She felt as if her arms were tied and she was sinking down into space and, as is always the case with dreams of falling, she waked with a nervous leap as if her body had hit the bed and rebounded.
It was much better for her to know because we would have been misrepresented always unless someone had told her, and we couldn't exactly tell her ourselves.
It is a land of gray mists, always in twilight, and the Sweet Spirits who live in it are shadows.
You always make good ones, Molly, darling, because you put in enough sugar.
No one could tell, and yet it was always the same.
Can't you understand that you gain nothing, and always lose something, by giving way like this?
People always think they can open tin cans and doors and pull stoppers when other people can't," observed Judy sarcastically.
He always has enough invitations for three, but he was never known to accept any before.
They always fit me better than my own," said Molly, looking at herself in the mirror over the mantel.
On account of the magnitude of sins committed, repentance is not always followed by forgiveness and restoration.
And if ye do always remember me, ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.
And this shall ye always do to those who repent and are baptized in my name; and ye shall do it in remembrance of my blood, which I have shed for you, that ye may witness unto the Father that ye do always remember me.
Zion, and for the glory, honor and endowment of all her municipals, are ordained by the ordinance of my Holy House, which my people are always commanded to build unto my Holy Name.
And this shall yealways observe to do, even as I have done, even as I have broken bread, and blessed it, and gave it unto you.
He was a good orator, active and diligent, always employing himself in doing good to his fellow man.
That is, the Lord grants to men of his Holy Spirit to soften their hearts and enlighten their understandings, that they may see and receive the truth, if they will; but his Spirit will not always strive with man.
And if ye shall always do these things, blessed are ye, for ye are built upon my rock;" 3 Nephi 18.
No matter how earnestly I lifted their bows, their sterns always dragged.
A blast from them, besides waking up the audience, always means something.
He always looks ahead; he never crosses a T until he comes to it.
Then, too, there are always a few nails in evidence.
Every time Uncle Lemuel's daughter sees it she tells me how much it alwaysmeant to her, and how the old house seems empty without it.
He had a large garage full of fords, and he always kept a sharp eye on the door to make sure that nobody who walked out carried off one of us.
When such international clashes occurred, it was always difficult to find out which one had started the trouble.
What sights and sounds I had to endure--I who had always kept the strictest decorum!
You're always so delightfully frank with me, Mr. Ethridge.
But the great paradox of packing is that a trunk is always full when you close it and always three-quarters empty when you open it.
Why, my dear girl, this new Gothenburg systemalways has struck me as quite the sole chance Of escape from predicament truly contemptible--only fair promise of real advance.
If he wasn't so wropped up in his cookery, he'd know there's always a dish as goes the round untasted, without why or wherefore.
The men looked stupidly about them, knowing not one word of his lordship's English, and he was always a man who disdained to converse much in Erse.
But there's something in gentle blood that always comes out on such an occasion.
What humour gave so gaudy a title to so humble a place I have been always beat to know.
It was after ten by my Paris watch when I got the length of the Creags, and I knew that there was nothing but a sleeping town before me, for our folks were always early bedders when the fishing season was on.
He forgot the carriage of his shoulders; indifferent to the disposition of his reins, he reached and wrung a hundred hands, crying back memory for memory, jest for jest, and always the hope for future meetings.
Her ladyship had much of the French manner--a dainty dame with long thin face and bottle shoulders, attired always in Saxon fashion, and indulgent in what I then thought a wholesome levity, that made up for the Gruamach husband.
Always on the going foot, MacLachlan," said John, airily.
With man and ghost, I have always felt the same: give me my back to the wall, and I could pluck up valour enough for the occasion, but there's a spot between the shoulders that would be coward flesh in Hector himself.
It had always been a surprise to me that Argile's grandfather, when he set the fort on the hill, chose the lower of the two eminences, contrary to all good guidance of war.
It is a notion very antique," I confessed, to his annoyance; "but it is always to your credit to have thought it out for yourself.
It is alwaysbest to let Harris have his head when he gets like this.
We played for about an hour and a half, by the end of which time George had won fourpence - George always is lucky at cards - and Harris and I had lost exactly twopence each.
I know that the proper thing to do, when you get to a village or town, is to rush off to the churchyard, and enjoy the graves; but it is a recreation that I always deny myself.
Harris always does know a place round the corner where you can get something brilliant in the drinking line.
It is always the same, and the same sort of thing always goes on in connection with it.
I notice that people always make gigantic arrangements for bathing when they are going anywhere near the water, but that they don't bathe much when they are there.
Old ladies, not accustomed to the river, are always intensely nervous of steam launches.
First the current drives you on to the right bank, and then on to the left, then it takes you out into the middle, turns you round three times, and carries you up stream again, and alwaysends by trying to smash you up against a college barge.
Harris always keeps to shades or mixtures of orange or yellow, but I don't think he is at all wise in this.
He said people in ships always wetted the sails before they put them up.
You can always tell the old river hand by the way in which he stretches himself out upon the cushions at the bottom of the boat, and encourages the rowers by telling them anecdotes about the marvellous feats he performed last season.
In a boat, I have alwaysnoticed that it is the fixed idea of each member of the crew that he is doing everything.
Conflict always calls for punishment of the vanquished.
The presumption of guilt is always against the sailor in charges of mutiny.
Free an' easy, always willin' to help a shipmate," said another.
And, as they had done before, they came again in the days that followed, but the lovers were always found apparently idly scanning the sea and talking about indifferent things.
It is always the abuse of the useful that is most dangerous.
There was always some slight motion on the shore, and the silken slithering of the waves on the barrier came to him very faintly.
In that case, there are alwaysthe boats," observed Harnash.
There's always a chance on the sea," admitted the boatswain.
It was a platitude, of course; but, in great emergencies, humanity always resorts to platitudes.
But he was always seeing her in a different environment.
My dog Jack alwaysminds me, and he will do just as I tell him.
So she has good luck with her flowers, and is always able to make up a nice bouquet.
Why is it that flowersalways grow so nicely for Mary?
Castoria Pleasant to take; never narcotic, always regulates the Stomach and Bowels.
Is he in the position of a scientific Tantalus--doomed always to thirst for a knowledge which he cannot obtain?
I never thought of these things in the old days; she had always planned everything, arranged everything, forestalled everything.
But he always discounted encouragement, and it is a clumsy business trying to help a man who does not demand or desire help.
The sacrifice of one's own life is not necessarily and absolutely an immoral thing, because it is always held to be justified if one's motive is to save another.
Lucy is represented as a high-spirited and somewhat giddy child, who is always being made aware of her moral deficiencies.
I always vaguely disliked living as comfortably as we did--but it will not be agreeable to have to calculate all our expenses--that may perhaps mend itself, if I can but begin my writing again.
A definite illness is always with one, more or less; but in nervous ailments, one has interludes of perfect and even buoyant health, which delude one into hoping that the demon has gone out.
I have alwayshoped that some one would be kind and brave enough to tell me when I did that.
Before, there was always an object ahead of me, a light to which I made my way; and all the pleasant incidents of life were things to guide me, and to beguile the plodding path.
He always seemed to be on the point of proposing to her, and then he would lose heart at the last minute.
The animals are hung on limbs of trees, and the sacrifice always includes the best.
Fourteen yemshicks are kept at every station, and always ready for service.
But for rapidity and dash, commend me always to the Siberian yemshicks.
The natives were reduced to a condition of slavery; they were compelled to devote the best part of their time to the company's labor, and the accounts were so managed as to keep them always in debt.
At times the boats are obliged to remain for days in the middle of the lake as they cannot always make the land while a gale continues.
Mutton is the staple article of food, and nearly alwayscheap and abundant.
The infantry and cavalry are subject to the same regulation, and the musters are so arranged that some part of the Cossack force is always under arms.
The government has always endeavored to scatter the exiles and prevent their congregating in such numbers as to cause inconvenience.
It is always light in color and density, and when touched by the sun's rays appears faintly crimsoned or gilded.
Usually each house had a small yard or flower garden in its front, but it was not always carefully tended.
There is always a cloud of steam filling the room and making objects indistinct.
So many circumstances are to be considered that I was always in dread of making a mistake of etiquette somewhere.
Examples to the natives are not always of the best, and it would not be surprising if they raised doubts as to the superiority of Christian faith.
His mind had gone back to his earlier student days in Paris, when life always looked as it did now in the brief half-hour of satisfaction which followed a cold bath or a good dinner, and he had forgotten himself and his surroundings.
He always enjoyed meeting attractive girls who were engaged, as it left him no choice in the matter, and excused him from finding out whether or not that particular young woman was the one.
He always said that Guido represented him in his professional and Nolan in his social capacity.
Then I always like to go to a place where you are as much of a curiosity to the people as they are to you.
Why is it," he asked, "that the girls on a steamer who wear gold anchors and the men in yachting-caps are always the first to disappear?
The simplest way is always the best way, it seems to me.
The end of a rope must always be secured in some way, or it is evident from its construction that it will on the slightest usage become frayed out.
It is used in cases where it is essential that the end should not be in a position to jam, but alwaysready for slipping at a moment's notice, as in securing cable ends, etc.
With steel wire, always before working it, put a stop on at the place to which you intend to unlay, and also put a good whipping of twine at the end of each strand.
In unlaying for a long splice, always unlay two strands simultaneously, to keep the rope in its original lay.
Procter always seemed to be astounded at the travelling spirit of Americans, and in his letters he makes frequent reference to our "national propensity," as he calls it.
Holmes are enough to confirm the predilection that I have always had for the art of healing.
Dickens always greatly rejoiced in the theatre; and, having seen him act with the Amateur Company of the Guild of Literature and Art, I can well imagine the delight his impersonations in Montreal must have occasioned.
Procter delighted to recall the many theatrical triumphs of the eccentric tragedian, and the memoir which he printed of Kean will always be read with interest.
Of Lady Blessington's tact, kindness, and remarkable beauty Procter always spoke with ardor, and abated nothing from the popular idea of that fascinating person.
Procter and he were in the same Commission, and were on excellent terms, the younger officer always regarding the elder with a kind of leonine deference.
Adelaide Procter's name willalways be sweet in the annals of English poetry.
I am alwaysendeavoring to get home in disguise, and have a dreary sense of the distance.
His spirit was wonderful, and, although he lost all appetite and could partake of very little food, he was always cheerful and ready for his work when the evening came round.
Of the best novels by his contemporaries he always spoke with warm commendation, and "Griffith Gaunt" he thought a production of very high merit.
I have always been a great admirer of the great Emperor, and to see the heir of Napoleon at the Elysée seems to me a real piece of poetical justice.
Life behind the scenes was always a fascinating study to Dickens.
I, at least, want youalways within attainable distance, even though I never see you.
One of our periodicals observes--"We have no hope that a class of criminals will ever cease to exist in this country, and it will always therefore be a question, what is to be done with them?
The traffic of a system of lines, connected with one another, can always be worked more economically and conveniently under one uniform management than by independent Companies.
With score under arm, healways made it a point to follow the performance of any opera he heard.
It was after this second concert that Franz's reputation reached the ears of Beethoven, always the object of the boy's warmest admiration.
The cousin, however, really worked over his anatomy, and was always ready at the lessons with his demonstrations, while Hector was not, and thus drew upon himself many a reprimand.
Franz was an open minded, frank, truth-loving child, always ready to confess his faults, though he seemed to have but few.
From that time to this it has always been the custom to stand during this chorus, whenever it is performed.
But the strain and excitement he had undergone for the past few months had done their work: a succession of fainting spells overcame him, and the marvelous powers which had always been his seemed no longer at his command.
He had always longed to write for the lyric stage.
In Düsseldorf, Hanover, Göttingen and Bonn he had many friends and wasalways welcome.
In the case of César, however, a musician was what he most desired to become, so that music study was always a delight.
The others loved his good nature and friendliness, and always yielded to him.
It is easy to imagine the mother's joy, for Hannes had always been the apple of her eye, and she had kept her promise faithfully, to write him a letter every week.
His music must have had an influence over the lad's own efforts, for he always remained true to this ideal.
Beethoven was a great master to him then, but as time went on the spell of his music always grew stronger.
He had had great hopes of certain formulae bought at a large price of a clerk named Simon, who stole them from the reputed wizard; but when he tried them, there was always some little thing which would not work.
But always the keenest edge and finest steel came of that mysterious heathen forging.
When he went away the swan would disappear in the marsh, but watched for his return and was alwaysthere to welcome him.
Archiater never made use of half his discoveries--and he was always finding out secrets concerning the crafts.
Gold is always gold," said Brother Basil, coming out of his fit of dreamy abstraction.
He was always glad to see a new plant or mineral which might possibly give him a new color.
He was always good, and although he has had great troubles they have not made him hard or bitter--which is not a common thing.
He had never had such a pupil, and had begun to hope that they might always work together for the love of the work and the glory of their Church.
This monk hadalways from his boyhood had bird-companions.
A castle had its dove-cote as it had its poultry-yard or rabbit-warren, but the birds were not always so fearless or so many.
There's a stone bason with a shaft that goes away down to the well in the lowest part of the castle, and the defenders can alwaysget water by lowering a bucket when they're besieged.
This was a new thought to Dickon, though he hadalways known the stories of the healing of the blind and the leprous, and the birth at Bethlehem.
Do not the good colors and the bad contend always until you bring them into agreement?
We lived almost alwaysin the city, so that we had not any garden, but we had pots of flowers in the windows, and I used to tend them.
He always brought a good stomach with him, and used but little ceremony in the preface.
Besides, there is always a danger that the religion which the King professes, will imperceptibly diffuse itself over a nation, though no violence is used to promote it.
If I have been any where obscure in following our common author; or if Lucretius himself is to be condemned, I refer myself to his excellent annotations, which I have often read, and always with some pleasure.
I'd have a little vault, but always stor'd With the best wines each vintage could afford.
I'd alwaystake my morning exercise: For sure no minutes bring us more content, Than those in pleasing, useful studies spent.
He wrote several Prologues and Epilogues for her, and would always hear her rehearse them in private, before she spoke them on the stage.
It is the nature of satire to be biting, but it is not always its nature to be true: We cannot help thinking that Mr. Dryden has treated Shadwell a little too unmercifully, and has violated truth to make the satire more pungent.
Very early in the year 1704, a farce: called the Stage Coach, in the composition whereof he was jointly concerned with another, made its first appearance in print, and it has always given satisfaction.
Always happy when one of our men has something for publication.
The first time he had made a pest of himself with Gordon who was polite, evasive, always plausible.
To these recreations is added gaming, always the rage of uncultivated minds.
He was excessively vain of his origin, yet he was the most confirmed drunkard alive, alwaysgetting intoxicated before breakfast, and remaining in a soaking state all day long.
Their patience was now completely exhausted, and they were in great anger, for it was disheartening to be always deceived and trifled with by such scoundrels.
He afterwards learned, that it almost always proved fatal.
It may be called in that country a place of some strength, in proof of which, the inhabitants have always defied the Tuarick marauders, who never entered the town.
In one corner, communicating with the other apartments, was a door destitute of a lock, and kept always ajar, except at night, when it was closed.
Kisbee is a great place of rendezvous for all kafilas and merchants, and it is here that the sultan always takes his tribute for permission to pass through his country.
It is consistent with the accounts I have always heard of the people of that country, who I believe to be more bigoted and cruel than even the remoter inhabitants of the desert.
I have alwayslooked for your coming, and at night, because at night I have sometimes seen you.
To be sure civilisation has always been opposed to Nature in its operations, and the best civilisation is that which forms the most satisfactory compromise with Nature.
Oh, the Arbroath Burghs have always been a bit skittish.
Amber felt as if a bird which had always sung the song of a thrush had suddenly developed the metallic shriek of the parrot.
She had heard of preceptors--they were mostly in the musical line--taking advantage of their opportunities to make love to their pupils and she had always held such persons in contempt.
For an umbrella--that's what they do in plays: they always come back for the umbrella which, with the most careful inadvertency they have left behind them.
He quoted from "The Lotus Eaters" and tried to realise a life "in which it always seemed afternoon.
I havealways read books for pleasure, not for analysis.
I am always wondering which of the two every invitation that I get is meant to be--a welcome or the other.
Listen: you can almost hear Mr. West telling his daughter that his fondest wish has always been for her happiness, and that he is ready to sacrifice all his aspirations and ambitions in order that she may marry the man whom she loves.
Nevertheless, the Spaniards could never be dismayed, and were alwaysapt scholars, even if an enemy were the teacher.
The town of Tergoes was the chief city of South Beveland, the most important part of this archipelago, but South Beveland had not always been an island.
Ever ready at the business call, however; always on time as a matter of principle, the young pilot of the Comet wasted no time.
He lives always on duty on that roof,” replied Adasse.
The big reflector lantern, however, was kept always in a handy spot, especially at nightfall.
Hiram, speedy to recuperate and always active, strolled away from his comrades.
I have several times failed to accomplish my missions, but my reporting of such failures has always tended to increase the confidence of my employers in my reliability.
I remonstrated with the Captain about depriving me of my revolver and private property, and told him that "we always respected a prisoner's right to his side arms and personal effects.
Corporal Ruggles was regarded as one of the most successful and reliable spies in the United States service, and was always called upon for desperate service where others would fail, and was equal to the undertaking.
He has often had under his direction from six to thirty men, as scouts, and has always handled them with great skill, collecting valuable information and yet saved his men.
When passing myself as a citizen of the South, I have always found the people affable in their manners, sociable, and extremely liberal in their hospitality.
He has frequently had charge of considerable numbers of men employed as scouts and has always managed them with great discretion and skill.
General Grant always paid his scouts well whenever they had done any thing deserving of special compensation.
Captain Rose had served in the United States army eleven years, and is one of your genuine Union men, and has always been loyal to the Government.
In reply I would state that Mr. Ruggles was a superior man for the work assigned him, and the information obtained through him of the movements of the enemy was always reliable.
I told him that I had some friends in there, and, as we did not always know what might be the fortunes of war, I was extremely anxious to see them.
I attribute it to the fact that I always watched for myself and my men.
Here I have been guarding your house, and guarding your mules, and boarding with you; and you representing yourself to have always been a Union man, and the oath in your pocket that you took last summer!
I have visited him frequently since, and was alwaysmade welcome.
Philip Ray, when alone, always went at an unusually rapid pace.
You are always so good-humoured and soft-tempered it is a treat to see you ruffled and on your dignity.
He alwayspleaded in excuse the reason given for him by Philip Ray on the occasion of his hastily and unthinkingly accepting the first invitation.
The tranquillity of the cloudless night was unbroken by any murmur but the dull dead murmur that always hangs over the city, and is faintly perceptible even here.