She had run down the river the night before, and had lain behind the breakwater with only a small portion of her turret above the surface, until the tow, with its accompanying cutter, had passed out to sea.
Of course nothing of the kind was found; but this did not prevent a revenue cutter from escorting the tow down the river and across Delaware Bay until it was clear of the breakwater and well out at sea.
At ports on the sea-coast of tideless seas, it is only necessary to extend the outlying breakwater parallel to the shore line, and form additional basins under its shelter, as at Marseilles (fig.
As is often seen on this coast, the entrance is defended by a natural breakwater which appears like a dot upon the Chart.
A little later, on August 11th, the Breakwater at Portland was inaugurated, the Royal yacht being accompanied from Osborne by a splendid fleet of fifteen ironclads.
On the following day the new Breakwater was inaugurated by the Prince and in the evening a farewell banquet received and the city left amid scenes of brilliant illumination and fantastic Eastern beauty.
About 200 feet of the breakwater was washed away, and its pedestal was lost.
By the end of the week the breakwater was in three parts, and it was feared that the whole structure would have to be taken down.
The Dove left Exmouth Bight on March 8th, arriving at Plymouth Breakwater early on Monday morning.
On Tuesday morning the parapet of the newbreakwater on the southern side of the harbour was found to have been washed off for a distance of two hundred feet, and the sea was rushing through the gap.
On beyond were the hulls of the ships sustaining their grove of masts and smokestacks and, at the extreme end, the yellow breakwater and the sky recently washed by the rain, with flocks of little clouds as white and placid as silky sheep.
The refuge behind thebreakwater was full of boats, straining at anchor, rolling, pitching, crashing together.
No, once and only once did the onlookers shift their intent gaze, and that was when a vessel passed the breakwater and went sailing toward the south through the fleet of anchored, straining, agonized ships.
Close about the edge of the breakwater ships were rounding hurriedly, and two broken vessels lay against the shore, threshing up and down in the awful grasp of the breakers.
Thereafter the whole great city seemed to be watching those specks of human life, drifting toward almost certain death upon the breakwater of the south shore.
Straight out from the breakwater Baldwin kept her going.
Near the shore-end of the breakwater he came to a halt.
It was on Saturday nights that the unmarried foreman on the breakwater job came up to see old Perrault.
The caboose-house--thought to be fairly lashed down to its place--served as a sort of breakwater to the inundation.
The island of Imeeo is very nearly surrounded by a regular breakwater of coral extending within a mile or less of the shore.
Up the coast and round the breakwater the squadron picked its way through a flotilla of every conceivable variety of small craft.
Slowly the gallant ship come round the breakwater to her moorings.
To the south, about three miles distant, are the undulating dunes of the Great South Beach, that like a huge breakwater shuts out the ocean.
So splendidly constructed is this relic of the past, that but for continuous shocks of earthquake the whole breakwater must have survived intact; as it is, more than half the Mole has withstood the wear and tear of centuries of wind and storm.
Sir,--I have received yours of the 7th, respecting the small breakwater at St. Ives.
Fox and Williams have engaged to quarry the stone for e breakwater at Plymouth, but does not say whether you hold any share with them in the contract or not.
The rock-boring machine was completed, and reached the breakwater two months after his interview with the Foxes, who were prominent in the quarrying work.
The plans for a breakwater at St. Ives were for an undertaking that has since been in many hands, but without success, except perhaps for the convenient making of members of Parliament.
As we drew near the breakwater a shoal of paddle wheel tugs rushed out to welcome us with their sirens blowing to pilot us safely into the most noted harbour in the world.
There is no expense attached to the breakwaterexcept in time of storm when the air pumps must be kept going.
One important advantage of the breakwater is that it does not block navigation.
Several exposed piers on the Pacific coast have had a pneumatic breakwater built around them so as to protect them or ships lying alongside from being pounded by the waves.
A man employed on the breakwater who accompanied us told us that on one occasion the air-pipe burst, and that, although the diver immediately gave the signal, when he was hauled up he was nearly dead.
At the end of the south pier-head of Weymouth Harbour is also a single red fixed light; but it is far away to the northward of the breakwater light, and cannot be seen at any great distance.
The yachts brought-up, and we went on shore to walk along the breakwater and to inspect some of the fortifications.
Before the breakwater was built the sea used to come rolling right up the Sound, and vessels have even been wrecked close under Plymouth, and the town itself often suffered.
To the west of Bridport we saw Charmouth, with its lovely wooded heights, and next to it Lyme Regis, which has a breakwater running out of it called the Cobb, within which there is shelter for vessels.
A railway is laid along the top of the breakwater to carry stones and guns to the further end.
Some of the outward-bound vessels ran back into Cawsand Bay, on the west side of the harbour, just abreast of the end of the breakwater on which the lighthouse stands.
At the outer end of the breakwater there is a lighthouse, with a single fixed red light, so that it cannot be mistaken for any other of the neighbouring lights.
As we ran out we passed a large fleet of fishing-boats also coming out of Cawsand Bay, which, before the breakwater was built, was the most secure anchorage during south-westerly gales.
Then comes another circular head similar to the first, from which the principal part of the breakwater extends in the same straight line for about three hundred feet, and then curves round to the north for 5,400 feet.
The Portland Breakwater is indeed a magnificent work.
Until the Portland Breakwater was built, that at Plymouth was considered the finest structure of the sort in the world.
Their plan is, when caught in a heavy sea, to form a sort of breakwater of planks and spars, under the lee of which they ride with sufficient scope of cable.
We went some distance up, to see the beautiful iron bridge which spans it, as also to have a look at the Oreston quarries, from which the material for forming the breakwater was principally procured.
The schooner lies at anchor beyond; and, three or four miles beyond the schooner, lies Eangitoto, the great natural breakwater to the harbour.
Vessels carrying explosives or other dangerous cargo must anchor just inside the breakwater and discharge their goods into lighters.
Landing is made at jetties inside the breakwater and the cargo is loaded on cars and taken to warehouses.
Little wonder, then, that an hour after he had imparted valuable information to Petite Jeanne, Florence should have come upon him standing near the breakwater of the lagoon.
Having crossed the lagoon, the fleeing one abandoned his boat, climbed the breakwater and disappeared in the Florida orange grove that by some touch of magic had been made to grow on the shores of Chicago.
There were boys bathing still from the breakwater of the rocks.
Above the waters the breakwateris of the breadth of one hundred and forty cubits.
A greatbreakwater here protecteth the ships from the rage of the sea.
Little more than the commencement of the present magnificent breakwater had been made, and it was not an infrequent occurrence for vessels to drive on shore when it blew hard from the north-west.
This time he was satisfied that it was the boat, and that she was afloat and partly protected by the breakwater formed by the schooner's hull.
Doubtless the National Church has hitherto been a serviceable breakwater against doctrinal errors, more fundamental than its own.
But as he topped the breakwater he came upon a sight that made him draw back in disgust.
Randal Courteney stretched his lazy length on the shady side of the great natural breakwater that protected Hurley Bay from the Atlantic rollers, and wondered.