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Example sentences for "utterance"

Lexicographically close words:
utriusque; utroque; utrum; utrumque; utter; utterances; uttered; utterer; utterers; utterest
  1. The laughing lips give utterance to wishes--ours until that moment.

  2. The voice came yet again closer, full of sweet promise, with magical utterance floating around him.

  3. No man has ever spoken with potent utterance who did not feel the secret urging of dumb, longing multitudes, whose aspirations and wishes converge on and pour themselves into fearless heart.

  4. But energetical passions electrify all the mental powers, and will consequently, in highly-favored natures, give utterance to themselves in ingenious and figurative expressions.

  5. What they have in common with each other is the spirit of the romantic poetry, giving utterance to itself in a dramatic shape.

  6. Schomburghk tells us that these beautiful birds frequent high trees, and subsist upon fruit or seeds; they are very shy and restless, and are easily discovered through the constant utterance of their discordant cry.

  7. Their cry is positively fearful; nevertheless, they are quite clever enough to understand that it would be dangerous to give utterance to it when they are just about to plunder some ripening field of Indian corn.

  8. The voice of the reader was strident, his utterance uneven, his diction illiterate.

  9. A Youth, a descendant of the Prophet and a merchant by profession, has claimed that His utterance was the Voice of Divine inspiration.

  10. Would you recognise that My utterance can in no wise be associated with sorcery or magic?

  11. As soon, however, as it became apparent that Professor Burgess was giving utterance to a purely personal opinion, and was not in any sense the bearer of a message on the subject from the President, the discussion dropped.

  12. She consoled herself with the reflection that utterance was inadequate.

  13. This medium or standard time may be varied in two ways: first, by the quantity of time taken in the utterance of certain words or syllables, and second, by pauses between sentences or groups of words.

  14. The rate of syllabic utterance is usually a personal characteristic.

  15. Rate, however, usually depends more upon the grouping of words and the length of the pauses between groups than upon the utterance of syllables.

  16. A soft, pleasing voice, loud enough to be distinctly audible, is always better than a strident, forcible utterance that compels attention whether one will or not.

  17. The utterance of the words at that identical instant was of course but a coincidence; but it was a coincidence of a kind which made it extremely difficult for him to retain even a vestige of self-control.

  18. Miss Wentworth gave utterance to what sounded like a half-stifled exclamation.

  19. Mr. Ireland gave utterance to what, coming from the mouth of any one but an inspector of police, would have sounded like a string of execrations.

  20. It was all he could do to prevent himself giving utterance to what, under the circumstances, would have been tantamount to a burst of childish petulance.

  21. If the free expression of opinion is allowed, false opinion will find utterance and will mislead many.

  22. Good government is much, but the good will is more, and even the imperfect, halting, confused utterance of the common will may have in it the potency of higher things than a perfection of machinery can ever attain.

  23. And who among them could approve of the Prologue's final utterance upon the method and purpose of the book?

  24. So there is much repetition and some disorder in these eager, hurried works, defects which emphasise the dramatic situation of the impetuous genius whose pent-up utterance was loosed at last.

  25. I am the expression of the subconscious, The utterance of the intellect, The voice of mind, That stands for civilization.

  26. She lifted her head a little as she gasped out these words with an intensity of utterance that thrilled her hearer--a powerful, penetrating earnestness that burned like fire.

  27. That was as far as she could carry the utterance of her feeling, but all the morning she had felt the wonderful power of the air.

  28. He has gone about in the true spirit of an old Greek bard, with a noble carelessness of self, giving fit utterance to the divine spirit within, him.

  29. Saviour with an utterance so sublime and reverential, that none could have heard him without experiencing an accession of love, gratitude, and adorations to the Great Author of our salvation.

  30. Her utterance was quavered in a weird, cracked voice, which had somewhat an effect as of the wind crying high aloft in a ship's rigging.

  31. He is in Germany, we are in the wild Tyrol, one-half the world apart, and dare not trust to a correspondence the utterance of those sympathies which have brought so many to the scaffold!

  32. He had sprung to his feet at the utterance of this invocation, but next moment was down on his knees again, listening--listening.

  33. Paul had just barely time to give utterance to this warning when the next pair found the obstruction for themselves, and came plunging down on top of those already landed.

  34. He stared and blinked, but gave utterance to no sound.

  35. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "utterance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    address; affirmation; allegation; announcement; answer; articulation; assertion; attack; avowal; clause; comment; conclusion; construction; crack; creed; declaration; delivery; dictum; discourse; enunciation; exclamation; expression; greeting; idiom; interjection; locution; manifesto; mention; monosyllable; note; observation; paragraph; parol; parole; period; phrase; position; predicate; predication; proclamation; profession; pronouncement; proposition; protest; protestation; question; reflection; remark; say; saying; sentence; speaking; speech; stance; stand; statement; string; syllable; synonym; talk; term; thought; tongue; usage; utterance; vent; vocable; vocalization; voice; vouch; word