Such a back with the title panel enclosed within a square with only a fine double line at the head and tail and also a fine line close to the head is perhaps the best that an ordinary bookbindery can produce.
Silk is used in the bookbindery as end papers in extra work, and also for fancy goods and for lining boxes.
The printing-office and the bookbinderyof the society are in the second, third, and fourth stories of the building, and are in charge of a bookbinder and printer under certain contracts.
At the bookbindery several women and girls are engaged to fold the sheets.
I know of no work in a bookbindery that could not be performed by intelligent women that were properly instructed.
For instance, a gilder in a bookbinderygets $6 a week, or $1 a day of ten hours, which is equal to ten cents an hour.
In case Bebita should mention the excursion downtown, I ordered the driver to drop me at a bookbinderyon the corner of Gale Street.
When Miss Maitland got out of the taxi at the bookbindery the driver told the child that he knew her Daddy and could take her round to see him while Miss Maitland was in the store.
Cork McManus and thebookbindery girl conversed absorbedly, with their elbows on the table.