If the public wish to know and progressive peoplerefuse to tell them, what becomes of the reporter who is obliged to furnish copy and to obey orders?
They refuse to open the gates of sympathy, and sometimes it seems as though the gates will never be opened until they are broken down by the masses.
What, too, are the signs which induce our censors and critics to shake their heads and refuse to acknowledge the probability of it?
I have admired you at a distance for nearly two years, and I feel sure that you will not refuse me the privilege of knowing you in your home and among your domestic associations.
Modern Christianity will refuse to tolerate the spirit of hostility and oppression based on feature, colour, or lineage.
I had some hesitation in giving Mr. Brown an interview, for I was satisfied that he did not wish to have the truth about Bunyan admitted; but I concluded that, having sent him some pamphlets, it would have been rude to refuse him one.
Though by royal decree the traders were bidden accept the money, yet did they refuse it.
To refuse credit to that merry monarch was to invite confiscation; to grant him credit was certain bankruptcy.
As we stood here, not five minutes gone, didn't you refuse to pay your fines?
I will not weed; I refuse to cut grass, or to pick up sticks with the Williamses.
What he said to her Molly and Judy never knew, but in an hour Nance returned to them in a normal, sensible state of mind, and not again did she turn her face to the wall and refuse to be comforted.
His parents, pious Jews, look at me askance, and refuse to inform me of their son's whereabouts.
I refuse the peace offering, and charge him with treachery.
Fool for a client, he said, when I told him that I would refuse legal aid.
Should I refuse the opportunity which would offer such a splendid field for agitation?
If I eat thy bread and salt, and after that thou shouldst refuse thy acquiescence, I must have recourse to force.
But there was no one to disprove his assertion, and therefore the king could no longer refuse to surrender to him his youngest daughter.
Kai-khosráu was ashamed to refuse this challenge, and descending from his elephant, mounted his horse and prepared for the onset.
Our conclusion was, that the spot had long been a place where Indian arrow heads were made, and that we saw around us the refuse fragments rejected by the workmen.
The committee, aware of the problem, had strongly urged the Army to refuse reenlistment, with few exceptions, to anyone scoring below eighty.
Underlying all these discussions of morale and efficiency lurked a deep-seated suspicion of the combat reliability and effectiveness of black troops and the fear that many white soldiers would refuse to serve with blacks.
Many white men would refuse to take orders from black superiors, and the mutual dependence of individual soldiers and small units in combat would break down when the races were mingled.
Since some men would undoubtedly refuse to serve anywhere but Europe, the Air staff (p.
Should local authorities refuse to operate the integrated on-base school, the Air Force would do so.
How then could it refuse to conform with the local statutes and customs of some northern states without appearing inconsistent?
Certainly it appears to me that you have every reason anyone could desire to refuse to take action which is in total (p.
As a friend, or whatever you wish, however, I advise you to think carefully before you refuse an offer made in good faith and to your own advantage.
You really can't refuseto let me see you to-night.
It will give unexpected answers, refuse to conform to our desires, and show all those other signs of intelligence to which we are accustomed in the acquaintances of our waking hours.
We see that, if this view is to be maintained, we must refuse to admit that we know any general propositions.
To his church and congregation: for he would have all the world to come unto him, and to be married unto him: but we see by daily experience that the most part refuse his offer.
I warn thee out of my sight, come not in my presence: I refuse thee and all thy works, except thou go and bring home again my lambs which thou hast lost.
Employing these birds for the removal of refuse is a remedy almost as bad as the disease, since the habits of the huge, ungainly, ill-omened creatures are extremely disgusting.
They feed themselves on what they can pick up by the roadside, on the refuse vegetables thrown away in the city markets, on straw; in short, on almost anything.
There is an abundance of active, keen-eyed scavengers waddling about, always on the alert to pick up and devour domestic refuse or garbage of any sort which is found in the streets.
Large sums of money have been offered for this ancient and interesting banner, the object being to take it back to Spain, from whence it came nearly four hundred years ago; but the Tlaxcalans refuse to part with it at any price.
We refuse even to accept, in its literal sense, the ancient idea of rewards for good deeds, and that of torments in slow fires as punishment for evil deeds.
It is likely that for many years to come the soldier will shoot with a light heart at such as are called his “enemies”; but the time is not far distant when he will refuse to shoot at his own people.
It is impossible to refuse to credit the existence of these hundred-rouble notes of Parisian manufacture.
Murat was once heard to say to Napoleon, “If the Russians refuse to give battle it is not worth while to pursue them; it is time to stop.
If they still refuse to enter into negotiations, we shall have to take our own course.
But let them see the country once in arms They'll not refuse to lend a helping hand.
And do you, Tell, so lightly hold your king, And me, who act as his vicegerent here, That yourefuse the greeting to the cap I hung aloft to test your loyalty?
I have no right to refuse the entry of the house to you.
My husband would yield to a woman what he would refuse to all the men in Europe and America,' said Henrietta; and she enjoyed her thrill of allegiance to her chivalrous lord and courtier.
They cannot refuse me permission," said the old lady, "to see my son.
I have no proof; or at least, to furnish proof, I would have to enter into details which the court would refuse to admit; or if by a miracle they were admitted, I should be ruined forever by them.
I ask what you have been doing, and you refuse to tell me.
A priest might induce the count to retract his statement, you know very well; and hence you refuse to let the priest from Brechy come to his bedside.
They could no longer refuse her this sad satisfaction; and it was agreed that the older of the two Misses Lavarande, Miss Adelaide, should accompany her.
He had been the first to say that they would refuse to believe him when he should speak; and this conviction had largely influenced him in keeping silence so long.
And you refuse to aid me in establishing his innocence?
You refuse me, when I swear to you that I will join you, and share your exile?
Your resolution is fixed," said the magistrate once more, "you refuse to say any thing?
Do not refuse this last and greatest comfort to your unhappy son.
But they would rarely refuse him a bowl of soup or a glass of white wine.
This man, who would refuse a well-paid job, was ever ready to lend a hand for nothing.
And still, victimized as I am by an infamous conspiracy, I should still refuse to speak, if my life alone were at stake.
You must know I have no will to bestow Rose on this same Jan Vanwelt, who is old, and of ill conditions; and I would know of you whether I may, in conscience, refuse him my consent?
But I trust, when the ceremony is over, you will notrefuse me your consent to take the cross, unless you should prefer my joining the troops destined, as I heard, for the conquest of Ireland.
A traveller has a right to relate and embellish his adventures as he pleases, and it is very unpolite to refuse that deference and applause they deserve.
The latter must naturally assist the Council in choosing good Evangelical preachers and must himself take steps when dissensions cause the Council to refuse to move.
True enough he is careful to point out that such a death will be theirs only should they refuse to amend their ways and accept the Lutheran Evangel!
Hence everything depends on one’s ability to set oneself with Christ above the Law and to refuse to listen to its demands; for Christ, Who has taken the whole load upon Himself, bears the sin and has fulfilled the Law for us.
Then they will say: Would that we now had Luther to give some advice; but if anyone offers advice now they refuse it; when the hour is passed God will no longer be willing.
Those undoubtedly take too superficial a view of the matter, who, in their desire to exonerate Luther, refuse to see in these caricatures anything more than the exuberant effusions of ridicule gone mad.
When theyrefuse to depart, even though spurned by us, and we endure them patiently, then do we indeed “present a sublime spectacle to God and the angels.
Luther nevertheless threatens those who refuse to accept his injunctions.
Tom talked to God today, and I don't believe that God willrefuse the little fellow what he wants.
You are both unjust and unkind to him whom I have known and loved from my earliest manhood; and I must, also, add, that if you still refuse to pay this part of your debt, my confidence in your repentance will be lessened.
She would not refuse any information if it was for your sake.
For my part, I begin to find so much that is evil in that which the world calls good, and so much that is good in what the world calls evil, that I refuse to draw a distinction where God has not.