a hundred feet wide.
Dilly, Dilly, come and be killed," Drew repeated to himself that tag from some childhood rhyme or story as he waited at the mouth of the gorge to play his own part in the action to come.
Riding neck and neck, they burst out of the gorge as rifle bullets propelled from a barrel.
Here in the mouth of the gorge the silence was almost oppressive.
Il riait à gorge déployée = He was roaring with laughter.
Even the deep-rutted highroad, itself, lay beyond a gorge which native parlance called a "master shut-in.
He knew that Severance would have to ride through the same gorge in which Sim had waylaid Spurrier, and he meant to get there first, rifle-armed.
Then they heard the lumbering of wheels, and with one impulse that needed no expression in words they turned through a gorge which ran at right angles into the stillness of the woods--and away from interruption.
The way lay for a furlong or more through a gorge deeply and somberly shaded.
That trickle of water might come to the gorge from a spot back in the laurel where, under the shelter of a felled hemlock top, some one tended a small "blockade" distillery; some one who resented an invasion of his privacy.
The black obeyed at once, and a minute later they turned the corner of a jutting rock, which had hitherto shut out from view the lower part of the gorge and the track they were following.
He pointed towards the towering mountain peaks and wild precipices that closed in the narrow glen or gorge up which they were slowly proceeding.
The gorge in the mountains, which the travellers soon afterwards entered, fully justified the guide's expression "dangerous.
And my thinking, multifold and effective as it was, was but as a chip on the surface of a freshet in a mountain gorge amid the torrent of emotions which inundated me.
My gorge rose at the idea of the burning and sacking of Nuceria, even at the slaughter of our cruel guards, overseers and superintendent.