Moreover, Mr. Shedlock's extracts from the Kafka sketchbook in the British Museum show that Beethoven tried his youthful hand at a symphony.
The sketchbook analysed by Nottebohm affords a curious illustration in Matthison's "Opferlied," the melody being written out in full not less than six times, the theme in substance remaining unchanged.
Nottebohm has proved in his study of the Kessler sketchbook that the sixth of the "Bagatelles," in D major, had its origin in 1802, when Beethoven was at work on the second Symphony.
In general it may be observed that Beethoven in all his work begun in the sketchbook proceeded in the most varied manner, and at times reached his goal in a direction opposite to that upon which he first set out.
That each sketchbook was filled in pretty regular course from beginning to end before a new one was taken.
Sketches of the two found in the Petters sketchbook are evidence of their simultaneous origin.
In a sketchbook formerly in the possession of Grassnick in Berlin, there are sketches for the Quartet in D major which are near the ultimate form, except that there is a different theme for the last movement.
It is heard of again in a sketchbook of 1798, where there is a melodic phrase adapted to the words, "Muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.
With that he showed me the sketchbook bearing the words, 'Let us sing the song of the immortal Schiller Freude.
But the theme had figured twenty years before in a sketchbook used when the Sonata in A major, Op.
This is in the midst of sketches to the final chorus of the opera, and is written upon the upper outer corner of page 291 of the "Leonore" sketchbook which became the property of Mr. Paul Mendelssohn, of Berlin.
His memorandum is evidently the record of an idea which occurred to his mind on perusing the fragment, and determines the date of the first part of the sketchbook to be the beginning of 1809.
A sketchbook of 1808, whose contents were analyzed by Nottebohm ("Zweite Beethoveniana," p.
Now we read in the "Fidelio" sketchbook about the time when Beethoven wrote to Treitschke about "sending out the opera" (p.
Do not the following memoranda--accompanied in the sketchbook by numerous studies--show how the deficiency was to be supplied?
Scattered along this part of the sketchbookare divers subjects for pianoforte works; as if Beethoven had in mind a companion piece to the E-flat Concerto for the farther display of his powers.
Leonardo haunted the public streets, sketchbook in hand, and when attracted by a face, would follow till he was able to transfer it to paper.
His sketchbook was a curiosity, because he not only made sketches in it, but jotted down his travelling expenses, what he thought about things that he saw, and all the gossip he heard in the towns through which he passed.
Amy shook her head and opened her sketchbook with an air of resignation, but she had made up her mind to lecture 'that boy' and in a minute she began again.
It is good practice for me, and with my sketchbook will give you a better idea of my tour than these scribbles.