Joe rolled his eyes, which had gone the murky yellow of swamp water.
George cleared it and brought them both mason jars full of muddy water from the swamp out back.
He puffed at it, and watched the smoke wisp away in the swamp breezes.
They had rounded a knoll abutting on the green line of ti-trees and swamp oak.
After a man has been laying out in the swamp for a week or so, a little rum ain't such a bad thing to have in the house.
Ime only fifty, but I had three years in the Army of the Potomac; and fighting and sleeping in the swamp and laying out all day and all night with a wound in your leg--thats fun you got to pay for sooner or later.
It's in the center of a big swampthat stretches for hundreds of miles in every direction.
It was buck the storm to Lashin' Water post, or hole up in a black spruce swamp till it was over.
He hardly expected a light to show from a village of windowless tepees in the dead of winter, and he strove to remember which of those vague splotchy outlines was the black spruce swamp against which he had seen the tepees.
MacFarlane judged the distance that separated him from the vague outline of the swamp to be three or four miles, but the shrill sounds cut the frozen air so distinctly that they seemed to issue from the foot of the hill upon which he stood.
He suddenly remembered that a few days before, from a high hill some thirty miles to the westward, he had seen an Indian village nestled against a spruce swamp at a wide bend of a river.
Getting out of theswamp we came upon a beautiful flat, and followed up a creek which Jackey said would lead up to the camp.
A dense mangrove swampextended some distance beyond high-water mark.
The boat left with our party, and Jackey directed us some distance off in the wake of the canoes, there being nothing but a mangrove swamp on the shore near us.
Here we saw a great many native companions (Grus antigone), and swamp pheasants (Centropus phasianus).
The land, from the beach to the scrub in the swamp beyond, was slightly undulating, and very thickly strewed with shells, principally bivalves.
Near this camp a large swamp extended south-westward, but it was clear of scrub, containing nothing but Melaleucas of moderate size.
There is a mangrove swamp running up some distance on the northern side of the river, till it joins the freshwater swamps.
It extends along the shore of a small bay, with a shingly beach in front and a swamp behind.
On entering the swamp to examine plants, I was caught by them, and became so much entangled before I was aware of it, that it took me nearly an hour to get clear, although I had entered but a few yards.
In many parts the swamp was completely covered with a very strong-growing species of Restio (rope-grass).
It was the fertility of the country around due to this swamp (for it was nothing else) which had attracted the Spaniards.
Down in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec two Indians were floundering in a swamp when one suddenly disappeared into a hole, to utter in a second a howl of agony, while the water around him became tinged with blood.
Between Kantunil and the sea stretch miles of uninhabitable swampwhich is impassable for horse, mule or man except possibly in places at the end of the driest of dry seasons.
The troops saw before them a swamp three miles wide, overflowed, with soft mire beneath, filled with gnarled roots of gigantic trees.
The attack of Dupont upon Sumter sent some flying again; but not till the messengers of the "Swamp Angel" dropped among them did the inhabitants think seriously of leaving.
Grant is floundering in the swamp of the Chickahominy; he has reached McClellan's graveyard," said the Rebel press, when he was at Cold Harbor.
The Sixth and Ninth crossed at Jones's Bridge, while the fifty miles of wagon trains swung far to the east and crossed the swamp fifteen miles below.
He kept in the run of a creek in a very dense swamp all the time that the neighbors were in pursuit of him.
Two or three days since a gentleman of this parish, in hunting runaway negroes, came upon a camp of them in the swamp on Cat Island.
Pinckney on a former debate, that whilst there remained one acre of swamp land in South Carolina he should raise his voice against restricting the importation of negroes.
Perhaps by this time the fair one for whose benefit all this parade was intended had come out of the swamp to meet and reward her admirer.
There was something much after my own heart in the way these brave fellows defied this Menendez, casting themselves out into the wilderness of forest and swamp where death would certainly find them.
A yellow mist rose from a swamp somewhere inland and the disk grew to a greater size than I had ever seen.
Swamp Creek folk had a wholesome dread of Potter's, and the solitary mounted constable in the place knew it was wise for him to 'keep in' with old Sam.
Abe Dalton's horse was well backed by several members of his gang, who came intoSwamp Creek for the purpose.
You must ride to Swamp Creek and seek out Constable Doonan, and if he is not there you must find him.
They generally had someone staying with them, and constant visitors came from Swamp Creek and Barragong.
The youngsters of Swamp Creek darted in and out of his dwelling in unrestricted freedom.
He liked Jim more than anyone about Swamp Creek, and he was very fond of the little chap, as Willie was called.
One must be allowed to assist himself with conjectures like these when trying to find his way through a literary swamp which has so many misleading finger-boards up as this book is furnished with.
It was bright day by this time, the red of the rising sun in the sky, and I could trace the radius of swamp land stretching about us on every hand, a grim, desolate scene even in the beauty of that clear dawn.
It was in the warm alluvial plain adjoining this village, the very swamp into which the Britons retreated before Caesar, that the first asparagus was cultivated in England.
At the swamp the Indian who was looking for his father scurried ahead, to howl the wolf signal.
They moved forward, keeping close together, for the swampwas growing dark indeed.
In the swamp battle where Phillip was killed, his great voice had boomed through the mist of morning, calling "Iootash!
The sun rose high and higher, and they still were galloping free, up hill and down, through forest, swamp and prairie.
On through the surrounding swamp they pelted, crunching the ice so loudly that the captain thought everybody within a mile should hear.
So they side-stepped the swamp and resumed their own noisy route.
No time was to be lost, for Squannaconk swamp contained three thousand acres, and if he did not start at once he might lose Annawan in the darkness.
The old Indian said that the swamp was too thick with brush, for a horse.
Then when amidst the twilight deep in the swamp they came upon the old man again, he was sitting down.
And he knew that the swamp was full of other Pokanokets.
The moon had risen, flooding the swamp with pale light.
At this season all was a swamp below us, the orchard palms standing many feet deep in water and mud, but their long green fronds and the darker tangle of wild growth on the steep mountain-sides were beautiful.
Through brush and swamp we searched for it, past scores of ruined paepaes, homes of the long-dead thousands.
He was sound asleep under a tree with a gnarled root for pillow, his face and hands covered by his blanket to protect them from the swamp pests.
The swampis more easily accessible from Virginia than from North Carolina.
Between the pauses of the tempest the long howl of the wolves, from their covert in some distant cedar swamp at the edge of the lake, might be heard from time to time,--a sound that always thrilled their hearts with fear.
The Indian name for the flexible roots of the tamarack, or swamp larch, which they make use of in manufacturing their birch baskets and canoes.
Do you think I'm afraid of a damned Pictish swamp devil?
It's a swamp demon--they're thick as bats in the swamps beyond Black River.
Clean, well groomed, honest, kindly, he was like a breath of fresh sea air after breathing tropical swamp atmosphere.
Death from snake bite was a low down business, it was no end for a Grangerson; but there in the swamp to the left a man might lie forever without being found out.
All to the left of the grass road, the trees were thin, showing tracts of marsh land and pools, and the melancholy green of swamp weeds and vegetation.
I crouched among the rushes, nay in the swampto my lips; but in doing so I startled the great egret that always fishes there.
Sometimes they breed in numbers in rookeries, in company with the larger Herons, but in most sections of the country they will be found nesting, one or two pairs together, along the border of some swamp or stream.
Nest in a tuft of swamp grass in low ground; not very neatly made of dry leaves, grasses and hair.
They nest either in salt or fresh water marshes, making a rude structure of grass, weeds and strips of rushes, on the ground, generally concealed in a tuft of grass in a tangled swamp or marsh.
This species is often known as the Golden Swamp Warbler because of the rich golden yellow of the head and underparts.