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Example sentences for "estimation"

Lexicographically close words:
estimacion; estimate; estimated; estimates; estimating; estimations; estimators; estime; estimer; estin
  1. The dramatists who reflect the high popular estimation of the freeholder[354] see nothing in the grievances of Mouldy and Bullcalf except the disposition of an ignorant populace to cry for the moon.

  2. I was obliged to admit that the Company did not exist in the country of these very big mountains, and I rather fear that the admission somewhat detracted from the altitude of the Himalayas in the estimation of my hearers.

  3. Enough has been adduced to show the peculiar estimation in which the art of glass-making was formerly held, and the privileges conferred on it by the various governments of Europe.

  4. Those only, who have personally experienced the skill of the Bone-setter, can form a true estimation of his merit in managing fractures and reducing dislocations.

  5. We were welcomed by the Dutchmen, in whose estimation I found myself considerably advanced.

  6. I was much, amused to discover by their conversation in what poor estimation they held English sportsmen generally.

  7. I saw that I had fallen several degrees in his estimation by such great want of observation.

  8. The infidelity to grace was aggravated in her estimation by its accompanying ingratitude, and this in itself was a reproach, keenly painful to a heart so tender and loving as hers.

  9. In the second year after her profession, Mother Mary of the Incarnation was appointed assistant Mistress of novices, a striking proof of the high estimation in which she was held by her superiors.

  10. But I am afraid--in case you have ever been disposed to consider me a sensible woman--that my character will suffer a little in your estimation when you see how I have been occupying myself for the last hour.

  11. You would know all this, and you would open your arms to the mother of your child, to the wife of your first love, though she was the lowliest of all lowly born women in the estimation of the world?

  12. Mr. Phippen was a man of some little character, and he lived with great distinction in the estimation of his friends on the reputation of being A Martyr to Dyspepsia.

  13. They prove the absolute necessity in the apostolic estimation of the rite of Holy Baptism as perpetually practised in the Church of God.

  14. As showing the estimation in which these early engines were held, it may not be out of place to refer to the opinions of some of the railroad managers of that period.

  15. We shall see many like him in Rome, for Pollio tells me that they are held in high estimation as slaves, being good tempered and obedient.

  16. Thus, then, the manner no less than the matter of his recitals of Roman story, gained him a high estimation among his hearers, and he was already looked upon as a young chief likely to rise to a very high position among the Iceni.

  17. A profession we call it, for it should be considered as such, as an honourable profession, which a gentlewoman might follow without losing any degree of the estimation in which she is held by what is called the world.

  18. The length of time during which fires were maintained or kindled daily on the grave is said to have varied, according to the estimation in which the man was held, from a few days to three or four years.

  19. Sidenote: High estimation in which murder was held by the Fijians.

  20. I am not going to talk about last night any more than I am positively obliged," he said; "nothing that I or you could say would alter the facts of the case, or my estimation of them.

  21. His chief merits in the estimation of the polite world lay in the possession of a perfectly-appointed town house, the villa at Henley, another villa at Cowes, and a couple of magnificent yachts.

  22. Nothing that you could say would alter my estimation of the events of last night.

  23. Brunton had had neither the boldness nor the originality for such a stroke; and there he was, in the estimation of society at a very long distance indeed from equality with the earl of Birndale.

  24. Rejoicest thou in that thou rulest a span of earth, when the whole world, in the estimation of the people of Bahá, is worth as much as the black in the eye of a dead ant?

  25. At the beginning of the third act," he said afterwards, "I was wondering how Alexandre would get his Marguerite back to town without lowering her in the estimation of the spectator.

  26. The air is less dense than the earth, said Aristotle; poultry ought, then, to stand higher in estimation than quadrupeds.

  27. IX-71] These four recipes are sufficient to prove that this vegetable stood very high in the estimation of the Romans.

  28. We see that this cucurbitacea has been long known, and that, after the lapse of many centuries, it is held in the same degree of estimation it enjoyed among the Eastern nations.

  29. Bigler, however, had a different estimation of them.

  30. The marks of governmental favor show in what estimation the position of Benicia is held.

  31. But even with the help of all his epics it has failed to secure him any such place in the estimation of posterity.

  32. Men's Estimation follows us according to the Company we keep.

  33. I do not think that, in the estimation of wise and reflecting men, they are necessarily thus connected.

  34. And is this reason of convenience sufficient, in the estimation of this House, to justify it, in depriving this people, in the person of their Representatives, of the essential right of speaking upon this floor?

  35. For more than a year those on the same side of this question with myself have had their opinions tortured into every shape to destroy them in the estimation of the people, not only in this session but during the last.

  36. Sir, impassable as the barriers offered by these edicts are in the estimation of members on this floor, the merchants abroad do not estimate them as insurmountable.

  37. His gallant and meritorious services in our Revolution, and patriotic conduct since, have always been held in high estimation by the Government.

  38. Already the old States sink in the estimation of members, when brought into comparison with these new countries.

  39. Every city high in estimation as a commercial city is opposed to the renewal of the charter, except Boston.

  40. The locality of any great interest, in an association of States such as compose this Union, will be a circumstance of primary importance, in the estimation of every wise statesman.

  41. And are we so sunk in the estimation of the mighty conqueror, that he thinks it necessary and proper to use this as his official language towards us?

  42. I say in popular estimation these subjects seem so connected.

  43. I entirely agree with you in thinking the situation of Irish Secretary to be in rank and estimation much below Tom's calibre.

  44. Many there are who know their neighbors in their own estimation better than they know their own hearts.

  45. Men are very apt to know their neighbors better in their own estimation than they know themselves.

  46. But though he did not allow honesty of purpose to soften his disapprobation of actions, it had its full effect on his estimation of characters.

  47. He had taken his place in the estimation both of friends and opponents, as one of the conspicuous figures in the thought of the age.

  48. In this, along with the favourable, a part also of the unfavourable side of my estimation of Bentham's doctrines, considered as a complete philosophy, was for the first time put into print.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "estimation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.