The look of blank confusion and joyful amaze that overspread Mrs. Jackson's face was singular to behold.
A deadly pallor had overspread his face; his blue eyes were glazed and he was gasping for breath.
I then stretched myself on a sloping bank overspread by a thick covering of dry needle-wood, as the Germans call the leaves of the fir-tree.
Captain Jackson," repeated Gerald, raising himself to his full height, while a crimson flush of indignation succeeded to the deadly paleness which had overspread his cheek.
Then a deep cloud of darkness overspreadthe little sky above.
Then a film overspread his sight, and when he awoke he knew that he had slept.
We cannot retrace our steps at will, and fall back upon some imaginary stage of our past history, when contentment and rude simplicity are supposed to have overspread the land.
Thus, gradually, a universal barbarism would overspreadthe land.
A sudden warm, smiling glow overspread the face, no longer grave, but brightening like an April sky.
A vivid flush overspread Sylvie's face, as if she had been caught in the commission of some crime.
I asked, turning to him and remarking the frown of displeasure that had overspread his hideous countenance.
That young gentleman was sitting with his back against the trunk of a tree, looking idly up at the fleecy clouds, while an expression of discontent overspread his face.
Master Plummer was silent for an instant, and then a smile as of satisfaction overspread his fat face.
During the ceremony, the blackest cloud I ever saw overspread the heavens like a pall, and, at the moment when the third bride pronounced her vow, a clap of thunder shook the building to the centre.
An angry flush overspread the brow of old Rosenburg at this announcement, and after some minutes passed in waiting for her appearance, he ordered dinner to be served without her.
We had scarce stepped out of the path when darkness overspread us, not like that of a cloudy night or when there is no moon, but of a room when it is shut up and all the lights extinct.
She quickly flung her embroidery aside, pushed away the little table and got up; an expression of genuine pleasure overspread her face.
Already the signs of deathoverspread her features, and I felt that a second blow would be one of mercy; so that when the Indian stooped and passed his long knife through her heart, I made but a feeble effort to prevent it.
A warm glow began to overspread the horizon, giving promise of a splendid day, as the numerous oars dipped with a plash and a loud hiss into the water, and sent the boats leaping forth upon the white wave.
Misconna is with his tribe," replied the Indian, and a frown overspread his features as he spoke.
The air had been hot and sultry all day, and now the sky was overspread with dark clouds, while everything indicated an approaching storm.
Had Florence observed her companion closely, she would have noticed the pallor which for an instant overspread his face.
The girl, leaning on the shoulder of her future brother, followed the movements of the pencil, and a vain smile gradually overspread her face.
As it proceeded, a slow crimson rose into the English lad's cheek, overspread his forehead and neck.
A sort of nervous tremor and shrinking overspread Sandy's face.
A sudden pallor had overspread the bronze of his face.
Rolfe's lips tightened and a sudden pallor overspread his face.
What the village oak is in England, that and much more is the banyan to the dwellers in the innumerable hamlets which overspread the face of agricultural India.
During this second epoch Brahmanic culture was introduced into and overspreadthe southern portion of the continent called the Dekhan or "the South.
A burning flush of shame overspread her pale face, which George Elmore accepted as the answer to his tenderly whispered entreaties that she should become his wife at once, and kissed her hand repeatedly.
He indicated a picture which hung at the other end of the room, wondering at the flush which had overspread Lucy's face as she bent over the portfolio, her blood tingling to her finger's ends.
A gleam of happier feeling overspread his pale face when he brought out Lucy's picture, now almost completed, and heightened the attractiveness of the cheeks, or made the thoughtful eyes yet more speaking.
He is waiting for me," she whispered happily, while a blush brighter than the red silk of her dress overspread her lovely face.
Envy so parch'd my blood, that had I seen A fellow man made joyous, thou hadst mark'd A livid paleness overspread my cheek.
The valley seemed overspread with water, and looked like an arm of the sea, of which the adjacent mountains formed the steep shore.
Above a turf scorched by the heat of an African sun, an arid soil is overspread by the Cladonia paschalis.
That it was something noble, she could tell by the expression of hope in Jean's eyes, and the look of animation which had overspread her face as she told about her intended departure.
An expression of pleasure overspread her face as she welcomed her visitor, and offered him a chair by her side.
Douglas Stanton stopped short, and a smile overspread his face as he turned it upon the beaming countenance of the man standing before him.
Opening the letter, Douglas read the brief note, and as he did so an amused expressionoverspread his face.
Flora played with her sash, and her eyes filled with tears, whilst the gloom that overspread her countenance showed how disagreeable the conversation was to her.
A thick darknessoverspread the earth; not a single ray of hope could penetrate through the bloody vapour to her!
A bright flush overspread the cheek of Jeanette Roland; there was a sparkle of joy in her eyes as she seemed intently examining the flowers on her mother's carpet, and she gently referred him to Papa for an answer.