After the paper or paint has dried, paste =A Collection Schedule Card= upon the front of the box.
Each division gets under weigh to a time-table, and any substantial deviation from this by even one ship would upset the schedule for all of the Squadrons following.
The schedule I glimpsed at the Atlanta post office gave the time of the East Coast ship as seven-thirty P.
The Dresden, making well above her schedule speed of 24 knots, had disappeared to southwestward early in the afternoon.
Had his schedulebeen regularly filed it would have disclosed a series of insolvencies, from which he was only relieved by taking the benefit of some act of generosity and credulity on the part of his Parliament.
This schedule would bring them to the dock at San Francisco about six o'clock, where they would take on stores and passengers and sail at seven for Eureka, on Humboldt Bay, where they would arrive Wednesday night.
Rules, regulations, and schedule of premiums may be obtained of the Secretary and Treasurer, Luther Homes, Esq.
Jekyl's schedulecould not have extracted a rebuke from the severest Commissioner of Bankruptcy.
He knew that Helen was too unacquainted with insurance matters to have any knowledge of the printed schedule she was studying, yet he had to concede that she was giving a splendid imitation of an experienced hand.
Having gone over the schedule at the Board of Fire Underwriters, he had discovered that they had failed to give Hilmer credit in the rating for certain fire protection.
It takes experience to map out a big schedule like that.
There was a picture of the hull that had been put through on schedule time in spite of strikes and lockouts, and another one of Hilmer, and a second photograph of a woman.
The gratuities and pensions awarded in accordance with the Fifth Schedule to this Act shall be paid by the Treasury to the payees out of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom.
Each of the constituencies mentioned in the First Schedule to this Act shall return the number of councillors named opposite thereto in the schedule.
A borough named in this Schedule shall not for the purposes of this Schedule form part of any other constituency.
As many others have done, I marked out a daily scheduleof prayer.
There are people that put prayer first, and group the other items in life's schedule around and after prayer.
He held out his schedule card, reassured by the instructor's kindly manner.
Professor Kane, who hadn't yet looked at Hugh, picked up a schedule card.
If they had, his whole schedule was probably wrong.
With a great deal of labor, discussion, and profanity they finally got a schedule made out that meant something to Hugh.
The edict for promoting economy embodied a schedule according to which, broadly speaking, two steps of executive rank could be gained by amassing twenty thousand mon and one step by saving five thousand.
To make a schedule of certain poisons that are not to be sold without restriction, seems like prohibiting knives, while allowing stilettos—the latter are certainly less usual, but quite as fatal.
She changed her schedule to fit ours rather more than her schedule would have been if it had been just the way she had done in her own apartment.
But while she was at my home, she endeavored to fit herself into the sleepingschedule of myself and my children.
Did he come back with the schedule before or after the occasion on which you were driving in your car to TCU?
He said he was at TCU, and he had a scheduleof their classes.
So that is what the change in their publishingschedule meant.
As neither the lot in the town or common have any improvements on them, it is not easy to fix a price; but, as both are well situated, it is presumed that the price annexed to them in the schedule is a reasonable valuation.
The injury to the locomotive was comparatively slight, and with a somewhat worried glance at the clock and schedule card the young railroader focussed all his ability and attention upon making up for lost time.
A glance at the clock andschedule showed a ten minutes' loss, but defective or experimental firing on a new locomotive had been responsible for that, and he counted on making a spurt, once beyond Plympton.
Riverton was made on time and with no unpleasant incident to mar a schedule trip.
The Overland Express missed several runs, but had got back on fair schedule two days before.
All schedule cancelled where we can get clear tracks, I suppose?
By nine o'clock they were twenty miles "to the good" on regular schedule basis.
Of all this Ralph was thinking as they covered a clear dash of twenty miles over the best stretch of grading on the road, and with satisfaction he noted that they had gained three minutes on the schedule time.
The consolidation of the experience figures in American hardware consumption resulted in a schedule of supplies known as the Army's hardware tariff, a schedule showing the proportions in which hardware might be expected to be consumed.
But for this engine the British concern could not furnish the tooling, which would have to be made new in this country, and this would reduce the schedule of deliveries.
All through the summer of 1917 the emphasis upon American man power in France gradually grew, but no definite schedule upon which the United States could work was reached until autumn or early winter, until the mission headed by Col.
Meanwhile, the landing force arrived on schedule and stood off the beach after taking fire from Japanese coastal defense guns.
The attack was launched on schedule despite the failure of a requested airstrike to arrive.
The schedulestated that the professions of wives, or sons and daughters, living with and assisting their parents, needed not to be inserted.
He alone makes the schedule of each trip, arriving and departing at will.