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Example sentences for "myself"

Lexicographically close words:
myrtle; myrtles; myry; mysef; mysel; myselfe; mysell; mysen; myserable; mysfortune
  1. The day before the fire he was comparatively comfortable, rich I should call it, but the way wealth is computed now-a-days, I will content myself with saying that he was comfortably off.

  2. It is not for myself I feel, but for them, poor bodies.

  3. Saw them myself no later than the other day," &c.

  4. Already I shall know for myself what lies on the other side, I shall have ceased forever, I hope, to count the bars of my iron door, my sole occupation and the one thing which keeps me from thinking too much of the past, so bitter.

  5. I caught myself back from the act of judging life and death.

  6. I found myself in a small room, blue with smoke and poorly furnished.

  7. AND suddenly I found myself wondering what sort of person this dancing teacher was.

  8. I will give myself the honour of coming for you.

  9. I expect to enjoy myself on this little vacation.

  10. It's my privilege to drown myself if I like," she replied, as she struck off for the raft again.

  11. If, looking at me thus, he had bidden me kill myself at his feet, I must have done it.

  12. It really made me laugh in myself to see what a good little ignorant, unconscious way you had of looking up at the Doctor, as if he knew more about that than you did.

  13. I intended to have signalized my first appearance by a certain large statement, which I flatter myself is the nearest approach to a universal formula of life yet promulgated at this breakfast-table.

  14. Time and myself against any other two" was not the maxim of a man who looked to effect great changes or who felt himself in danger of being driven from his course by the gusts of passion.

  15. I shall have too much self-respect to place myself in the way of temptation again.

  16. I locked myself in my own room, and tried to get the full weight of what I was going to do.

  17. But under the influence of this new motive I studied diligently; the best masters were supplied me; and soon my progress both astonished and delighted myself and all who heard me.

  18. I am not going to make a fool of myself by proposing.

  19. I read with John his favorite books; I interested myself in the sciences which he pursued with such enthusiasm.

  20. And so, though I believed myself not indifferent to you, I resolved never to speak of my love, but to struggle against it, and root it out of my heart.

  21. I didn't enjoy myself a bit," she murmured.

  22. I admired and liked him and gradually let myself go and get silly about him.

  23. It was I, in a sense, who threw myself at his head.

  24. There is one thing I want to assure myself about, too," he added.

  25. You know, I fell in love with him myself when I got big enough to know how good he was," and she laughed softly.

  26. Gunga Ram, thou art a man, and I ask forgiveness of thee for blackening thy face, but I am moved from myself by great fear for what may befall the woman.

  27. Bijoo being gone to the village market for food supplies, and she extolled my beauty, and showed a picture of myself made by Trenyon sahib by the help of the sun; and thereafter I veiled myself when I went abroad.

  28. Nay, Beloved, for there was not room for the drawing up of my knees between myself and Goor Dutt, so my feet were frozen, and Goor Dutt ceased not from snoring.

  29. You are not like anybody else--you see things with such lightning quickness and unerring instinct that dull fools like myself grow irritable and impatient sometimes.

  30. At the end of the bridge, I planted myself in front of him.

  31. I used to say to myself that if ever I could get what clothes I liked, I'd have a dress as near like that as I could find.

  32. I gladly accepted the invitation and found myself the next evening in a large company of serious and learned-looking gentlemen, each one of whom was adorned with one or more decorations.

  33. I am blaming myself for letting things go so far, for not explaining things to you before; you are young, you do not understand the world.

  34. I myself considered him much better off where he was.

  35. At the close of his address I introduced myself again.

  36. I find myself immensely interested and amused in the watching.

  37. I found myself begging for work in a subservient tone and manner.

  38. When they came in, in very deed I myself had no liking for their company.

  39. On this they gathered about the tree, and they dug about the root, and the first branching root that they cut, she gave a shiver to fall, and I myself gave a shout, and it was not to be wondered at.

  40. Well, the princess looked at her father, and by my word, she came over to Tom, and put her two delicate hands into his two rough ones, and I wish it was myself was in his shoes that day!

  41. This is what I am thinking," said Conall, "since you are working every day for the king, you and your gillies could put myself and my sons into five sacks of bran.

  42. In my remarks I have mainly confined myself to discussing the origin and diffusion of the various tales, so far as anything definite could be learnt or conjectured on that subject.

  43. I have three sons, and they are three heroes, and in any harm or danger that may befall you, they will be with you, and I myself will be along with them.

  44. I looked myself on the boat to see how I might get part of them.

  45. Tom; "it's myself that's in need of your kindness.

  46. Yes, but I will myself go out and stop the pursuit," said Naois.

  47. When I myself got out, and I saw the world about me, surely, oh, king!

  48. He threw the ring on the flat ground, I went myself and I lifted the ring, and I put it on my finger.

  49. I took myself off as hard as I might into the wood.

  50. I myself would kiss you, were it not that I have sworn that no man's lips shall touch mine till the royal standard floats once more above the palace of Paranoya.

  51. If I could myself do anything for you, the matter would be different.

  52. Thus in the old ballad of The low country soldier, "Myself and seven more We fought eleven score.

  53. For that, which if myself might be his judge, He should receive his punishment in thanks.

  54. Nay I myself have seene in a may game a troupe, the greater part wherof hath been men, and yet have they been attyred so like unto women, that theyr faces being hidde (as they were indeede) a man coulde not discerne them from women.

  55. I am about to place myself in a position where I shall owe you more.

  56. I myself conducted Herr Hochwald to the south drawing room where a visitor was awaiting him.

  57. I warn you now that for myself I fear nothing, so that you are powerless against me, but should you antagonize or deride German authority, I may not be able to save you.

  58. Before leaving Petrograd, I assured myself that he lacked nothing.

  59. Perhaps I do not make myself clear," he went on.

  60. Sometimes in the deep woods I used to talk to myself just to hear the sound of my own voice.

  61. He paused again and then, with an air of frankness: "Perhaps, Monsieur Khodkine, I could do no better than to entrust myself into your hands.

  62. Until this afternoon either Herr Liederman or myself was with him constantly.

  63. And I had feared that I should be forced to pass this tedious journey with no one but myself for company .

  64. Would I come here into your midst a guilty man, to have myself torn to pieces?

  65. I myself will go to the cab stand in the Maximilian Strasse.

  66. This I considered as a very fortunate circumstance; for I had laid it down as a rule, to make myself as useless and insignificant as possible, as the only means of recovering my liberty.

  67. When I had finished my supper of rice and salt I laid myself down upon a bullock's hide, and slept very quietly until morning; this being the first good meal and refreshing sleep that I had enjoyed for a long time.

  68. This happened while I was myself in captivity in Ali's camp, as will hereafter be seen.

  69. I then felt myself as if left, a second time, lonely and friendless amid the wilds of Africa.

  70. I determined to follow his advice and confine myself to my hut; but was still tormented with the fever, and my health continued to be in a very precarious state for five ensuing weeks.

  71. There were times when it is quite true I thought myself a princess.

  72. Peace, and babies, and farming, and pride in myself with a woman by my side--there!

  73. But I am laying myself open to the charge of feeling my position weak, seeing that I abuse the contrary one.

  74. Come, sir; you did me the honour once to let me talk to you as a friend, with the limits which I have never consciously overstepped; let me explain myself plainly and simply.

  75. I don't trust myself to doubt anybody," said Robert.

  76. I packs myself down into a boat, and saw the ship steam away a good'n.

  77. I tell you, I'm not going to denude myself of money altogether.

  78. An old aunt of mine left me a little money, which just woke me up and gave me a lift of what conscience I had, and I bought myself out.

  79. I cannot forgive myself when I think of that one word I was obliged to speak to you in the cold street, and nothing to explain why, and how much I love, you.

  80. I've paid for her--and myself too, she thinks.

  81. Why, there ain't another man but myself Boyne's Bank would trust.

  82. Well," he continued, "when she went over, I let go of the rigging and threw myself into the sea.

  83. I was awakened by a heavy shock, and I found myself plunged into the sea.

  84. I was buried under a ton or two of foaming water, but I came to the surface again, and found myself a long distance off from the overturned ship, which was fast settling in the water.

  85. I struck out, as a man will even when he doesn't know what use it is, and kept myself afloat for several minutes, the waves all the time driving me to leeward.

  86. But I would be ashamed of myself if I could not keep from shrieking in the presence of these innocent little marauders.

  87. XXXII My king was unknown to me, therefore when he claimed his tribute I was bold to think I would hide myself leaving my debts unpaid.

  88. You burdened my hands that I myself may lighten them, and at last, gain unburdened freedom for your service.

  89. I seated myself on a sopha, and just turned my head round, when I perceived the most elegant creature that imagination can form placed by me.

  90. But why do I perplex myself with guessing?

  91. I look on the evils of my life as a punishment for having too freely indulged myself in a most reprehensible attachment.

  92. I will, if I can, describe my head for your edification, as it appeared to me when Monsieur permitted me to view myself in the glass.

  93. Yet pray for me: I am myself unable, as I shall prove myself unworthy.

  94. Do you think that infamous fellow (I am sorry to express myself thus while speaking of a peer of our realm) Lord Biddulph is sincere in his reformation?

  95. Every thing, and every body, makes an appearance so widely opposite to my former notions, that I find myself every moment at a loss, and know not to whom to apply for information.

  96. But I must not whisper to myself their perfections; and it is less dangerous for me to dwell upon the vices of the one than the virtues of the other.

  97. My lord," addressing myself to him, "you can have nothing to tell me to which I am a stranger; I know Sir William is totally ruined.

  98. In introducing A Century of Wrong to the British public, I carefully disassociate myself from assuming any responsibility for all or any of the statements which it contains.

  99. And so goes on the battle Between Myself and Me-- Old Satan pulling fiercely 'gainst Respectability?

  100. I ball myself in many ways When this I try to say.

  101. My life is one long battle, Between Myself and Me; I see the right, yet do the wrong-- This much too frequently.

  102. I believe in part by reading Milton, and learning from him a certain high notion about myself and my own duty.

  103. I may just mention, too, that having many years ago formed the Swedenborgian resolution of never growing old, I am as yet able to flatter myself that I am likely to keep it.

  104. But how did you, who like myself are a bachelor, come to know so much about the minds of women?

  105. What it was, I find myself unable to describe.

  106. I myself dared not look up, but the movement of indistinct and cloudy white over my undirected eyes, let me know that two or three, amongst them Adela, were lifting their handkerchiefs to their faces.

  107. So I left it, and, looking out of the window once more, buried myself in Christmas fancies.

  108. I have said to myself sometimes: 'Am I to go on for ever teaching boys Latin grammar, till I wish there had never been a Latin nation to leave such an incubus upon the bosom of after ages?

  109. When I reached my own room, I threw myself into the easiest of arm-chairs, and began to reflect.

  110. These thoughts went through my mind, as thoughts do, in no time at all; and when the lady had closed the door behind her with protracted gentleness, I was ready to show my game; in which I really considered my friend and myself partners.

  111. In proof of this, if further garrulity about myself can be pardoned, I may state that every year, as Christmas approaches, I begin to grow young again.

  112. But I often ask myself to what it all goes.

  113. If I see a child crowing in his mother's arms, I seem to myself to remember making precisely the same noise in my mother's arms.

  114. I think you will acknowledge, that this would not be generosity; and you will allow me to add, that it would be doing myself an injustice.

  115. It was my design to avail myself of the permission M.

  116. You would not have me forswear myself madam!

  117. I myself have constantly assured Count Morano, and you also, sir, that I never can accept the honour he offers me, and I now repeat the declaration.

  118. It occurred to me, that you might be in that apartment, and, with the hope of seeing you, I placed myself opposite to the window.

  119. I have myself seen the Chevalier engaged in deep play with men, whom I almost shuddered to look upon.

  120. It is surely impossible you can be uninformed of these circumstances, and I am again torturing myself with a false hope!

  121. These moments may never return; I cannot resolve to neglect, though I scarcely dare to avail myself of them.

  122. We may have to rustle," added Tad, "but I have confidence enough in myself to believe that we shall not starve to death.

  123. I'm lost before I find myself when I get in the woods.

  124. I guess I've got a right to talk about myself if I want to.

  125. In the morning I usually find myself lying on the bare ground, no matter how carefully I have made my bed.

  126. I guess I've got a right to talk about myself if I want to," retorted the fat boy.

  127. Yes, I got myself arrested," nodded the fat boy.

  128. I shall forget myself and hit you with this axe helve if you get off anything like that again, Stacy Brown," threatened Ned Rector.

  129. I've got myself arrested, all on account of that bull moose.

  130. No, I don't, and I'm kicking myself because of it.

  131. I could sleep myself to death on that kind of couch," mused Stacy.

  132. So, I do not bother myself answering religious newspapers.

  133. I am willing to go to heaven if there be such a place, and enjoy myself for ever and ever.

  134. If there is any God, I expect to find myself credited on the heavenly books for my defence of him.

  135. I myself expect to live to see as many ships on the Pacific as on the Atlantic.

  136. I am perfectly willing that all civilized people should know my opinions on any question in which others than myself can have any interest.

  137. I have made a good many inquiries myself to find out who this man is to be, but in every instance the answer has been determined by the location in which the gentleman lived who gave the answer.

  138. If I were mobbed in the city of Chicago, and wished to defend myself with an explanation, I certainly would not make that explanation in Choctaw, even if I understood that tongue.

  139. I agree in most of what you have read, though I must confess that to find a minister agreeing with me, or to find myself agreeing with a minister, makes me a little uncertain.

  140. Now they only slander; and I congratulate myself on the fact that even that is not believed.

  141. Why not have the courage to say that if there be a God, all I know about him I know by knowing myself and my friends--by knowing others?

  142. In other words, I would become a little child and amuse myself with a religious rattle and a Gabriel horn.

  143. Confucius replied: I do not allow myself to indulge in fine rhetoric; no, it is because I consider obstinacy a fault.

  144. Regarding antiquity as I do with trust and affection, I would venture to compare myself with our ancient patriarch P'eng Tsu.

  145. Why should I not then busy myself with government--the subject to which I have devoted my life?

  146. Tzu Kung replied: How can I venture to compare myself with Hui?

  147. Such being the case, I myself admit that the sperrits no longer ha'nt the burying-ground or play around your houses.

  148. Whenever a vacancy occurs, if I may express myself in that way, there are crowds of applications for the ghost-ship.

  149. I had hardly seated myself at the desk when there came a tap at the door and a white slip of paper slid under it.

  150. The Pied Piper of Hamelin was not worse treated than I felt myself to be; so, like the piper, I determined to have my revenge.

  151. Three quarters of an hour later, wearing the Crusader's helmet and swathed in a bedsheet, I let myself down from the window to the haunted wall below.

  152. But it is the father wrongs the girl here," I heard myself saying.

  153. That's why I couldn't bring myself to confess to it--and lose him.

  154. There was something horrible in the idea of Madeline and myself having been watched by a ghost, even, perhaps, when we wandered together in the most delightful and bosky places.

  155. I had doubts the next morning as to the propriety of telling Madeline anything about this interview, and soon convinced myself that I must keep silent on the subject.

  156. And it was in consequence of my being in too great a hurry on an occasion of the kind that I got myself into my present disagreeable predicament, and I have thought that it might be possible that you would help me out of it.

  157. I might have believed myself awake, if I had not had a vague consciousness that I was asleep, and that something very unusual was about to take place.

  158. As soon as my mind returned, I busied myself with the huge tanks I had prepared for use as receivers.

  159. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "myself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ego; her; him; itself; oneself; self; she; them; themselves; they; you; yourself

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    myself again; myself and; myself have; myself that; myself will