The programme is a very fair one," resumed the first speaker, glancing at it as she spoke.
The line of common studies is adapted for man's work and programme of life.
In many schools it has almost perished by neglect, or the thorns of the examination programme have grown up and choked it.
Tricotrin ran off his programme as glibly as though a revolution were no more difficult than the arrangement of so many pleasant little parties, for which it was merely necessary to send out notes of invitation.
And seriously I give it you, sire," said the Marquis, in whose political programme the resignation of Kophetua found no place.
He said: "The first section of this programme of disunion is the most dangerous to liberty.
If Myrtle could have looked through the window in the breast against which only authors are privileged to flatten their features, it is for the reader to judge how far the programme would have satisfied her.
There is no programme of exercises to studied beforehand.
I cannot give these at length, for each part of the show is introduced in the programme with apt quotations and pleasantries, which enlivened the catalogue.
We can arrange a new programme of studies and recitations.
It needed but the timely word from the fitting lips to change the whole programme of her daily mode of being.
As I proceeded, the slight story which formed a part of my programme eloped itself without any need of much contrivance on my, part.
But if I am here when the leaves are all fallen, the programme of my life will have changed, and this story of the dead past will be illuminated by the light of a living present which will irradiate all its saddening features.
If there had been, what a change in your programme of life!
This was a portion of the programmefor the evening, as arranged behind the scenes.
To be fêted and toasted and to make a speech in Drury Lane Theatre would not have entered into my flightiest conceptions, if I had made out a programme beforehand.
This is the meaning, therefore, of that somewhat ambitious programme common to most of these large institutions, at which we sometimes smile, perhaps unwisely or uncharitably.
In this frank epistle we were given the programme of future guerilla warfare, of Boer hopes, and Boer ambition.
To return, then, to the nerve-trying ordeals that formed part of the almost daily programme of the soldier's duty.
The programme of surprise parties, trapping of small forces, and abuse of the white flag, continued with little variety.
The programme for the evening is arranged," she announced, "and it's fine.
Your letter withprogramme for the Pittsburg party is received.
Germany was winning; the programme was being carried out.
After all that march from Belgium, with no break in the programme of success, the thunders broke and lightning flashed out of the sky as Manoury's army rushed upon von Kluck's flank.
It had all gone according toprogramme up to that moment.
It was according to the programme laid out for each turret and each gun in a turret.
To this programme Tristrem was obliged to subscribe.
On one occasion she had danced two-thirds of the programme at a ball with an officer even more dashing than the objectionable nephew of Mrs Mott, and in a corner of the conservatory had given him a flower from her bouquet.
He had mapped out a much more interesting programme for himself, deciding to slip upstairs and dress for dinner so early that he should be able to descend the moment that his mother was securely shut into her own room.
Obviously it is a programme that can only enter the head of an enthusiastic lord who has supernumerary oxen, and will know how to fill the place of a ploughman who is ill.
Fourthly, we must not light-heartedly transport the three-course or even the two-course programme of agriculture into the days of conquest and settlement.
A good programme of this system is given by Cunningham, Growth of English Industry, i.
But in truth we are learning that the attempt to construct a normalprogramme for all portions of mankind is idle and unscientific.
Howbeit, to come to the question that is immediately before us, our evidence seems to tell us that the commissioners and their master discovered that the original programme of the inquest was unnecessarily cumbrous.
The preliminary programme at Mr. Lippert's request was then communicated by cable to our London friends.
Rouliot, to whom he submitted a certain programme concerning the settlement of some pending questions forming the subject of grave differences between the Government of the S.
Later on a political association named the Transvaal Republican Union was formed in Barberton, having a constitution and programme much the same as those of the Transvaal National Union, formed some five years later in Johannesburg.
The above programme was strictly adhered to until the column was fired upon on the night of the 31st.
We were then informed that the programme must be considered as a whole, and either adopted or rejected as such, no question being considered separately, and that the matter must be kept absolutely secret.
Jameson as the leader of an invading force is the one portion of their programme which the Reform leaders find it extremely difficult to justify.
Our letter of the 27th March conveyed to you our opinion and that of our friends, upon the subjects comprised in the programme which was submitted to us, and it is unnecessary to go over them in detail again.
This brief but comprehensive programme has never been lost sight of, and I think we may challenge contradiction fearlessly when we assert that we have constitutionally, respectfully, and steadily prosecuted our purpose.
As the programme was open before them, they had everything to gain and nothing to lose, except the loss entailed by nominal government by the British.
A comical incident occurred in this part of the programme through the innocent mistake of an old infantry officer, who in his progress lifted his peaked hat and gave the Queen a military salute, as he walked by.
I must conclude and enclose, by way of close, two touching objects--a flower and a programme of the procession.
One part of the programme had to be given up, on account of the tempestuous weather.
By laying hands upon him the Spanish Authorities laid hands also upon a large number of incriminating documents which were the means of connecting many prominent business men of Manila with the bloody programme of the Katipunan.
But he was destined to act an important part in the society to which he belonged: a part however not in the programme of proceedings drawn up by the society.
Then you are worrying because you fear some of the other numbers on the programme will not come up to your expectations.
That is being succeeded by a positive programme that thinks very definitely of the boy's fullest development and of his social spiritualization.
An effort was made to find every school district in the state, and a Bird-Day programme was sent to 1,350 of these schools.
He looks miserable, and either mopes in a corner like a new boy at school, or else reads away at his programme and peers about for a partner who isn't on it.
At the piano sat a girl, who accompanied the performers and bridged over the gaps in the programme by selections from the less restrained works of American Masters of Music.
It was now after two, and Hughie, in response to a generally expressed desire, laid before his guests a detailed programme for the afternoon.
After this gratuitous contribution to the gaiety of the proceedings the official programme came into force, and various attractive and romantic visions were unfolded to the audience.
The formal enunciation of this lofty programme of reform brought Innocent's pontificate to a glorious end.
The next feature of the programme was entitled Das Staupenspiel im Paradies ("the Walloping in Paradise"), a procedure to which every apprentice was exposed annually and to which on this occasion he bade a final farewell.
She left him free--that he knew; he could still carry out his hunting box programme in full.
You know," he continued after a while, "your introduction to Binks at such an early stage in the proceedings has rather spoilt the masterlyprogramme I had outlined in my mind.
The accountant-general also reviews the progress of liabilities and expenditure, and in relation to dockyard expenditure he considers the proposed programme of construction as it affects labour, material and machinery.
Their aims, inspired by their admiration for English institutions, were far in advance of the possibilities of the time, and even after they had been raised to regular ministerial positions but little of their programmecould be realized.
The programme it proposed was as follows:-- First, Destruction of the existing class rule by all means, i.
In this department the programme for work in the dockyards is prepared, as well as certain sections of the navy estimates.
He supervises this officer in preparing the programmeof work done in the dockyards, the provision of the material required and its appropriation to particular work in accordance with the programme.
A programme so stupendous awoke in Alexander's impressionable mind an ambition to which he had hitherto been a stranger.
Didn't I hear you arranging some sort of a musical programme with Mr. Darrell?
Soon after his arrival Walcott had begged of Kate Underwood the honor of a waltz, but her programme being then nearly filled she could only give him one well towards the end.
As you please," he replied, stooping to pick up theprogramme she had dropped; "are the guests arriving yet?
She is taking a base advantage of us; she has discovered what we did not suppose existed in this house--a young man--and is getting her programme filled in advance!
You are a superb dancer; now you certainly can have no scruples about claiming some waltzes," Kate replied, withdrawing her arm and again placing her programme in his hands.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "programme" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.