The smallest obstacle impedes the column, which can only crawl sluggishly forward with continual checks and halts.
The propitiation which Christ offered is only the removal of a preliminary obstacle to our fellowship with Him in the life of God.
Lord Kitchener, who was under the delusion that he was an Irishman no less than Redmond, was the main, though not the onlyobstacle in the path of good sense and good feeling.
Right across our path was the obstacleof the House of Lords.
Even in the low forms of life instincts are not perfect at the start, or perfect in details, and almost every member of a species will show individuality in dealing with an obstacle to an instinctive action.
But theobstacle lies in the competitive feelings, in that dualism of man's nature that makes him yearn not only for fellowship, but also for superiority.
The existence of rival tribes among the Red Indians of North America, was, perhaps, the most formidable obstacle in the path of the missionaries.
To be deprived of either sight or hearing was formerly regarded as an almost insuperable obstacle in the way of education.
By the education of the remaining senses, however, this formidable and heretofore insuperable barrier has been overleaped, or, rather, the obstacle has been met and overcome.
The greatest obstaclewhich equality has to overcome is not the aristocratic pride of the rich man, but the ungovernable egoism of the poor man.
While in manufactures competition follows from liberty and property, in agriculture liberty and property are a direct obstacle to competition.
Do you even know whether higher prices for articles of luxury would not be an obstacle to the cheapness of necessary objects, and whether, in trying to favor the most numerous class, you would not render the general condition worse?
On the other hand, they are often an obstacle to the operation of the engine because they reduce the flow and pressure of the gas too much.
It is quite clear that her death had been surmised some time before as a thing that would remove anobstacle to Dudley's marriage with the queen, with whom he stood in so high favour.
A great obstacle to the development of the port is the absence of modern mechanical appliances for loading and unloading vessels, and of quay space and dock accommodation.
Another obstacle to expansion is found in elaborate systems of shelf-marks connected with systematic schemes of classification, representing carefully arranged subordination and co-ordination of the parts.
Another obstacle to expansion closely related to elaborate methods of notation is found in the common practice of inserting the call-numbers in catalogs of all kinds, written or printed.
Youthful errors have been left Behind, and no unworthy obstacle Detains him.
So anxious was he, indeed, to secure the prize that he entirely abstained from asking any questions concerning San Giacinto's past life, whereby some obstacle might have been raised to the intended marriage.
But an obstacle had presented itself in the way of his departure which he had not expected, and which irritated him beyond measure.
For the rest there is nothing the matter with me, except that they have taken away my clothes, which is something of an obstacle to my leaving the house at once.
Now she could not think of him without reflecting that her father's death had removed one very great obstacle to her marriage.
Moreover, although the social difficulties which lay in his way were an obstacle which would have seemed insurmountable to many, there were two considerations which gave Anastase some hope of ultimate success.
One and all, they assumed that, walking in the darkness, I had encountered some obstacle and, being thus injured, had fallen unconscious.
A few days afterwards, on the steam tramway, a train of trucks, which Harry was passing along, met with an obstacle on the rails, and was overturned.
All the disorders and disturbances of Europe, those immense armaments that are an incubus on national industry and the great obstacle to progressive civilization, may be traced and justly attributed to the Crimean War.
They oppose an obstacle in the path of inquiry, not simply discouraging, but absolutely insurmountable.
From the first, and when I faced my task of vengeance, an insurmountable obstacle arose before me.
It was plain that she did not dislike me, and equally plain that there was some obstacle connected with her father, which forbade her to listen to my offer of marriage.
Did I falter in my resolution to marry her, now that I had discovered what the obstacle was which had made mystery and wretchedness between us?
I have no prospects that are not of the most doubtful kind; and I have no excuse for asking you to share them, except that I have fallen into my present misfortune through trying to discover the obstacle that kept us apart.
I ought, instead, to have thrown every possible obstacle in the way of her meeting him.
Neither solid land nor navigable water, their sluggish, passive surface raises an obstacle of pure inertia to the movements of mankind.
The mile-high walls of the Grand CaƱon of the Colorado are an insuperable obstacle to intercourse for a stretch of three hundred miles.
Most often it is some physiographic feature which makes the stream an obstacleto communication, and lends it the character of a scientific boundary.
The discipline to be obtained by tackling an obstacle and overcoming it we think of small value.
Foote, too, met with a bad accident on horseback, which, at the time, seemed a lasting obstacle to his career as an actor.
But what seemed an obstacle to his future success was the very reverse, for, turning his attention to politics and books, he eventually became one of the leading diplomatists of his day.
We believe Home Rule to be the greatest obstacle to Irish progress and prosperity.
The strongest objection, however, and, in my opinion, the insurmountable obstacle to Home Rule, is the injustice of attempting to impose it against their will upon the Unionists of Ulster.
The Union has been no obstacle to their development: why should it have been the barrier to the rest of Ireland?