Naturally I had to protest that, on the contrary, such an arrangement would be what I most desired, had I dared to consult my own selfish wishes.
Under this conviction they began to consult each other, and take into consideration in what manner they should best evince their joy, and shew those marks of respect to which a consul from England was so justly entitled.
Whereas, on the contrary, were the president and his advisers to study the best interests of their country, they would look round for information, consult the experienced from every quarter, and court advice rather than shun it.
On this topic the reader may consult "The Threshold of Religion," by R.
Anyone who cares to consult those storehouses of information, Spencer's "Principles of Sociology" (Vol.
When the Transylvanian embassy started for London, it was instructed to pass by Lissa to consult with Komensky, who had already returned to Poland.
That which I would beg of you as a favor, you generously impose upon me as a duty; and, when I solely consult my inclination, you impute to me a service.
If you consult experience, one is rather ridiculous; if you think of the ideal, the other is almost contemptible.
In the aesthetic state the most slavish tool is a free citizen, having the same rights as the noblest; and the intellect which shapes the mass to its intent must consult it concerning its destination.
I was thinking myself that I should like to invite her," said Mrs. Merton; "I will consult Caroline.
William carried his distrust of Englishmen so far that he requested the imperial ambassador Wratislaw, an important man in his own country, to consult nobody but the Dutchman Albemarle.
Where Hallam and Lingard were dependent on Barillon, their successors consult the diplomacy of ten governments.
He was then impelled, in sheer self-defense, to consult a lawyer, when further extortion at once ceased and determined.
I was for providing for the safety of the citizens in the first place, in order that we might be able to consult their dignity afterwards.
You did indeed consult me by letter about the colony of Capua, (but I should have given you the same answer about Casilinum,) whether you could legally lead a new colony to a place where there was a colony already.
Did you, who were his sister's son, ever once consulthim on the affairs of the republic?
Because they will say that that sound is the most agreeable one to them; and an oration ought to consult that which gives pleasure to the ears.
If at that time I had chosen to reply to him, while he was seeking to begin the massacre with me, I should not now be able to consult the welfare of the republic.
Again, the kings were used to consult the senate; nor, as is the case when Antonius holds a senate, were armed barbarians ever introduced into the council of the king.
What do you think that those men think of your lives, to whom the lives of those men who they hope will consult the welfare of the republic are so dear?
But it is often indispensable to compare these together; so that although honour is more precious than safety, there is still room to deliberate which one is to consult in the greatest degree.
Consult the truth, it will reprove you; refer the matter to your ears, they will sanction the usage.
After what I have said to you about Checkynshaw, it would be absurd for you to consult him.
The reader should, however, consult Mr. Darwin's work on the Geology of Volcanic Islands page 143.
For more exact details the reader shouldconsult Mr. Darwin's volume on Volcanic Islands.
The Cardinal went up the hill to consult the Duke of Saxony about the arrangements of the battle, when suddenly he observed a strange confusion, and heard loud cries in the camp of the Margrave of Brandenburg.
So on March 8th two councillors were sent to John, to ask him to come to the Town Council to consult with them.
Even tax-collectors of the king are to consult the miners in certain matters; while special securities are given against possible defalcations by debtors of noble birth.
Yet, splendid as this proposal was, Vladislav felt it necessary toconsult his chief adviser, Bishop Daniel of Prague, before he would give the promise which could alone secure him the new dignity.
Claver'se spake our friend fair, and sent him to consult with Lord Evandale.
The reader who would authenticate the quotation, must not consult any other edition than that of 1697; for somehow or other the publisher of the last edition has omitted this remarkable part of the narrative.
In his disposal of them he could no longer be at liberty to consult merely his own interest .
If the Northern States consult their interest, they will not oppose the increase of Slaves which will increase the commodities of which they will become the carriers.
In their decision they will doubtless equally consult what is due to equitable considerations and to the public interest.
To be ready to meet with cordiality satisfactory proofs of such a change, and to proceed in the meantime in adapting our measures to the views which have been disclosed through that minister will best consult our whole duty.
In making the communication I consult the respect due to that State, in whose behalf the commissioners appointed by the act have placed it in my hands for the purpose.
Those who wish to be thoroughly acquainted with all the bearings of the question should consult his "Essays and Reviews," New York, 1857.
The primitive Church was pre-eminently a free society; and, with a view to united action, its members were taught to consult together respecting all matters of common interest.
I know a great deal about you; but I know, too, that you have done many things which I never could have supposed you would have done: consult your own recollection.
They were, as may be supposed, on opposite sides, but they were the only two to consult each other in this emergency.
Zenith," I began, "I want to consult you on a delicate subject, and I will first ask you a rather abrupt question.
I tried to catch your eye and keep you from saying any thing on the subject till we could consultin regard to it.