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Example sentences for "crunch"

Lexicographically close words:
crumples; crumpling; crumply; crumps; crums; crunched; crunching; cruore; crupper; cruppers
  1. One crunch of the destroyer's mighty jaws broke the poor beast's neck, and in a moment more the tiger was rending the yet quivering carcass with tooth and claw.

  2. The cart went at a foot's pace, and they followed the gritty crunch of its wheels.

  3. I believe the bones crunch like anything.

  4. For an instant the crunch of shoes splintered the frosty air.

  5. After a moment he took cognisance of the crunch of her snow-shoes behind him.

  6. The other Rats heard the scuffle, and came trooping back; and it was crunch and munch, till not a vestige remained of the hypocritical Cat.

  7. Why, he will crunch you up in a trice, and then he'll come here, and we are all dead Boars!

  8. But for the impotent little cries of Sheba no sound broke the stillness save the crunch of their feet on the hard snow, the thud of heavy fists on flesh, and the throaty snarl of their deep, irregular breathing.

  9. On the hard snow there had come to him the crunch of a foot behind him.

  10. Very shortly he drew out of the ground a white object about the size of a man's thumb and began to crunch it ravenously between his jaws.

  11. He heard the grinding crunch of jaws, and he knew they were the Wild Dog's jaws; he heard a snarl choking slowly into a wheezing sob of agony, and he knew that the sound came from The Eller.

  12. Deep back in his fortress, Miki heard the crunch of Le Beau's feet in the snow.

  13. It was only an icicle, but after one sniff the skunk proceeded to crunch it down eagerly while the red squirrel raved overhead.

  14. Indeed, we have latterly come to a weary sense of annoyance when the familiar crunch informs us that two motorists have simultaneously claimed the right of way.

  15. Not, as you may suppose, that they crunch bonbons, or anything else as you do; nor is the process with them precisely the same as with you.

  16. Torches flickered in wavy lines where the village path topped the plateau, and a crunch of hurrying feet was heard.

  17. In a flash the Coyote bit him several times before, with one blow of that great paw, Wahb smashed him into a limp, furry rag; then broke in all his ribs with a crunch or two of his jaws.

  18. But to all the mad millions Who dance at cotillons There's naught like the clink and the clank and the crunch Of the ice in the punch.

  19. Again to the genius who grows the sharp spice, But ten times to King Winter who furnishes ice; For to all the mad millions Who dance at cotillons There's naught like the clink and the clank and the crunch Of the ice in the punch.

  20. They tackled both the ensuing liquidity crunch and the structural flaws exposed by the crisis with tenacity and skill.

  21. Without further parley the stranger walked away, and no sooner had the crunch of his boots ceased than Janice came forward.

  22. The subject was dropped, but after breakfast, as the crunch of the horse's feet sounded, Janice left the spinet for a moment to look out of the window, and it was a very doleful and pitiful face she took back to her task five minutes later.

  23. Empty hulls of beechmast crunch under foot, the brown beech leaves have drifted a foot deep against the trunk of a felled tree.

  24. The three were then pounced upon by a relay of fishermen led by Tod's father and dragged from under the crunch and surge of the smother.

  25. She smelled wood smoke, and she heard the sharp crunch of horses' teeth nipping grass.

  26. Just as he took his place Harley thought he heard the soft crunch of a footstep on the snow beneath the window.

  27. When it died, Harley, listening again intently, heard once more the crunch of feet on the snow outside, but now it was a rapid movement as if of surprise.

  28. But at the time she heard only the horrible crunch of steel against flesh, the muffled snap as of a broken twig, and a low groan, twice repeated.

  29. Behind them, they heard the dry sounds of Davey getting to his feet, coughing and hacking with a crunch of thin, cracked ribs.

  30. The keen ears of the mother, still wide awake, caught the crunch of feet on the gravel of the walk.

  31. The crunch of feet suddenly came to the doorstep.

  32. When the first carriage entered the grounds his keen ear caught the crunch of wheels on the gravel.

  33. Yet, for a time, the crunch of the gravel beneath their feet as they walked on in silence was the only sound upon the cool night air.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crunch" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    bang; belch; bind; bite; blare; blat; brunt; bump; burr; buzz; cackle; cannon; carom; chew; chump; clang; clank; clash; climacteric; clutch; collide; collision; complication; concussion; crash; crisis; croak; crossroads; crunch; crush; demolish; diffuse; disperse; disrupt; embarrassment; emergency; encounter; exigency; extremity; fission; foul; fragment; grate; grind; groan; growl; grumble; hinge; hit; hobble; hurt; hurtle; imbroglio; impact; impinge; jam; jangle; jar; knock; masticate; meet; meeting; mess; mill; mince; mix; morass; munch; onslaught; pass; percussion; pickle; pinch; plight; predicament; press; pressure; pulverize; push; quagmire; quicksand; rasp; repercussion; rub; ruminate; scatter; scrape; scratch; scrunch; shatter; shiver; shock; slam; slough; smack; smash; smashing; snarl; snore; splinter; spot; squash; squeeze; stew; strait; straits; stress; strike; swamp; tension; turn; twang; urgency