One of the three on the settle I recognised for Jack Bargery, as villainous a rogue as all Osgoldcross, either Upper or Lower, could show, the men on each side of him and the fellow leaning against the jamb I had no knowledge of.
Three men sat on the settle, and a fourth leaned against the jamb of the black, empty fire-place, the fifth sat on the broken chair with his back to the window through which I peered.
The stranger now lazily arose and stepped into the doorway, leaning against the jamb and shaking his holster sharply to loosen the gun for action.
Red picked up his companion's rifle, and steadying it against thejamb of the door, fired, dropping one of the foremost of the pursuers.
Rending, grinding, smashing, the jamb broke up, hammered upon the partly shattered boulder, and carrying it away or driving over it washed in tremendous ruin down the rapid.
There's a jamb in the narrow place at the head of the rapid, and the water's backing up.
But, as he stepped across the low sill somebody rose in the room's cool shadow and confronted him, and he fell back catching at the jamb for support and staring.
Chloe had almost completed the circle when suddenly she came to a halt, for there, pressed tight against the logs close beside the jamb of the closed door, stood MacNair.
Chloe made no reply and as MacNair turned to go, he chanced to glance into the wide, expressionless face of Big Lena, who had stood throughout the interview leaning heavily against the jamb of the kitchen door.
The woman leaned, ponderous and silent, against thejamb of the door giving into the kitchen.
The doorways of this style possess much the same features as the last, but the mouldings, jamb shafts, etc.
On the west doorway of Iffley church, Oxford, are many of these beak-heads extending the whole length of the jamb down to the base moulding.
These pieces are mounted in a recess cut in the jamb of the door or lid in such a way that the free end of the piece A is held away from the piece B when the door or lid is closed.
The pressure increased; the space between the door and the jamb widened.
But she rushed on blindly, knocking against the doorjamb and almost upsetting the nurse, who was returning.
Her companion at the same moment felt along the door-jamb for the electric switch.
He leaned against the door jamb and watched Duvall as he ascended the stairs.
If the first plan be adopted, any error in the truth of the mandrel will throw the hole out of true with the hub, which would be a serious defect, causing the gland to jamb against one side of the piston rod, and also of the gland bore.
To cause a single nut to lock itself and dispense with the second or jamb nut, various expedients have been employed.
When he knocked on the jamb of the open front door of the Grayson farm-house, and was invited to come in by the mother, there was a wholeness in his feelings and purposes to which he had been a stranger for weeks.
He took her advice as soon as he dared and crossed to where Rachel was sitting with the back of her chair against the jamb of the mantel-piece.
The staple of the lock held fast, but the interior facing of the door-jamb was torn from its fastenings and fell with a crash on the floor, letting the door swing open.
He had frightened her horse and must not allow the savage brute to jamb her against a tree.
Jamb yourself against the slab; I've got to let go.
Convicted of rudeness, the last thing he had meant, Keller returned to the porch and leaned against the door jamb while he opened his letter.
For it corresponds to the angle of the south 'aisle,' and on its west wall is a vertical break in the masonry which may be the jamb of the old door to the narthex.
The necklace was in a plush case and Jellia Jamb put it on a table with the Princess Ozma's other presents.
Jellia Jamb now came to say that Ozma wanted Princess Dorothy to receive the invited guests in the Throne-Room, as they arrived.
He had scarcely noticed this ring, and wondered if others had seen it too, when the hand plunged into the hat, and drawing out the kerchief, vanished with it behind the jamb that had already hidden so much from his view.
This was a heavy, lymphatic, and somewhat abstracted-looking fellow of nondescript appearance, who stood stiff and straight as an exclamation point against the jamb of the door-way that led into the front hall.
Under the exquisitely sculptured cornice which surmounts the door is inscribed, in large incised letters, the angelic salutation; whilst on the right jamb of the door is the inscription of the year 1215, given at p.
The statues of the door-jamb are carried round their lower parts, and the stage above is occupied with traceried panels.
The corresponding shaft in eitherjamb is also sculptured, but in these there is no story, the shafts being twisted with carving of foliage and figures in the alternate members.
There are three shafts in each jamb of the doors, whereof the outer are of marble, the rest of stone.
The shafts are detached, and there is foliage on the jamb between them.
The figures on the leftjamb of the door are those of the Annunciation, whilst, on the right, are others of David and Isaiah.
Ah now the single figure to me, Amid all teeming and wealthy Ohio with all its cities and farms, Sickly white in the face and dull in the head, very faint, By the jamb of a door leans.
The latter has on its left jamb a very small carving of the Crucifixion.
So Mombi called Jellia Jamb to her, and performed a certain magical rite with which she was familiar.
His Majesty then dismissed Jellia Jamb and the Soldier with the Green Whiskers, and when they were gone he took his new friend by the arm and led him into the courtyard to play a game of quoits.
Bore another hole near the top of the door (A), and a corresponding one through the door-jamb between two logs.
A peg in the front jamb prevents the door going too far out, and a string and peg inside answer for a latch.
For this you must cut a hole in the end log, like a big, low window, pegging a jamb on the ends as before.
Vic languidly removed himself from the door jamb and with a parting "I should bibble," started back to his goats, which he had refused to graze outside the Basin as Holman Sommers advised.
And," he draped himself around the door jamb to add pointedly, "you should worry about the tulip song.
This, the manliest and best condition of the early northern jamb and archivolt, is represented in section at fig.
Now, in determining the form of the aperture, we supposed the jamb of the door to be of the utmost height required for entrance.
In fact, when the groups of shafts became excessively complicated, the expansion of their small abaci was of no use: it was dispensed with altogether, and the mouldings of pier and jamb ran up continuously into the arches.
But in the chapter on Form of Apertures, we found that the side of the arch, or jamb of the aperture, might often require to be bevelled, so as to give the section b, Fig.
On the other hand, the jamb may be elevated indefinitely, so that the increasing entrance retains at least the proportion of width it had originally; say 4 ft.