But that is the utmost that can be said for the propagation of such utter vapidities; and the man who pays his five cents for the privilege of reading them can scarcely be said to produce a certificate of intelligence in so doing.
It was "The Propagation of the Gospel," with all that was then implied in that phrase as construed by himself.
Proposals of Certain Ministers to the Committee for the Propagation of the Gospel, in which the principle of an Established Church had been assumed and asserted (ante, IV.
Next to the Propagation of the Gospel by an Established Ministry everywhere, the fixed idea of Cromwell for his Home-Government, as we have had again and again to explain, was toleration of all varieties of religious opinion.
On the other hand, the liberty, accorded to every one, of instituting himself reader and commentator of the sacred text, afforded marvelous facilities for the propagation of new ideas.
Remove Oriental hospitality, and it would be impossible to explain the propagation of Christianity.
It is not for the propagation of his own opinions, but of any opinions.
Accordingly, we find everywhere, in the first institutions for the propagation of knowledge amongst any people, that those, who followed it, were set apart and secluded from the mass of the community.
You should, though these sums have not yet reached you, embark on great projects, and devise, after careful deliberation, effective methods for the propagation of our beloved Faith.
That means is the propagation among these nations of the Christian ideal of society, which can only be realized by a Christian life, Christian actions, and Christian examples.
The belief and propagation of such myths are inconsistent with what we know of the sober characters and self-sacrificing lives of the apostles.
The Historical Results of the Propagation of Scripture Doctrine.
The new sectaries seized with this spirit, were indefatigable in the propagation of their doctrine, and set at defiance all the anathemas and punishments with which the Roman pontiff endeavored to overwhelm them.
As soon as the singer is able to create easily and inaudibly on every tone the correct propagation form for the next tone, all questions as to register must disappear.
At first, apart from official religion, the Church of England appeared in Canada in missionary form, and about 1820 the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel had fifteen missionaries in Lower Canada, and seventeen in Upper Canada.
When it became clearly evident that no possible fostering of native resources could supply the growing demands of the market, legislation quite logically directed itself toward the artificial propagation of oysters.
There is but one way now known of artificial propagation for the scallop industry, and that is by transplanting in the fall the abundant set from the exposed places to the deeper water before the seed is killed by the winter.
While greatly impaired as a favorable territory for the propagation of oysters, the river, however, is still largely utilized.
Apart from its interest as the forerunner of artificial propagation of oysters, this old law is noteworthy, as it forms the basis of the system which to-day regulates the industry in that section of the country.
This photograph shows a portion of the grant leased to Mr. Frank Cole by the town of Kingston for the propagation of clams.
Swansea and Somerset were given the privilege of granting any of their bays, shores, banks and creeks for the propagation of oysters.
The artificial propagation of oysters necessitated the leasing of grants in tidal waters.
Undoubtedly it was the existence of the Roman Empire, with its roads, its rapid means of transit, and its organization, that made possible the swift propagation of the Gospel in the first centuries.
Propagation renews the vigour of the plants and prevents them degenerating, as they often do in cultivation if left undisturbed for too long a period.
Further remarks on propagation will be found under the names of the genera enumerated.
A female hare, which we had brought from Cape Town, was also set free on the island, and it was fortunate for the propagation of these useful animals that there was already a male hare on the island.
Which nation has done more for the propagation of Christianity among savage tribes all over the world?
Observations on the quantity of ozone contained in the air during an epidemic are, therefore, of great interest, because they may throw a light on the influences of the atmosphere in the propagation of certain diseases.
Like the geologist, the botanist also found in this wild spot an unusual opportunity of acquiring accurate information as to the occurrence and propagation of certain kinds of plants in a primitive soil.
This type of propagation occurs during certain special meteorological conditions, like high barometric pressure and extreme heat.
It was the middle of the sunspot cycle (which I knew nothing of) and propagation must have been exceptionally good.
He shewed much respect to the Christian priests and missionaries, and gave great encouragement to the propagation of the gospel in his dominions.
In preparing pure yeast to start with, the author makes use of the fact that oxygen favours the growth of true yeast, but hinders the propagation of the other ferments.
For full details respecting the artificialpropagation of fish, the reader is referred to Mr Buckland's recent work, entitled 'Fish-Hatching.
Seedling trees have been planted under the firm conviction that they would come true, or because methods of propagation other than by seedage were not understood.
Upon the locating of, and the propagationfrom such trees, as new varieties, apparently depends the future of nut growing east of the Mississippi and north of the Ohio and Potomac Rivers.
Personally, I find that the hazel is rather easily budded, although layering is the method for propagation of choice varieties most often employed in Europe.
The wide range of climatic and soil conditions makes the eventual propagation of quite a large number of varieties inevitable.
L= His anxiety for the propagation of the faith, 4; his pious administration, 8.
The best agent of their propagation is an attractive personality in which they are dominant; for we know the universal tendency of young people to imitate those whom they admire.
A soil suitable for the propagation of anthrax is one containing abundance of air and proteid material.
It is scarcely too much to say that a fuller knowledge of the part which soil plays in the culture and propagation of bacteria may suffice to revolutionise the practice of preventive medicine.