He prefers the way of honour if it be consistent with a sufficient number of other preferences, and yet practises a multitude of curiously ingenious methods of being excusably dishonourable.
That quality was the one and all-atoning virtue of the times of Charles the Second, and it was supposed to cover a multitude of sins.
Yet what a rare show it is, that multitude of queer little human interests that intermingle with the talk about great things!
He saw no reason why Jooly should not write a paper on the Semitic question in Russia, and read it to a greedy multitude in a town-hall, provided that the town-hall was sufficiently far West.
There was a multitude of questions to be asked and answered.
As she is rich and sovereign in her father's house, her joy and occupation lie in providing for a multitude of poor people who depend on her for all--she appears to be almost worshipped in Chambery.
The reliquary was displaced with great ceremony, and illuminated by a multitude of wax lights.
A captain has usually a host of counsellors, and he too well realises the fallacy of the adage that in a multitude of counsels there is wisdom.
An upstart multitude and sudden gains, Pride and excess, O Florence!
To him, who so much lov'd thee, as to leave For thy sake all the multitude admires?
Cerberus, cruel monster, fierce and strange, Through his wide threefold throat barks as a dog Over the multitude immers'd beneath.
But fix thine eyes Intently through the air, and thou shalt see A multitude before thee seated, each Along the shelving grot.
Then, after many strange ceremonials and great rejoicing, the multitude were dismissed, and the king and queen led the way to their private apartments.
But the poor fellow prized the shout of the multitude too much not to have claimed it at the instant, had he survived.
Isaiah 1, 11: Wherefore to me the multitude of your sacrifices?
We have put down a full third part of all the alehouses within this wapentake; yet there are so great a multitude of poor miners within this wapentake that we are enforced to leave more alehousekeepers than otherwise we would.
It is the store of the merchandize, not the multitude of merchants, which doth make things cheaper.
It is weakness to say, that a greater multitude cannot be governed; for so neither Kings in their Dominions and subjects, nor cities in their amplitude should increase.
They looked up at the mount, and the gaunt figure standing there above the vast multitude of moving heads seemed to be something beyond nature.
Each arc was measured with every precaution and a multitude of observations.
But their particular distinction lay in the multitude of stars begemming the background.
An astonishing multitude of new nebulæ were revealed by trial-exposures with this instrument.
But the new physical astronomy depends for its prosperity upon the favour of the multitude whom its striking results are well fitted to attract.
There was a huge indistinct clamour, the distracted clamour of a multitude intoxicated by its ardent faith.
On the very threshold Pierre felt oppressed by the stifling heat emanating from the multitude of bodies, the dense pestilential smell of human breath and perspiration.
There were unfailing resources up the river or a multitude of indications were inaccurate.
The ships continued to be much crowded with natives, and were surrounded by a multitude of canoes.
Its course is a little over 38 miles; it receives the Rio de San Jose and divides into a multitude of arms as it falls into the sea to the north of Manila Bay.
The national airs with thrilling trumpet tones pierced the din, and a multitude of voices joined with the bands giving words and tone to the magnetic storm.
The reception of the former by the multitude was marked by a degree of respect that I had not before seen amongst any inhabitants of the countries in the Pacific Ocean.
The Spanish landed at night, and on the morning found a great multitude of savages opposed to them, and fought for life, but were overwhelmed by thousands of warriors.
In 1517 he composed and placarded his ninety-five Theses condemning certain practices of the Romish Church and three years later the Pope published a bull excommunicating him, which he burnt openly before a sympathetic multitude in Wittenberg.
The voices of a multitude in full concord make a building tremble with it.
There is the glorious company of the apostles; there is the fellowship of the prophets rejoicing; there is the innumerable multitude of martyrs crowned.
A costly and gallant vessel, a freight of immense value, and a multitude of human beings, were dependent upon the correctness of his judgment and the determination of his will.
It was at the closing of day; Cross was alone in his store, and sat pondering upon his plans and prospects, and the multitude of dangers surrounding him.
It was situated at the meeting of several roads, and was surrounded with a multitude of articles that had once seen better days, but when, the oldest inhabitant could scarcely remember.
Sam had given up in amazement at the multitude of good things showered upon him.
Americans are looking with growing interest on the experience of Denmark where a multitude of co-operative associations represent the spirit of the people.
Whether it is so or not is another question, or if the massing together of a multitude of littles ever can make a greatness.
We walked to the church together, mingling with the silent and reverent multitude pressing towards a common shrine.
The morning came, radiant in its robe of early spring, and we knew that a great multitude would throng St. Cuthbert's.
I paused--and no one of all the multitude seemed to breathe.
If this be taken literally, his wardrobe, considering the multitude of her avocations, must have been indifferently furnished.
The words had no charm for a Spanish ear, and he was despatched with a multitudeof wounds.