But his welcome there was no longer what it used to be, even though through his good offices the dreadful infliction of soldiers' wives had been removed.
Brutality and cowardice are the corollaries of slavery; both made themselves conspicuous on this dreadful night.
She strove, with all the resolution she could muster, to conjure up the dreadful picture, but succeeded only in making her head spin round.
Yes, here he was; there was no doubt of that dreadful fact.
Her pangs of conscience were bitter, but the dreadful thing was settled; no influence of hers could affect the youth's fate now, whatever it might have done in the past.
Then he has forfeited his liberty," said Tamar; "he has committed some dreadful crime.
A dreadful hue and cry in the court below, soon after this disturbed the conference.
If it came about that the dreadful black man was himself driven off or disposed of by some other means and the country made safe for her, then she would marry the man who had saved her, and she hoped that she might never disgrace him.
It was all a dreadful mystery, but he was sage enough to accept hard facts.
The name, indeed, was only bestowed upon the parish in 1858, and is a dreadful example of that want of originality in recent place-names, seen both here and in America.
But, on the other hand, he remains the most dreadful example of the man who draws his own will, and thus gives rise to wasteful litigation with his testamentary incoherencies.
What a mass of materials for proclaiming that general and dreadful convulsion that must, first or last, come and blow this funding and jobbing and enslaving and starving system to atoms!
That dreadfulcreature looks up a moment from the trough, with ringed snout dripping liberally with hog-wash, and gazes pathetically at me for acquiescence.
Those who were ordered to preside at this work of destruction seemed eager to spread desolation on every side, as if they could thereby avenge themselves for their reverses, and find in such dreadful havoc an alleviation of their sufferings.
I confine myself to these details of this act of dreadful necessity, of which I was an eye-witness.
Everything tended to create a dreadful uncertainty; but it was too late to draw back.
It was at once a solemn and dreadful sight to see them measuring their steps to the sound of music, and without the least disorder in their ranks or tumult of spirits, moving forward cheerfully and composedly, with harmony, to battle.
And truly a terrible sight it was for a woman to contemplate, especially with the knowledge that she would presently be obliged to herself undertake the dreadful journey.
We here see that the witches are merely instruments; they are governed by an invisible spirit, or the operation of such great and dreadful events would be above their sphere.
Philip II sent as many reenforcements as thedreadful importunity of his viceroy demanded.
It must be dreadful to live in the country," commented the little girl, with a look of scorn.
The new-born infant was entirely deprived of the nourishment nature kindly provides for incipient humanity, thus complicating to a great degree the trials of that dreadful time.
The few weeks spent there were full of excitement and pleasant incidents, but over all, hung the dark shadow of the dreadful civil war, and hearts ached sorely, in spite of the brave talk and smiling faces.
All this is an impossibility now, thank God, but then it was a cruel, dreadful reality.
But late in the winter, owing to the lack of proper food, scurvy broke out among the soldiers, and forty of them died of this dreadful disease.
It will be hours before Mr Dale gets back, and it is so dreadful to do nothing but think--think--think.
Was the day of Tussie's coming of age, that dreadful day when he was nearest death, a day a mother could ever forget?
Robin thought that in spite of her caressing ways with her uncle the girl must be privately a dreadful tyrant.
Mrs. Morrison, startled; and so full was her head of doubt and distrust that for one dreadful moment she thought the girl had said two husbands.
How could he go away even for one hour, even in search of a cook, when such dreadful things happened?
They had borrowed the wages--it was a dreadful moment--for that day's cook from Annalise.
Not a breath, not a whisper, had reached the newspapers from that afflicted little town of the dreadful thing that had happened to it.
But how dreadful does it become when one is in the power of the worm, and the worm is resentful, and ready to squeeze to any extent.
We are prepared for a dreadful sacrifice, and not one of us for an instant has the least misgiving as to the result.
Royal Artillery had cut his throat in his cabin; no person could ever find out what was the cause which led him to commit this dreadful act.
He was the most dreadful of all, as he might have been a corpse except for the rising and falling of his chest.
One even spoke to me of her baby, and we had quite a "young mother's conversation," and I was able to let myself go and talk of my two angels without feeling I should be a dreadful bore.
When Rose-Ellen asked her if she had ever heard of such a dreadful trip, she shrugged and said she was used to going without sleep.
Mr Sheridan was in the House of Commons when the dreadful event was made known, and the Debate was one in which he was taking a prominent part.
We ran into the Square and saw the dreadful sight.
Just after I went out at three, a second post arrived from Captain Thomas, desiring your father to communicate the dreadful tidings to poor Lady Collingwood.
A most dreadful and fatal accident happened on Tuesday at Woolley [5] about seven in the Evening.
After some lapse of time, however, Mrs Duff was seized with symptoms of hydrophobia, and soon fell a victim to that dreadful disorder.
On that dreadful day scores of women learned for the first time that they were already widowed, and that their helpless little ones were fatherless.
At first we imagined they were going to the Hôtel de Guise, and it was only on entering the Rue des Fossés de St. Germain that the dreadful truth flashed across our minds.
I stood at the window horrified, yet fascinated by the dreadful sight.
The man that would not wince at the whistle of a cannon-ball over his head, may find his blood retire, and his senses bewildered, at a dreadful precipice under his feet.
Their honor had been fully purged of the stain that had rested on it ever since that dreadful night when they were caught off their guard.
While the dreadfuldetonations continued, sometimes exceedingly close by, the various pilots seized upon such mechanicians as they could.
The pirates rapidly mounted the side, and as they jumped on deck, commenced to cut right and left at all within their reach, uttering at the same time the most dreadful oaths.
He was now compelled to go, loaded with heavy stones, through the whole of the town; and at almost every step he received dreadful blows, not being able to hasten his pace from the great weight.
Let us imagine for a moment that we see the souls standing before the awful tribunal, and we hear its dreadful sentence, depart ye cursed into everlasting fire.
Death is before them, but not with a merciful quickness does he approach; hour after hour the frightful vision glares upon them, and at length disappears only to come upon them again in a more dreadful form.
But, suspecting the integrity of his design, they sailed for Lacca Deva islands, uttering dreadfulimprecations against the captain.
They had been long confined in a dreadful dungeon in the Bagnio where the slaves are kept, when a messenger was sent to the Aga, or Captain of the Bagnio, for a female slave.
One of my men was unfortunately lost in this dreadful massacre!
This desperado has for upwards of seventeen years been the terror of the Straits of Macassar, during which period he has committed the most extensive and dreadful excesses sparing no one.
Relieved from the terror of immediate destruction, the Algerines returned to their old ways, making descents on the coast of Provence, where they committed the most dreadful ravages, killing, burning and destroying all that came in their way.
The situation of European prisoners is indeed dreadful in a climate like this, where even the labor of natives is intolerable; they are compelled to bear all the drudgery, and allowed a bare sufficiency of rice and salt to eat.
From hence he was carried to Launceston, where he lay for many weeks in prison in the awful den of Doomsdale, under conditions so dreadful that it is impossible to describe them here.
This at the first seemed strange, because both priests and people used to call their temples or churchesdreadful places, holy ground and the temples of God.
Certainly, if he has committed some dreadful crime, he has found a terrible punishment.
What a wicked man he must be, to be punished by being put in this dreadful place!
Is not the prisoner being punished through some dreadful mistake?
Something dreadful had happened; she was sure of it.
She had not spent all those dreadful months in base hospitals without acquiring a keen insight into the needs of sick men.
Cutty, something dreadful has happened to this poor young woman.
Still more majestic shalt thou rise, More dreadful from each foreign stroke; As the loud blast that tears the skies Serves but to root thy native oak.
The poor creature interrupted me with loud sobs, which produced such a dreadful fit of coughing, I thought that she would have expired on the spot.
I was in a dreadful fright; for the provoking Mildmay had confessed to me at last that he had not seen Meyler go out; but, on the contrary, he had left him in the upper room talking to Lord Palmerston.
I immediately inquired of her why she left her home with such a dreadful cough.
Have mercy on the dreadful agitation of my mind and answer me directly.
I am not really wicked, not so very wicked as to deserve this dreadful calamity.
I wish I could break you of that dreadful habit of making such indecent allusions, Harriette!
When the Devil is so minded he amuses himself by hunting this miserable ghost over the moor with his hell-hounds, at which time Tregeagle is heard to roar and howl in so dreadful a manner that his name has passed into a proverb.