In the crow's nest of the mast which was still standing they kept a constant watch in the hope of sighting a vessel and signalling of their distress.
As soon as the morning light gave better opportunities, he climbed to the crow's nest and with a field glass searched the western horizon, and not until the sun was well up did he push the glass together.
While they were talking a voice from the crow's nest called, "Land--ahoy!
And show me your nest with the young ones in it; I will not steal them away!
Ain't no use to talk; I got a regiment comin' in half an hour, will clean up this whole damned nest of rats.
Sometimes he helps these lordly birds by building the foundation of the nest for them.
The keeper receives a small sum for every cygnet that is reared; and it is his duty to see that the nest is not disturbed.
If the young bird was a boy, and the boy a young bird, it would have been the boy who was taken ruthlessly from hisnest and eaten.
I was fortunate enough to be able to help him by saying: "Prune them freely and put a magpie's nest in one of them," and the trees became interesting at once.
But in Germany, to make up for this poverty, they have transformed the hare into an oviparous animal, and in the pastry cook's windows one sees this species of hen sitting upright in a nest surrounded by eggs.
The bird's-nest seemed like glue or isinglass, but the coxcombs were palatable.
I'd have got out of that old nest and made a jump for another tree if there had been any near enough, but there wasn't, so I just laid low and gritted my teeth and let him chop.
If the nest is not far from the ground, the mother bird lets them drop from it on the dried grass and leaves under the tree.
Along the gulf coast of Florida, they nest on the Mangrove Islands, and in the interior in the willow ponds and swamps, in company with the Louisiana and Little Blue Herons.
A gentleman who delighted in watching the Wood Duck, tells about one that built her nest in the hollow of a tree that hung over the water.
It is called Wood Duck because it usually makes its nest in the hollow of a tree that overhangs the water.
The nest of the Bald Eagle is usually placed upon the top of a giant tree, standing far up on the side of a mountain, among myriads of twining vines, or on the summit of a high inaccessible rock.
Sometimes the nest is in the hollow of a tree that is a short distance from the water.
Snowy Herons nest in colonies, preferring willow bushes in the marshes for this purpose.
When the female leaves the nest she conceals the eggs with hay, down, or any convenient material.
The nest is large and rudely made of sedges and coarse grasses, seldom lined with down or feathers.
The nest was found on a pine tree in the Chippewa country, about three miles from the mouth of the Flambeau, near some rapids in the river.
This mighty bird usually places his large nest in some tall tree.
The Mallard usually makes her nest of grass, and lines it with down from her breast.
He was thinking of a nest in the wide emptiness of the North.
He hastily tore and swallowed two of the fish, and then flew away with the biggest of the lot to the nest behind the top of old Sugar Loaf.
In his eyes was the vision of nest and mate, where the serviceberry thicket grew by the wide sub-arctic waters.
He rose till he was well above the tree-tops of the near-by shore, and then headed for his nest in the cedar swamp.
Then he discovered, in one corner, on a nestof fur and dry grass, a litter of five lucifee whelps.
In reality, every stick in the structure had been selected with care, and so adeptly fitted that the nest stood unshaken beneath the wildest storms that swept old Sugar Loaf.
The nest had the appearance of being merely laid upon the ledge, but in reality its foundations were firmly locked into a ragged crevice which cleft the ledge at that point.
The nest was a seemingly haphazard collection of sticks, like a hay-cart load of rubbish, deposited on a ledge of the mountainside.
The aerial path of Hushwing, from his nest in the swamp to his watch-tower on the clearing's edge, led him past the pool and the crouching panther.
In his sick heart glowed still the vision of the nest in the far-off solitudes, and he felt that he would find there, waiting for him, the strong-winged mate who had left him behind.
He saw unmoved the fish-hawk capture another prize, and fly off with it in triumph to his hidden nest in the swamp.
For now, when every songster finds his love And makes his nest where woods are deep and green, Free as the winds, thy song should mock the dove.
Each year will bring Another brood of birds to nest and sing.
When he had fixed the nest securely in its old place, he hid himself in a clump of bushes near by, to watch for the coming of the old birds.
Ah," he exclaimed, "how lucky we are to find a nest of young robins for the dear Countess!
So Leon received the nest of little young robins, and took it safely back to the old oak tree in the forest.
It was a wicked thing to steal away their little ones, and the nice nestthey had worked so hard to make.
So I am in a nest of conspirators," he remarked, dryly.
They come about April and breed in the broad waters so making their nest on the water that their egges are seldom drye while they are sett on.
It is but just towards Jesse to add, that he took the nest in a mistake, and was quite unconscious of the mischief he had done until it was too late to repair it.
The third night the monarch dreamed that if any one would fetch the wonderful bird from the other shore and put its nest in the steeple, the church could be finished.
But when she glanced into the nest what did she perceive?
Every body wondered at the beauty of the bird, whose plumage glittered with a thousand hues, each feather shining like the sun, and the church-steeple did not fall after the bird and its nest were placed within.
So the Princess Alicia said, 'Laugh and be good; and after dinner we will make him a nest on the floor in a corner, and he shall sit in his nest and see a dance of eighteen cooks.
Hector Ernescliffe discovered a jackdaw's nest in the chimney, whereupon the whole train rushed off to investigate, leaving the two doctors and Ethel standing together in the empty parlour, Dr.
Hector, "when there is a jackdaw's nest in Eton Chapel, twenty feet high.
Jack, the magpie, had fallen from his nest in the fir-tree when still an ugly little half-fledged creature with a wide, gaping mouth.
See, isn't it just the prettiest little nest that ever was?
She and Lilian made him a very snug little nest with the help of an old pillow, and he settled himself with a sigh of much content.
Joe said there was a yellowhammer's nest just there, close by the elder-bush,' said Bobby.
The children had made a nest of grass for him inside a basket, and fed him on worms and scraps of raw meat until he was old enough to fly, when he would follow them everywhere about the farmyard and outbuildings, calling 'Jack, Jack!
It did not take Peggy long to find the neat little nest of twisted twigs and grass woven into the fork of a branch.
The tit's nest would certainly have gained the prize if all the birds had been asked to take part in a building competition.
One nest twenty-five feet from the ground in a Douglas fir was composed of oak leaves and finely shredded cedar bark.
At least one nest was in a juniper and was composed mostly of oak leaves and grass.
Upon thy breast My loving head would rest, As on her nest The tender turtle dove-- Were I thy bride!
The paragraph in "Who's Who" turned from printed matter to a nest of wriggling vipers.
And the dove answered, 'A jackal came by, and asked me to give him one of my little ones, and said that if I refused he would jump on my nest and eat us all up.