I'm going to make a great cake, with frosting and candles, and all that, you know.
In the center of this cake I'm going to leave a hollow place, with just a roof of the frosting over it," continued the girl.
You'll find a teaspoon in it and you can have any frosting you can scrape out--it's white butter frosting, the very kind you like best.
Mary Jane hurried off to the kitchen and found that mother had kindly left nice little streaks of frosting all around the side of the bowl and oh, dear, but it was good!
Apply with a brush and you have the finest window frosting known.
Can you tell any way to prevent the outside windows frosting in cold weather?
These rolls may be improved by adding a teaspoon of boiled frosting to the top of each before serving.
Chocolate Filling between the layers and Boiled Frosting on the top layer.
Use frosting or Chocolate Filling made without eggs between the layers and frosting on the top layer.
Spread the mixture on the cake layers and sprinkle the remainder of the coconut over the frosting on the top layer of the cake.
What is the use of vinegar in Boiled Frosting (see Christmas Candy)?
The less quantity of sugar produces a more delicate and less dense frosting than the greater quantity.
One pound powdered frosting sugar, one quarter pound tartaric acid, one quarter pound carbonate of soda, forty drops essence of lemon.
Bake in rather a quick oven in three tins of uniform size, and place, between layers, a frosting made of the grated rind of one, and juice of two lemons, and three fourths cup of sugar.
One pound offrosting sugar, juice of one lemon and one orange, grate rind of orange.
Cover the pan and when the chocolate melts stir into the frosting and add vanilla and spread upon the cake.
But just as the last of the sweet batter and the maple-sugar frosting was eaten up, what should happen but that Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy went to the window to take it in to bake, and of course it was gone.
So she and Jane Fuzzy-Wuzzy made a nice dish of maple-sugar frosting to go on top of the buns when they were baked.
And, as we haven't much room in the kitchen, we will just set the dish of dough and the frosting out on the window sill, where they won't be in our way.
So the nice, sweet, good-smelling and good-tasting batter and the dish of maple-sugar frosting were set outside on the window sill.
If frosting is made for either or both cakes, the extra yolks may be used in making this one, eight being still nicer than six.
If to be kept a day, do not make thefrosting till just before using.
Polly, "it's white cake with real frosting on top.
When Joel saw Polly handing out cake with white frosting on top, his black eyes stuck out, and he rushed without delay for his seat, teasing for a piece at once.
Frosting is ordinarily used only where lamps are placed so as to come in the line of vision.
Bowl frosting does not materially reduce the life of a lamp.
This is to prevent the frosting from being discolored by the butter contained in the cake.
I'm going to try to--if I can find out what kind of frosting she likes.
Books, music, fun, and frosting on their cake they know nothing about--except to long for them.
The walks were deserted, save where a hurrying form crossed from street to street, homeward bound; and Electra passed slowly along, absorbed in thoughts colder than thefrosting that gathered on shawl and bonnet.
The frosting gleams right, royally on that black hair of yours.
Either this or white frosting may be used as a foundation for nuts or chopped fruit.
Orange frosting may be made by moistening the sugar with orange juice.
These curly choc'late candies will make good mountains, and by heaping up the frosting we dug out of the ocean we'll have islands and lighthouses.
Make a frosting with whites of eggs and two spoons of sugar.
Cut a loaf of cake in two and spread the frosting between and on top.
Cover with plain white frosting and ornament with icing in any desired way.
Set the part containing the ingredients in place and beat constantly for 7 minutes with a rotary egg beater, when a cooked frosting that will remain in place will be ready for use.
Lay the frosting on the cake with a knife, soon after it is taken from the oven--smooth it over, and let it remain in a cool place till hard.
Cover with ornamental frosting page 16 made with the two remaining egg whites.
Cover with a frosting made by stirring two small cupfuls of powdered sugar into the whites of two eggs, and seasoning with lemon.
When the frosting is hard, draw the black lines and make the dots with a small brush that has been dipped in melted chocolate.
The tubes for decorating withfrosting are very small.
Bake round cakes for the children, and when the frosting on them is hard, dip a small brush into the yolk of an egg, and write a word or name upon the cake.
You may talk about a new frosting for cake, or an aeroplane you have invented, but you must not speak of a new verse form or a plastic effect.
Penny inquired, pausing to scrape up a generous spoonful of fudge from the frosting pan.
Mrs. Gallup was busy in the immaculate green and white kitchen, frosting an angel food cake.
For if I broke my frosting to see what I'm stuffed with, every one else would see too, and I would be disgraced and ruined.
Reserve a little, and whip more sugar into it for frostingon top layer.
Reserve enough of the frosting before you add the jelly, to cover the top.
Put the pink, coated with chocolate, next, and the white frosting between the third and fourth cakes—i.