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Example sentences for "inestimable value"

  • Another given by Charles the Great, having a noble amethyst in the middle of it, stones and pearls of inestimable value.

  • La Salle purchased several horses, which proved to be of inestimable value to him.

  • The shores were strewed with articles of inestimable value to these poor Indians.

  • The traffic which the French traders introduced was of inestimable value to the poor savages.

  • On the medical finger of his right hand he had a ring made spire-wise, wherein was set a perfect Balas ruby, a pointed diamond, and a Physon emerald, of an inestimable value.

  • His opinion became, therefore, of inestimable value to the cause of freedom.

  • His address on that memorable occasion was worthy of the loftiest patriot, and was of inestimable value to the cause of the Union.

  • They marched gravely, with half pikes in their hands; and in the midst of them appeared Queen Labe, on a horse glittering with diamonds, with a golden saddle, and a housing of inestimable value.

  • I mean what you and I both took for coloured glass: but now I am undeceived, and can tell you that they are jewels of inestimable value, and fit for the greatest monarchs.

  • For the recognition and description of the peculiarities of these teeth in the subjects of inherited syphilis we are indebted, as we are for so much else of inestimable value in the study of the disease, to Mr. Hutchinson.

  • This is a fortunate circumstance, for the reason that in the anaemia which is frequently one of the consequences of chronic gout the fatty foods are of inestimable value.

  • Preparations of pepsin and pancreatin, by which the proteids and starches are peptonized and the fats emulsified, are often of inestimable value in the treatment of gouty dyspepsia.

  • Physicians, nurses and patients unite in saying the aid they secured from the work was of inestimable value.

  • On August 10, Miss Gill, who from the beginning gave herself completely to the work, and whose services were of inestimable value, went to Washington to clear up several points relative to the enlistment of nurses.

  • Physicians, nurses and patients unite in saying the aid they secured from this work is of inestimable value, not only in saving lives, but in hastening the recovery of all.

  • Not so the biblical statements; they are and ever will be of inestimable value, not because of their scientific teaching, but because of the presence of sublime religious truth in the crude forms of primitive science.

  • The early Christians were right in placing it beside the New, because the former is still of inestimable value.

  • This is a safety precaution of inestimable value.

  • The latter would be able to ascertain the character of the defences and the defending gun-force, by means of the aerial scout, who would prove of inestimable value in directing the fire of the besieging forces.

  • A facile pencil is of inestimable value in such operations.

  • He was particularly fortunate in gaining over the two Colonnas, whose authority, powerful connections, and large military experience proved of inestimable value to him.

  • Among the foreigners introduced to the queen at this time, was a celebrated Venetian traveller, named Vianelli, who presented her with a cross of pure gold set with precious stones, among which was a carbuncle of inestimable value.

  • Its records at both ends of a line make it of inestimable value in many cases, as aboard a warship where orders of the utmost importance may be committed to its tablets.

  • This is undoubtedly one of the origins of the screw form, of inestimable value to the mechanic and engineer.

  • It was, moreover, the opinion of the leading officers of the airship service that such an enterprise would be of inestimable value to the airship itself, as demonstrating its utility in the future for commercial purposes.

  • Upon the greatest, therefore, of all possible occasions, and for a purpose of inestimable value, it pleased the Deity to vouchsafe a miraculous attestation.

  • Amongst such, its collectively may be of inestimable value, yet its effects, in mean time, little upon those who figure upon the stage of world.

  • High oaken sideboards, inlaid with ebony, stood at the two extremities of the room, and upon their shelves glittered china, porcelain, and glass of inestimable value.

  • Its globular shape, perfect clearness, and admirable lustre made it altogether a jewel of inestimable value.

  • It was a collection of inestimable value, which time fails me to describe minutely.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inestimable value" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    addressed himself; always something; ancient history; came forth; colonial life; dear woman; electoral reform; fine stream; hand and; has become; holy convocation; hour passed; inestimable value; knowing the; loose panicles; more definite; scene from; simple faith; strained voice; there isn; tout ensemble; when thoroughly