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Example sentences for "septet"

Lexicographically close words:
septenary; septennial; septentrional; septentrionale; septentrionalis; septic; septicaemia; septicemia; septima; septimo
  1. Silva, and closes with a septet and chorus of great power.

  2. Now for an explanation: You will wonder, perhaps, that I have made no distinction here between Sonata, Septet and Symphony.

  3. Among these sketches are others for the Septet and the Variations on "Kind, willst du ruhig schlafen?

  4. That the motive is older in the Sonata than in the Septet is proved by the fact that sketches for it are found along with some to "Ah, perfido!

  5. The Septet speedily won great popularity and was frequently transcribed.

  6. As for the rest I believe as little that Salomon is capable of being guilty of having the Septet printed as I am of having sold it to him.

  7. Septet hath made Unas fly to heaven to be with his brethren the gods.

  8. I am the Bull enveloped in turquoise, the lord of the Field of the Bull, the lord of the divine speech of the goddess Septet (Sothis) at her hours.

  9. I do so because I find that a septet or a symphony has not so great a sale as a sonata, though a symphony ought unquestionably to be of the most value.

  10. Moreover, I believe Salomon to be as incapable of the baseness of engraving the septet as I am of selling it to him.

  11. This septet was composed about 1800 and was at one time so immeasurably popular that Beethoven himself wearied of it.

  12. We can leave aside the funnel, for the only difference between it and the magnesium funnel is the substitution of a second septet for the triplet, and the septet is already shown in the magnesium diagram.

  13. Sulphur has nothing new, but shows only the funnels already figured in magnesium, with the substitution of a second septet for the triplet, as in zinc.

  14. The central globe follows boron, save that it has a septet for its centre; this was figured in iodine (p.

  15. Apart from this, the composition is simple enough, all the ovoids being alike, and composed of a triplet, a septet and a duad.

  16. In palladium this septet appears as the upper sphere in every ovoid of the upper ring.

  17. On the hyper level the triplet becomes a duad and a unit; the duad becomes two units; and the septet a triplet and a quartet.

  18. The spike, as in zinc, becomes a large sphere, with the single septet in the centre, the remaining six bodies circling round it on differing planes.

  19. The instant popularity of the Septet in all its forms is well known.

  20. Septet were included), and followed this up with a general metronomizing of his works.

  21. C and D, his ingratiating Septet in E-flat, the intellectual Quintet in D (C major?

  22. The first part of the septet is finished, and very successful, if I am not mistaken.

  23. At the present moment I am engaged upon the great ensemble in the third act (septet and chorus), which presents many technical difficulties.

  24. The Septet was written for the Philharmonic Society.

  25. To your Septet I look forward with no small pleasure.

  26. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "septet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    book; burden; canto; chorus; collaboration; collectivism; collusion; communism; community; complicity; concert; concord; concordance; concurrence; couplet; duet; duo; esprit; fellowship; harmony; line; measure; morale; mutuality; octave; octet; pooling; quartet; quatrain; quintet; reciprocity; refrain; septet; sextet; solidarity; stanza; stave; strain; strophe; syllable; symbiosis; teamwork; trio; triplet; troika; verse; week