The isthmus is entitled to absolutely no consideration whatever in deciding the location at which to incise so vital a structure as the trachea.
Only in cases of laryngoptosis will it be necessary to incise the trachea higher than this.
Incise exactly in middle line from Adam's apple to sternum.
Pass knife along index and incise trachea (not too deeply, may cut posterior wall).
This throws the trachea forward into prominence, and one deep slashing cut will incise all of the soft tissues down to the trachea.
Incise the outer integument between the ribs with a bellied scalpel.
I put the patient lying on her back, then I incise the sound part of the breast outside the cancer and burn the incision with cauteries until the eschar produced stops the flow of blood.
Incise and curet the wound and apply one of the wet dressings.
Evert the lid, incise the conjunctiva freely over the tumour, insert the blunt end of a probe and roughly stir up the contents of the cyst, thus evacuating it.
Such being the case, the best rule is to incise the neck of the sac directly upwards, i.
But when the stricture is produced by either of the muscles which lie beneath the aponeurosis of the external oblique, it will be necessary to divide this part in order to expose andincise them.
If, however, the staff can be passed as far as the situation of the stone, the parts may be held with a sufficient degree of steadiness to enable the operator to incise the prostate upon the stone.
With sterile forceps and scalpel incise the skin in the middle line from the top of the sternum to the pubes.
The interior is dry from the air passing continually over it, and assumes a deep red tint, somewhat masked by patches of dust or earth, which more especially adhere to the upper surface of the tongue and to the lips.
Another method is to incise the abscess, cleanse the cavity with gauze, irrigate with Carrel-Dakin solution and pack with gauze smeared with the dilute non-toxic B.
It is usually sufficient to incise the periosteum, but when the disease occurs in a rib it may be necessary to resect a portion of bone.
Care must be taken not to let the knife slip at the end of the incision and soincise the neck tissues.
The next step is to incise the sinus freely from above downwards towards the jugular fossa and curette out the thrombus.
In such cases it is sufficient to incise the bulging area, beginning the incision just above the region of the processus brevis and carrying it horizontally backwards to its posterior extremity (Fig.
If the swelling be large and tense, it is safer to incise it freely as described above for abscess of the septum.
The double-edged spear-shaped knife is now seldom used, as with it there is a tendency to puncture rather than to incise the membrane.
The first step of the operation is to incise the tympanic membrane with a paracentesis knife in a vertical direction just behind the margin of the malleus.