His successor, Meneval, without the same amount of work, broke down and had to receive assistance (Meneval, tome i.
Father de Mailla merely constructs from them a narrative of his own; see L'Histoire Generale de La China, tome ii.
Sao Tome has to import all fuels, most manufactured goods, consumer goods, and a substantial amount of food.
Sao Tome is optimistic about the development of petroleum resources in its territorial waters in the oil-rich Gulf of Guinea, which are being jointly developed in a 60-40 split with Nigeria.
Intonsis capillis, with locks unshorn, as Motteley the old dealer used to say, an Elzevir in its paper wrapper may be worth more than the same tome in morocco, stamped with Longepierre's fleece of gold.
The latter orthography is according to the entry in an account-book containing the expenditure of the treasurer of the royal mercantile house of Seville, quoted by Munoz, tome i.
These placards, and others given in connection with the tea excitement, I copied from originals preserved by the Massachusetts Historical Society, in tome marked Proclamations.
If the pages of that great tome do not show that our surnames were visibly affected by an open Bible, a Reformation of Religion, and a Puritan Commonwealth, it is not so with the baptismal names.
This reminds me that there is one instance in the same tomemuch more demonstrative than that—namely, “Popkiss”!
A few minutes afterwards Rosebud's sweet voice was piping at the door: "Me's 'tome to see Tarol.
Percy and Frank thought it very amusing, and said they could find their way anywhere blindfold, and Rosebud said 'Me tome wiff 'ou, Tarol.
Waagen, Kunstwerke and Künstler in England und Paris, Berlin, 1837, Tome i.
These calumnies are without foundation" (Erreurs, tome i.
Lucien and the Bonapartists of course deny that Napoleon wished to become Director, or to seize on power at this time; see Lucien, tome 1.
If I cannot be master, I shall quit France (Miot, tome i.
When he became a member of the council, after his return from Rome, he experienced no opposition (Bourrienne et ses Erreurs, tome i.
He sighed, and in that sigh I read a tome Of bleeding sorrows and an aching mind.
The secondTome of the Palace of Pleasure contayning store of goodlye Histories, Tragical matters, & other Morall argumentes, very requisite for delight and profyte.
Selys-Longchamps in the 'Bulletins (tome 12 No 10) Acad.
Cuvier in 'Annales du Museum' tome 9 page 128 says that moulting and incubation alone stops these ducks laying.
Godron (tome 1 page 165) has shown by careful experiments that the first step in the series, viz.
But in the whole of the two regiments of the Qnard not a single, objection was started to the execution of Mallet's orders (Memoirs of the Duc de Rivogo, tome vi.
This demand of money from Bourrienne is explained in Erreurs (tome ii, p.
Alibert employs this term in his Monographie des Dermatoses (1835), tome ii.