They say it was she who led the rabble yesterday afternoon, when the women, hating Columbus for having ever discovered Cuba, stoned his statue in the Alameda.
After a time--it seemed a day of terrible work and pain to him--they came to the streets of the town, and in a half conscious sort of way he cursed at the rabble trailing at their heels.
There was loud vaunting over the triumph, the ignorant rabble imagining their warriors heroes of a great battle, instead of the murderous plunderers they were.
As they headed in toward the bank they were greeted by a rabble of barking, snarling dogs, which dispersed howling and yelping as a man stepped into their midst laying right and left about him with a long-lashed whip.
The sound issued from one of the dark blotches of timber, and was followed by a rabble of growls and snarls.
Inez looked at her, with something of the stern, haughty glance she had cast upon the rabble of the court room.
Or he may well have been listening at some lattice of the Hotel de Pornic itself to the idiot clamour of his mother and of the ignorant rabble of Paris!
A moment, Poitou--there are some troublesome people of the cityrabble at the door.
And, commanding one of his rabble to hold a torch close to his head, he uncovered and showed a tonsured crown.
One that led a great party of this rabble carried a loaf of bread upon the top of a pike, and other lesser loaves, signifying the smallness of their bread, occasioned by dearness.
And under the narrow canopy a rabble jostled her and peered into her face, even plucked at her robes, as if she had been a French princess on her way to the guillotine.
The rabble inside the church was hardly less insolently inquisitive for being better dressed.
And are these people--this rabble that you talk of--received as my papa's guests?
The streets were filled in an instant with a rabble of armed merchants and shopmen, who for once were fully bent on slaughter, and resolved to put an end to the long-protracted evil.
Gladwyn's answer was more concise than courteous, and imported that he would have none of his rabble in the fort.
As they drew near, they were met by a rabble of several hundred Indians, called by Morris "Pontiac's army.
This brief address so tickled the humor of the rabble that the lady was permitted to proceed on her way, amid deafening acclamations and laughter.
The priests claimed this in the times of Christ, and tried to persuade the rabble that he was assisted by Beelzebub.
Now and then a greater humbug than common would spring up, and for a time draw the rabble after him, till the next arose to eclipse him.
For generations nearly all the pretensions to healing were made by the priests and magicians, who humbugged and "bamboozled" the ignorant and superstitious rabble to their hearts' content.
He was one of the original petitioners of the charter, which complained that the above rabble of doctors could not read the Book (Bible).
The rabble increased, and it became necessary to order a guard of infantry to remove 'la belle Anglaise' safely, surrounded by French bayonets.
Taylor (horse doctors), who drew blood from the rabble as they would claret from a pipe.
The rabble of Courtland, whose price was only silver, he counted as no better than the trodden dirt of the highway.
These and similar cries inspirited the rabble of Courtland, great haters of the Plassenburg and the Teutonic west, to rush in and make an end.
But none interfered by word or sign, and the obsequious rabble shouted, "Long live Prince Ivan!
Specially, he had been successful in attaching the rabble of the place to his cause; and already he had headed off two other wooers who had come from the south to solicit the smiles of the Princess Margaret.
You will come with me to the Palace under escort of these gentlemen of my staff," he said, with smiling equality of courtesy; "there is no need to discuss intimate family affairs before half the rabble of Courtland.
A baillie, hearing of a rabble near his stair, came out upon them, which made them immediately disappear.
The rabble hearing she was in town, went to Mr Cowper, and asked him what they should do with her?
Millicent left the small room to bestow upon two chosen members of the rabble in the large room the inexpressible glory of missing a night's sleep.
Lilian could hear Milly, who shared the small room with herself and Gertie Jackson, dividing work and giving instructions in an important, curt voice to the mere rabble of girls in the large room.
Now however, when we have several nations among our slaves, with various rites, with foreign religions or none at all, it is not possible to keep down such a rabble except by fear.
In the dregs of the city rabble he would find the society of congenial spirits.
In fact, more than once they were set upon in the slums and treated roughly by the rabblewho did not recognize them.
He became the idol of that part of Paris known as Belleville, where artisans and laborers united with the rabble of the streets in hating the empire and in crying out for a republic.
The blare of its noisy traffic, the glare of its myriad lights, the rush and the roar and the rabble all urge him to get into the scramble for fun and gain.
Before him now pass the mockingrabble with which the chief priests mingle.
Through the streets of Jerusalem bending beneath the weight of his own cross, and scourged with cords by the soldiery, to the infinite delight of the rabble which shouted at his heels, Jesus moved towards the place of his execution.
The Romans obtained an easy and bloodless victory over the vast but disorderly rabble of the Syrian monarch.
The rabble were restless and discontented, filled with envy and hatred against the rich and powerful.
The suicide of his associates, the higher price of bread, and the long trail of blood behind the panic were forgotten by the rabble which began to regard him with the awe due a demi-god.
The rabbleof ignorant men and women before her did not exist.
She would accept the challenge of this rabble and show her contempt for its opinions in a way that could not be mistaken.
You don't want to forget, Jim, that the rabble for whom even Christ lived and died, shouted in his face at last 'Crucify him!
The Anarchists On the other hand the rabble of every sort never had better days, never found a merrier arena.
Such opinions had been long current; it could not be expected of the rabble of quality that it should trouble itself about the real state of things and abandon once established platitudes because of obscure feats of heroism on the Tagus.