We found that afternoon a slate on which he had written down some thoughts when first taken ill, showing that he felt that he was sick unto death.
So he put Joe's slate on the desk and drew a line down the middle of it from top to bottom.
Then they sat together, with a slate before them, and Tom gave Becky the pencil and held her hand in his, guiding it, and so created another surprising house.
He settled this little matter by filling one half the slate as full as it would hold, and then carrying some to the other side, so as to have a few on hand in case of any emergency.
Egypt is a great centre of the Early Slate School of Art, the things ranging from slate plaques covered with disorderly scratchings "without a conscience or an aim," to highly decorated palettes.
Munro on his doings at Dunbuie, where the faker occasionally drops a pear-shaped slate perforated stone, with a design in cupules.
Munro doubtless knows all that is known about armes d'apparat, but he unkindly forgets to credit the forger with the same amount of easily accessible information, when the forger dumps down a decoratedslate spear-head, eleven inches long.
Some of the "art" of the Dumbuck things is also familiar, but not, in Scotland, on pieces of slate and shale.
Cartailhac, then, found inscribed and perforated slate tablets "very common in Portugues neolithic sepulchres.
Believe me, this forger was no fool: he knew what he was about, and he must have laughed when critics said that his slate spear-heads would be useless.
There is even a perforated object like the slate crooks of M.
Inspired by this arrow-head of Gargantua, the Clyde forger came in with a still longer decorated slate spear-head, weighing I know not how much.
The replies in every recitation were written upon the slate; there was no cheating, every slate was before the eyes of its neighbor, every word must be exact.
Mr. Holmes had announced it at the opening of school: "Each word in spelling that is missed, must be written one hundred times, and every example not brought in on the slate must be put on the blackboard after school.
Leaving the work on her slate unfinished, she had dived into the depths of her home-made satchel and discovered two crumbs of molasses cake.
School had closed at three o'clock to-day because it was Friday and she had been nearly two hours writing nervously on her slate or standing at the blackboard making hurried figures.
The sunshine rippled over her face again and she counted the words on her slate for the second time to assure herself that there could be no possible mistake.
To cover with slate, or with a substance resembling slate; as, to slate a roof; to slate a globe.
The lapping of one thing over another; as, an overlap of six inches; an overlap of a slate on a roof.
Slate ax or axe, a mattock with an ax end, used in shaping slates for roofs, and making holes in them for the nails.
The adults are bluish slate above, with a white rump.
Slate globe, a globe the surface of which is made of an artificial slatelike material.
Lydian stone, a flint slate used by the ancients to try gold and silver; a touchstone.
Defn: Any species ofslate suitable to be written on.
A kind of hone slate or whetstone obtained in Scotland.
To register (as on a slate and subject to revision), for an appointment.
It usually occurs in quartz veins (gold quartz), in slate and metamorphic rocks, or in sand and alluvial soil, resulting from the disintegration of such rocks.
Defn: One who lays slates, or whose occupation is to slate buildings.
In summer the head is nearly black, the back slate color, and the five outer primaries black.
To cleanse or wipe with a sponge; as, to sponge a slate or a cannon; to wet with a sponge; as, to sponge cloth.
The porphyry is of a red-brown colour, consisting of grey paste with crystal of felspar and angular fragments of slate and granite sometimes one foot in length.
This latter formation extends as far as Mount Hopeless, where the slate ranges of South Australia rise abruptly from the plain.
The geological features consist of a fine-grained sandstone interstratified withslate and coarse conglomerates.
Fragments of porphyry, quartz, and black slate are abundant in the drift, and mica, iserine, and minute garnets exist.
The whole appear to have been subjected to considerable disturbance, as the slate is much broken and contorted, and in several parts altered by contact with the porphyry, and no definite strike or dip appeared to exist.
Granite, porphyry, andslate are the prevailing rocks.
Or fossicking (picking out the nuggets from the interstices of the slate formation) with knives and trowels.
The flying squirrels are of a beautiful slate colour, with a fur so fine that, although a small animal, the hatters here give a quarter dollar for every skin.
This gentleman is Proprietor of several excellent Slate Quarries, some of which are considered the most productive of any in this part of the Principality, next to those of G.
Nathan Slate came in, a scarecrow of fear, teeth chattering.
He hustled her out rather roughly, Nathan Slate regarding him with mournful round eyes.
In the presence of Nathan Slate and Billy he was pretending to work, but his brain was as dry as a soda-cracker.
It was closing-up time, Billy and Slate had already gone, and the room was dark save for the shaded lights over Joe's desk and Sally's table.
Every face that passed seemed touched with beauty and high moral purpose, and the slate of wrong and injustice and bitterness had been sponged clean.
The moment he came home from school, his slate and ruler were laid upon the footstool behind the stove, his whip cracked, and the geese and chickens routed up and down the road.
For roofing, slate is largely employed throughout these cities, being mainly derived from Poultney, Castleton, Fairhaven, etc.
In the older streets, a mica slate from Bolton, Conn.
The heat from large fires soon penetrated through roofs of slate and thatch; and it was quite a common thing for a man to be flattened to the ground by a slithering of snow from above just as he opened his door.
A slate fell from Sandy's house even as he held up the babe to the minister to receive a "droukin'" of water, and Eppie cried so vigorously that her shamed godmother had to rush with her to the vestry.
A slategravestone would suit me as well as a marble one,--with just my name and age, and a verse of a hymn, and something to let people know that I lived an honest man and died a Christian.
Now lost against the slate sky, now sweeping into view against a splash of crimson, they would turn and flash along the farther shore, sinking lower with diminished speed as they passed an outstretching point of land.
Here and there a strip of white-blue gleamed from her dead bosom like a smear of slate on white, and sheets of powdery snow whirled and scudded before the fierce winds that swept her.
I’d naturally want to know that I had a clean slate with the white punter before I tried interferin’ with anythin’ Boy called his.
In its vicinity may also be seen mica slate and gneiss, cropping out at the Paramo del Hatillo near Guamote, and Teocaxas, which are so seldom fallen in with in the highlands of Quito.
From the Altar the geologist might proceed, by way of San Luis, (Query, whether the primitive clay-slate found here be of the Silurian formation?
I should object toslate on a log-barn or shingles on a stone-house.
By steep roofs I mean any that have sufficient pitch to allow the use of slate or shingle.
Then I took the difference in cost between this and a good slate roof and put it in the savings-bank.
The more so the better if they have real merit; but the marbleized slate mantels so abundant have not enough intrinsic beauty to justify them in supplanting the more honest and unpretending ones of wood.
At the end of twenty years, if my roof lasts as long, my deposit will put on the best kind of a slate roof and leave three hundred dollars to go to the Society for the Promotion of Fine Art in General and Rural Architecture in Particular.
Did you ever lay your hand on a black slate or tin roof exposed to the direct rays of a midsummer sun?
The glacial erosion has here cut through the slateand bitten deep into the underlying granite.
This is the case high up on the canyon walls, at the head of Cascade Lake and Emerald Bay, but also in the canyon beds wherever the slate is approached.
The negatives should have a bright gray or slate color.
All these walls are made of slate and we use 'em to write on.
I can't understand why they don't haveslate walls instead that can't be spoiled.