Mentioned elsewhere as a herring ground, these lie outside theBulkhead Rips 8 or 9 miles SE.
It was at this time that the bulkhead began to buckle and the port door and dogging weaken.
Up to this time and until the seas began to crumple the bulkhead completely, there was only a few inches of water in the two P.
He cried out, half in terror, half in delight, and the cockpit tilted so suddenly that he was violently jerked against the seat-back and the canvas bulkhead behind him.
Here and there a spar would unexpectedly thrust its tapering point high above the tawny vortex of the waves; at odd times a portion of a bulkhead and fragments of white-painted panels would be revealed for an instant.
Then he saw that the forecastle deck had been torn away in line with the forward bulkhead of the fore hold.
On the other side is a bulkhead; behind, the curve of the hull; and directly ahead an empty space, then another bulkhead and an open door, through which after a few seconds a head pokes cautiously.
In the end I find a gap between the bulkhead itself and the hull, and squeeze through that.
Stepping over the high door edges of the bulkhead doors leading from one compartment to another, March realized that a fat man would have difficulty getting around on a submarine.
Facing the bow of the ship, March saw the forwardbulkhead of the control room.
He turned and led the way through the small bulkheaddoor to a narrow hall from which doors led to very small cabins.
I was awakened by someone beating heavily upon the bulkhead of the next-door cabin.
There was a square table fixed to the stout after-bulkhead that divided this compartment from the hold.
At the same instant my eye was taken by the glance of lamp or candle flame in the opening in the bulkhead overlooking the narrow passage.
The bulkhead of the forecastle was a massive wall of wood.
At a depth of twenty feet another layer of planking was uncovered, and digging ten feet deeper, a third horizontal bulkhead of timber was laid bare.
The first shield which passed the river bulkheadwas the south one at Weehawken.
As soon, therefore, as the cutting edge of the shield entered the rip-rap there was a blow, the air escaping freely to the ground surface behind the bulkhead and to the river in front of it.
This was done where unusual stresses were expected to come on the lining, namely, at the point where the invert passed from firm ground to soft, and also where the tunnels passed under the heavy river bulkhead wall.
The heavy masonry bulkhead was supported on piles and rip-rap, as shown in Fig.
When the shields had got far enough away from the shield chamber, and before rock cover was lost, the first air-lock bulkhead walls were put in.
In front of the bulkhead wall at Manhattan the tunnels were under Pier No.
I expected that the bulkhead near me, which had hitherto served as my protection, would give way, and that some of the huge cases would be hurled down upon me; but I had no strength to shriek out, and lay silent and motionless.
I had made several exploring expeditions in search of food, when I discovered close to the bulkhead what seemed to me like a strong crate.
At last, in spite of my painful feelings, I found that I had become very hungry, and to my surprise my clothes, which I had hung up against the bulkhead on some nails stuck in the upper part, were very nearly dry.
I then, carrying the handspike with me, went to the bulkhead at the other end of my prison, and endeavoured by repeated blows to knock in a plank.
I saw the crate close against the bulkhead and the place where I had torn off the plank.
At last I got to thebulkhead through which with such infinite pains I had previously made my way.
Every pier, bulkheadand slip should have continued to be the property of the city.
The sick-bay steward took Reeks to the bulkhead opposite, where was a standard for measurement, the same as they keep in barrack-rooms.
Arrived at the foot of the companion ladder, I found myself confronted by a bulkhead running athwart the ship, and in this I presently found the handle of a door.
My surmise proved well founded, for when I opened the door in the bulkhead there lay a whole pile of sails before me, each sail neatly stopped, and many of them apparently quite new.
I was under the impression that on the preceding night I had detected the presence of what might prove to be a sail-locker abaft the after bulkhead of the cabin, so I now descended with the object of further investigating.
It was set athwartships, instead of fore and aft as was at that period more frequently the fashion; and it was furnished with two bunks, or beds, one over the other, built against the bulkhead that divided the cabin from that next it.
I was so horribly frightened as to be almost paralysed by the sight of that flickering stretch of yellowish light, sparkling and leaping as it swept under the lower bunks and came racing back again to the bulkhead with the windward incline.
Number four--"the bulkhead is bulged in like the bilge of a cask, but that cement we put down last week has set pretty well, and the struts and braces should hold.
Joined to the wind-burst, a heavy sea shatters on fore-end of the bridge, and ring of the steel bulkhead sounds in with the crash of broken water that floods on us.
The end will come swiftly, without warning--a sudden rupture of the bulkhead that is sustaining her weight.
In thebulkhead Tim saw the breeches of four powerful tubes.
Tim was looking at the rear bulkheadand Pat followed with his eyes.
A special bulkhead will be built to reinforce the regular one and a door cut in the side of the hull through which the diver can walk when we settle down on the bottom beside the Southern Queen.
Never mind trying to get this fellow," called Pat, now safely protected by the bulkhead into the engine room.
This deck only extended to the engine room bulkheadthrough the two foremost holds.
Between this and the foremost engine room bulkheadare Nos.
No decks were built in the compartment before the collision bulkhead, as very little buoyancy was lost by that space being full of water, and all that was there was confined to that compartment by the bulkhead and the iron lower deck.
I distributed bread among them, and knocked down the bulkhead between the hold and the cabin, in order that they might get into the cabin to cook.
Then it is proved that the bulkhead between the cabin and the hold was knocked down, and that the slaves went to Drayton and asked if they should fight.
Some distance down, the table slowed up and we came to a stop in front of a circular bulkhead in the tunnel.
There was a door in the centre of the bulkhead and in the centre of the door there was a small wicket window which opened and two grotesquely smiling eyes peered out at me.
Most of the computer's intricate circuits were hidden behind the bulkhead in a large compartment between the control center and the south polar lock; but it was from this console in the control center that her operation was keyed.
As he entered the open bulkhead lock he saw a man that he recognized as one of the Security personnel, and brushing on past him said, "If you want to see me, come back later.
Coming through the bulkheadwere two more Security men, each with a needle gun.
I don't think he can give us much trouble in there," pointing at the air-lock bulkhead through which he had just entered.
Gently removing the work piece from its mounting, he turned to the open double bulkhead that served as an air lock in emergencies and that separated his shop from the physics lab beyond, where Dr.
We sniffed about, hither and thither, and soon found that the smell was stronger as we stooped nearer to the deck, or approached the bulkhead dividing the fore-hold from the forecastle.
At the foot of the ladder, I found myself confronted by a bulkhead which, as I soon found, partitioned off the captain's quarters from the other part of the ship.
Myra, pressed into a corner against the far bulkhead by the Chief of the Flight Deck, smiled up at him, eyes wide.
Zolan occupied a seat against the bulkhead behind Brad, adjacent a glowing view tank.
Arms folded across his chest, Zolan stood along a bulkhead where his eyes could take in the full compartment without altering stance.
My three-hundred-meter freighter with all storage bays packed bulkhead to bulkhead with high mass, is barely maneuverable under the best of circumstances.
Brad twisted away as another bolt flashed up through the hatch, scorching the bulkhead from which he had just moved.
He detached a microphone from thebulkhead nearby, keyed the computer, and spoke.
She snatched an emergency space stretcher from a bulkhead rack and snapped it open.
The first operation in building a section of conduit was to set to exact line and grade and the length of the form in advance of the finished work the bulkhead shown by Fig.
Construction joints between sections are molded by bulkhead forms framed to produce the type of joint designed by the engineer; the most common type is the tongue and groove joint.
I've stored 'em all in the forrard bulkheaduntil he sends for 'em, ez Mr. Renshaw hez taken the loft.
She wandered over the ship, and, impelled by the same vague feeling of unrest, descended to the lower deck and the forward bulkhead where she had discovered the open hatch.