Before any one could do anything, had it been possible, the car was at the dangerous descent.
It costs money to stay here and play those silly, dangerous games.
The fright of the dangerous ride was fast passing away from all of the Kentfield team.
I often thank God for the stupidity of evil men and the simplicity of good ones," Carlos said to his new friend Losada, after one of these dangerous discourses.
But let me tell you, Senor Don Juan, that I hold you rather a dangerousguest to harbour under the circumstances.
Around the presence of Dona Beatriz there still hung a sweet dangerous fascination, against which he struggled, and, in the strength of his new and mighty principle of action, struggled successfully.
In those days, cavaliers of rank frequently sought the dangerous triumphs of the bull-ring.
Take it," said Gonsalvo; "but remember it is a dangerous treasure.
Thus Carlos pondered; but in whatever way he regarded the matter, he could not escape from the idea that his cousin intended some dangerous or fatal step.
Curses, after all, are weapons dangerous to use, and apt to pierce the hand that wields them.
But bare hills denuded of wood allow most of their rain to rush down to the sea in dangerous spates of the rivers and burns, and then the ground becomes afterwards very dry and burnt up.
There are a great number of leaf-cutting ants who are, indeed, amongst the most dangerous of the many insect pests in South America and elsewhere.
Of these perhaps the most dangerous are the "scale" insects.
The gums, incenses, thorns, and spines are all of great use to the plant in its dangerous struggle for existence with hungry camels and thirsty soil.
Perhaps it is best to show how, even in Great Britain, all plants have many dangerous foes.
No doubt this has the effect of keeping off dangerous insects, for it is said that plants of hemp even keep off insects from other plants planted close beside them.
Wolves, bears, hyenas and other animals were abundant; neighbours of his own or other tribes were more ferocious and more dangerous than wild beasts.
It is a handsome tree, but a very dangerous one, for the slightest cut on the surface produces a flow of a very fine white milk which is acrid and poisonous.
Another very dangerous root-enemy, which is common in this country, is the Cockchafer grub or Whitegrub.
But a still more dangerous stinging plant is a handsome tree (Laportea moroides) found in Australia.
Such poisonous orders should of course be avoided, but much more dangerous are those deadly plants which appear as it were accidentally in orders which are amongst the most useful friends of man.
The blindness of men is the most dangerous effect of their pride; it seems to nourish and augment it, it deprives us of knowledge of remedies which can solace our miseries and can cure our faults.
The Duke de la Rochefoucauld desired peace because of his dangerous wounds and ruined castles, which had made him dread even worse events.
It is dangerous to seek to be always the leader of the conversation, and to push a good argument too hard, when we have found one.
Timidity is a fault which is dangerous to blame in those we desire to cure of it.
There are wicked people who would be much less dangerous if they were wholly without goodness.
The passions possess a certain injustice and self interest which makes it dangerous to follow them, and in reality we should distrust them even when they appear most trustworthy.
It is not so dangerous to do wrong to most men, as to do them too much good.
The most dangerous folly of old persons who have been loveable is to forget that they are no longer so.
There are matters and maladies which at certain times remedies only serve to make worse; true skill consists in knowing when it is dangerous to use them.
Satire is at once the most agreeable and most dangerous of mental qualities.
But it was a serious thought that the Prefect was at present by far the most dangerous person of the two.
I don't like him either, but was it not a little dangerous to treat him so?
But it seemed a dangerous step forward, to force such men as this Ratoneau, for instance, into the best families of France.
The Messieurs d'Ombré especially, from their talk, would have been dangerous companions at table.
So Angelot thought he saw that Simon might easily drag his chosen victim into a dangerous place, from which it would be hard to escape with honour.
We left my boy to find his own way in a time like this, and your Chouan friends were as dangerous for him as Hélène de Sainfoy.
The panic which had threatened him when first he had recognized that he was in the hands of Chinese, gave place to a cold rage--a heritage which in later years was to make him a dangerous man.
Nevertheless, Knox, I am submitting you to rather an appalling risk, I know; for our man is desperate, and if he is still in the place will prove as dangerous as a cornered rat.
She was perhaps a vampire of the most dangerous sort, one who lured men to strange deaths for some sinister object beyond reach of a Western imagination.
She's an adventuress, and has a dangerous acquaintance with Eastern cults, and.
He got into that objectionable and dangerous mood which some of you will recall, and I could see by the light in his eyes that there was mischief brewing, although at the time I did not know its nature.
Why should she have left such a dangerous power in her husband's hands?
I learn, however, from some friends who have met him abroad that he is having trouble with Mark, who is proving difficult to manage, and has contracted a dangerous taste for gaming.
A little color is a dangerous thing," Marianne had said, somewhat overwisely, "but a great deal of it is pretty certain to be pleasing.
They knew, by the same token, that he was as dangerous as he had been advertised.
In such maneuvers the mare was a dangerous encumbrance, for though she had fallen into the spirit of the thing at once and never uttered even the faintest whinny yet it would be far easier for the men to hear and see two than to detect one.
The sprints were run on the straightaway which was more than the necessary quarter of a mile but occasionally there was a longer race and then the field had to take that dangerous circuit, sloppy and slippery with dust.
The first glimpse of Charleston a rough paved street--our hotel 'bus finding itself with almost dangerous celerity in front of trolley cars.
They were still fearfully near the dangerous fabric, but destruction from the explosion was no longer inevitable.
The coast of North America is liable to sudden and dangerous transitions, in the currents of the air.
Blackwell's was already behind them, and as the two currents were again united, the brigantine had luffed up into the entrance of the dangerous passage, and now followed within two hundred feet of the Coquette, directly in her wake.
It was said that the route to Oregon was impracticable, and that it was beset with dangerous enemies, and that we could not send troops over to Oregon, nor provisions to feed them.
I assure you Duke Albrecht is a verydangerous enemy.
You have made a powerful friend, but also a dangerous enemy.
But in constitutions of a stronger cast, especially, in virulent disorders, they must have recourse to more powerful, though more dangerous expedients.
For there is the boldness of despair to be apprehended from a vanquished enemy, dangerous as the bite of a ferocious animal in the pangs of death.
In the first place it isdangerous to prolong a contest with a more powerful enemy.
In the eighth book of the same writer, we are told that the Corinthians imposed a duty upon all goods, which, to avoid the dangerous passage of Cape Malea, were transported by land from sea to sea.
It is a dangerous voyage, perhaps, you have to make; but you think very little of the danger.
There is a long lecture of admonition upon the folly of such dangerous practices; and if the offence be aggravated by some recent joviality with Dalton and the Senior, you are condemned to a month of exile with a country clergyman.
It's positively dangerous for that dear girl to go about!
Tain't half as dangerous as that orchard back there, if you didn't come into it honest!
The dangerous thing about you is that you mean this now--almost; enough, anyway, to give it a ring of sincerity.
Since early morning she had employed every art, every diplomatic ruse in which her race is so proficient, to avoid this dangerous pastime.
You're getting in mighty dangerous ground, Tom," he warned sharply.
From our knowledge of the language, and from our age, we are better fitted than anyone in the corps to perform this service; and therefore it would be clearly our duty to perform it, were it greatly more dangerous than it is.
If getting in were no more dangerous than getting out, there would not be much peril in the matter.
They had behaved equally well in action; and now the enterprise of the Barclays testified to the fact that, in a dangerous expedition requiring coolness, presence of mind, and nerve, they were equally to be relied upon.
Naturally, the villagers, instead of looking upon us as defenders, will regard us as the most dangerous of guests.
It is a nasty cut; but there is nothing dangerous in the wound, itself.
What made you two begin playing in such a dangerous part?
Smith to put it this way to Miss Annie that it would be dangerous for her to have the anxiety of Miss Grace's being ill at home, and most upsetting to the household.
It dawned on no one that a very dangerous element had been introduced into the clear heaven of the wise rule of the White House.
Had they been left behind by the horses running away, their plight would have been dangerous enough.
Joe soon recovered from his unpleasant and dangerous experience and, true to his promise, used his influence to induce Mr. Watson to play an exhibition game for the moving picture people.
It had been the scene of more than one wreck, for there was a dangerous curve in it, and in the Winter it was a source of worry to the railroad men, for the snow piled high in it when there was a storm of more than usual severity.
Now let us consider the dangerous tendency of those laws.
We learn then from history, that slavery, wherever encouraged, has sooner or later been productive of very dangerous commotions.
That it is dangerous to the safety of the state in which it prevails, may be as safely asserted.
The horrid iniquity, injustice, and dangerous tendency of the several plantation laws which I have quoted, are so apparent, that it is unnecessary for me to apologize for the freedom with which I have treated them.
Just at the rise of the plane, the wheel on the left side had crumpled and now swung a useless, dangerous mass beneath the ship.
He wanted to prove to himself that his newfound, splendidly dangerous river of the wind flowed always into the west.
In a moment these heavy, dangerous ice pellets were rattling angrily against the plane.
If the facts were known, however, one of those journeys was not so mysterious after all, merely a boy dashing home to see his mother before he undertook a dangerous ocean flight.
High again--then a dangerous glide over the dragging tops of trees, and only the climbing reversal of the Chandelle saving him from wreck.
After the crash where, in that last downward swoop, he had evidently pulled the wrong mechanism and tipped the plane to a dangerous turn, an obsession of distrust had oppressed him.
The life-giving oxygen was there in its tube, at his very lips, but here in this dangerous light-air pressure, Hal had not been able to assimilate all the oxygen that he needed.
It was just the night for a difficult and dangerous enterprise, and the fog and the darkness were its best friends.
He has been a dangerous enemy to his country," continued Somers.
He is none the better, and all the more dangerous to us, because he gives the South credit for skill and bravery.
Excuse me; the confiscation laws aredangerous to men in my situation.
Mr. Swayne, you will call all hands," said the new commander of the Tallapoosa, when his dangerous first lieutenant had been secured.
An apartment was specially fitted up for their use in the steerage, for they were regarded as dangerous men, to whom bolts, bars, and other obstacles, were but trifling impediments.
He had learned in his babyhood that it is dangerous to play with fire, but had never believed it so fully as at this moment.
But in addition to his professional duties, he had in his keeping valuable but dangerous information, of which he must make a judicious use.
The work had been accomplished, the Ben Ledi had been destroyed, and the Firefly hastened to escape from her dangerous locality.
The man uttered his remark in a loud tone, exhibiting a strange carelessness, if the matter in hand was as dangerous as the words implied.
Paved ways ran from door to door of the various buildings, but all the rest of the bailey was carpeted with grass, which had been sown there to feed the cattle who would be herded within the walls in dangerous times.
Also, that is the most dangerouspart of the fen, the miles between the river and this lake.