That idiocy and imbecility are more common than insanity in such cases.
Then it should be considered that idiocy is only one form in which Nature manifests that she has been offended by such intermarriages.
Walter alone remained with him, and continued gazing in his face with a strange horror, which idiocy rendered terrific.
Alcoholism in the parents, especially drunkenness at the moment of conception, is one of the chief causes of idiocy in children.
It does not shorten life so much as alcohol does, nor are the children of a person addicted to the use of the drug so liable to idiocy and imbecility.
The statistics of such events are not available in general, and when an effort is made to establish a cause for idiocy under other circumstances, none is usually found.
At that stage the question seriously arises whether we are not dealing with the idiocyof age, or at least with a weakness of perception and of memory so obvious that they can not be mistaken.
The characteristic lie of the epileptics, and perhaps also, the lies of people who are close to the idiocy of old age, mixes up what has been experienced, read and told, and represents it as the experience of the speaker.
One hundred towns had been visited by the chairman or his reliable agent, in which five hundred and seventy-five persons in a state of idiocywere discovered.
General paralysis, or paresis, is a progressive mental degeneration, with relapses and periods of improvement which reduce the patient by successive stages to a jibbering idiocy ending invariably in death.
That a degenerated nerve condition has been inherited which renders the sufferer specially susceptible to this and allied neuroses, such as epilepsy, idiocy and suicide.
Idiocy and inebriety are on the increase among civilized peoples.
Footnote: The victim of opium is bound to a drug from which he derives no benefits, but which slowly deprives him of health and happiness, finally to end in idiocy or premature death.
Years ago the same sort of idiocy betrayed me to your brother; never before or since.
His only way of escape from the luckless position he had put himself into was to pretend that simplicity of a peasant which sometimes amounts to idiocy and to empty his face of all intelligence.
I suppose the boundary line between influenza and idiocy is a very narrow one.
Instead of this, parents frequently add fuel to the fever of the brain, by supplying constant mental stimulus, until the victim finds refuge in idiocy or an early grave.
The conventional notion associating idiocy and imbecility with quantitative deficiency of the forebrain only is, as Spitzka remarked, a very imperfect one.
In a similar manner Rennert[87] has shown that lead-poisoning occurring in the mother is apt to produce macrocephalism with frequent idiocy in the child.
Factors capable of producing idiocy are of course capable of producing less decided expressions of degeneracy.
Such marriages were common among the North American Indians and the South Sea Islanders, people among whom idiocy and other degenerate hereditary conditions were remarkably rare.
With this animal type of brain in idiocy sometimes appear animal traits and instincts.
The coexistence of genius with imbecility and even idiocy has been well illustrated by Langdon Down, who cites numerous instances thereof.
At the same time the justice of such laws receives support if medical observation leads to the conclusion that consanguineous marriages tend to generate idiocy and insanity.
But a ferocious resentment at theidiocy of things drove away repose.
But another thought chased it away, a thought of the idiocy of being afraid, and another thought of how impossible it was to ask her to get out and go back.
And a terrible and noteworthy fact is, that according to the recent annual reports of these institutions, both in this country and Europe, insanity, idiocy and dementia from Seminal Losses and Sexual Abuses, are increasing from year to year.
A villainous compound of tannogallate of iron, gum-arabic and water, chiefly used to facilitate the infection of idiocy and promote intellectual crime.
The period of human life intermediate between the idiocy of infancy and the folly of youth--two removes from the sin of manhood and three from the remorse of age.
Any number of men and boys, and at least four women, were drunk enough, and they brought bottles with them and added to their puling idiocy as they went on.
Statistics given of pauperism, lunacy, idiocy and crime growing out of intemperance.
Nor has the legislature passed laws excluding women as a class on account ofidiocy or lunacy; nor have the courts convicted them of bribery, larceny or any infamous crime.
It would seem treason or idiocy to sigh for these old days,--treason to ideas of progress, stupid idiocy unaware that it is well off.
I shut it down and turned my back on it more than a year ago--and yet, and yet, I can't even take an afternoon snooze without dreaming all that idiocy over again.
No sooner was he out of the house than Harrod turned to me with an expression of inspired idiocy on his face and said, "What was it you were all laughing at up there at the corner,--something about violets and captains?
And in my purblind idiocy I really fancied that letter of mine to Bella Grayson was going to settle everything.
I decided to write to Bella,--oh, the bewildering idiocy of some men!
For his part, he felt very sad, and followed his companion with bowed head, lamenting the wretched idiocy of the world.
And a feeling of furious protest rose from her young heart, so open to life, so eager for joy and sunlight, so angry with the hateful idiocy of death.
And all at once, by way of conclusion, Pierre bethought himself of the idiocy of the Congregation of the Index.