Illustration of corks used to occlude the cannula in training patients to breathe through the mouth again, before decannulation.
If the skin-wound heals before the fibrous union of the tracheal cartilages is complete, exuberant granulations are apt to form and occlude the trachea, perhaps necessitating a new tracheotomy for dyspnea.
It may also be present with any foreign body whose size and shape are such as to occlude the lumen of the bronchus during its contracted expiratory phase.
B, Correct manner, the collar being held lightly between the finger and the thumb The thumb must not occlude the tube mouth.
By screwing the inlet pipe in or out, as required, it can be so adjusted that the diaphragm does not occlude its inner aperture, and consequently the full volume of gas can pass through to the burners below.
As development goes on each of these ridges becomes segmented into a row of pocket valves with their openings directed anteriorly so that regurgitation causes them to open out and occlude the lumen by their free edges meeting.
In the case of vessels which it is undesirable to occlude permanently, such as the common carotid, the temporary application of a ligature or clamp is useful.
When a ligature is applied to an artery it should be pulled sufficiently tight to occlude the lumen without causing rupture of its coats.
If leakage occurs into the tissues, the extravasated blood may occlude the vein by pressure, and the symptoms of arterial aneurysm replace those of the arterio-venous form, the systolic bruit persisting, while the venous hum disappears.
Foreign bodies impacted in the pharynx usually consist of unmasticated pieces of meat or large tooth-plates, and they occlude both the food and the air-passages, frequently causing sudden death.
In simple hare-lip the child may have difficulty in sucking, but this can usually be overcome by some mechanical contrivance to occlude the cleft.
At the same time it may so compress the main tube as to occlude its calibre and prevent access of food to the stomach.
When the tumor is so situated as to occlude the hepatic or common duct, jaundice will be a symptom, and when the stomach is pressed upon there will be epigastric oppression and nausea.
Cancer of the pylorus, of the duodenum, of the pancreas, of the right kidney, and of the liver itself, not unfrequently by exterior pressure permanently occlude the common duct.
In some instances pseudo-membrane is so massed in plugs as toocclude the cavity of the tube, as with obturators.