She was reading a paperback book with a tide that appeared to be Spanish.
A paperbackauction was already in the works, with a half-million floor, and Time had abruptly taken a second look at the "first serial" excerpt his agent had been trying to place with them and come up with six figures.
Literally dozens of hardcover and paperback editions of a shocker about a street girl who, in addition to all her affairs with men, also has an affair with Satin, a streetwalker.
This is one of the better and more serious approaches to the writing of a serious novel of lesbians through the stereotyped pattern of the paperback novel.
Despite wild improbabilities and gimmicky, contrived situations, these are perhaps the major contribution to lesbian literature in the paperback field anywhere.
There is also a paperback edition, Avon Red and Gold Library, no date.
Don't let the lurid paperback covers and blurb scare you off, this is a NOVEL--well worth hard covers and a steal at 35c.
They publish the Dorian Book Quarterly, dealt with elsewhere, and also a fat, fascinating catalogue listing several hundred titles of current hardcover and paperback fiction.
Through this first Checklist, I came into contact with Miss Damon, and because paperback lesbiana was blossoming on all the stands, we quickly resolved to publish another Checklist.
One of those unexpectedly good stories one finds among the floods of paperback trash.
Mr. Garde has indexed virtually every homosexual work from antiquity to the latest paperback shocker, and has also performed the mighty task of separating them into categories .
Marion Z Bradley [Illustration] List of Symbols and Abbreviations pbo--paperbacked original; first published in paperback or first English edition in paperback.
A close friend of Muhammad Ali's who has followed the champion around the world, he made Ali the chief character of his book Shadow Box, which came out in paperback this month from Berkley.
His work with the magazine led to his first book contract in 1968 -- a thick paperback titled TV Movies with summaries of thousands of films.
He lights a Lucky Strike, props one hand against his chin, and explains how he got to be the head of Berkley Books, which has long been the paperback division of G.
Berkley Books, he admits, is one of the smaller paperback houses, perhaps sixth or seventh.
It isn't out in paperback yet, but there's some talk of it.
He unpacked his clothes and a paperback copy of The Origin of Species which he placed on the bedside table.
She put a paperback copy of Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymus Bosch in her bag and rode out past AhnRee's.
She spread a blanket and weighed it down with the pack which held a bottle of water, two bottles of wine, a paperback copy of Lawrence Durrell's Justine, and a loaf of her best honey walnut bread.
The most comprehensive book ever written on de-Stalinized Russia" New York Herald Tribune Now on sale wherever paperback books are sold or from Pyramid Books, 444 Madison Ave.